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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

This page is no longer being actively updated. Please visit out current Mars page at https://atmos.nmsu.edu/data_and_services/atmospheres_data/MARS/data_archive.html

Welcome to the Mars Archive Page!


Mars Science Lab (MSL, Curiosity) Rover Environmental Monitoring Station
(REMS) raw data (EDR, mslrem_0001) and reduced data (RDR, mslrem_1001).
These volumes currently contain the first 938 sols of landed data from the REMS instrument. mslrem_0001, mslrem_1001

UVRDR (Corrected UV Fluxes RDR): This RDR contains only data coming from the UV Sensor, using an alternative processing to data found in the MODRDR. This alternative processing corrects UV fluxes for dust deposition over the sensor and inaccuracies in the original calibration function for solar zenith angles < 55.


PHOENIX MET/LIDAR raw data (EDR) and reduced data (RDR). These volumes
contain the first 30 sols of landed data from the MET pressure & temperature
sensors (P&T) and from the MET LIDAR instrument.
phmt_0001, phld_0001

These volumes
contain sols 31-90 of landed data from the MET pressure & temperature
sensors (P&T) and from the MET LIDAR instrument.
phmt_0002, phld_0002

These volumes
contain sols 91-150 of landed data from the MET pressure & temperature
sensors (P&T) and from the MET LIDAR instrument.
phmt_0003, phld_0003

PHOENIX Atmospheric Structure Experiment (ASE) raw data (EDR). This volume
contains the raw data from the Entry, Descent & Landing phase of the ASE instrument.

PHOENIX Atmospheric Structure Experiment (ASE) reduced data (RDR). This volume
contains the reduced data from the Entry, Descent & Landing phase of the ASE instrument.

PHOENIX Atmospheric Opacity data. This volume contains derived data
from the SSI instrument measuring the atmospheric opacity for sols 1-151.

PHOENIX Telltale Experiment (TT) derived data. This volume contains derived data from images of the Telltale anemometer experiment for sols 1-151.

All ATMOS Phoenix holdings have been migrated to the new Planetary Data System Version 4 (PDS4) archive and can be accessed here: Phoenix (PDS4)


mroa_0001 MRO Accelerometer raw and reduced data. This directory contains the data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) accelerometer experiment. It includes raw data from aerobraking. It also includes reduced data in the form of "profile" and "altitude" data sets.

Radio Science
mrors_2001 MRO Radio Science derived data. This directory contains temperature-pressure profile derived data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Radio Science experiment.

MRO MCS Derived Data Records (DDR) Version 6.2 (February 2025)

This designation of Version 5 makes use of the same versioning designation that is employed by the MCS Team. Specification within published journal papers of MCS data versions employed have generally been referencing the MCS team versioning. The MCS PDS archive version is now synchronized with that of the MCS Team.

The DATASET.CAT document's description of version updates now uses the versioning format of the MCS Team. Previous DATASET.CAT files within the PDS archive used the PDS versioning format, but if you compare the currrent DATASET.CAT document with a previous document you will see that the descriptions of the updates are basically unchanged but the version number at which they were implemented has possibly changed.

This version of the data is signficantly more complete than previous versions in terms of the number of profiles and the coverage (both laterally and vertically). The major changes are the use of a climatological surface pressure (if pressure cannot be retrieved) and extending the vertical range over which aerosols are retrieved. The latter affects ice at all seasons and dust during large dust storms. In addition, an issue causing anomalously warm temperatures under conditions of large aerosol opacities was fixed. The detailed changes are listed in the DATASET.CAT file in the documents directory.

The data are packaged in an Earth-month Volume structure, with the data therein subdivided into individual Earth-day folders during the month and then into 6 data files per day, so each ASCII file contains 4 hours of time coverage, with one day's 6 files contained within a single day-of-month folder. Data are currently available from September 2006 (mrom_2001) through July 31, 2024 (mrom_2215).

The MCS team strongly recommends downloading the new version of the profiles for any research projects.

      The data are now CERTIFIED for use under NASA DAP proposals.

mrom_2001, mrom_2002, mrom_2003, mrom_2004, mrom_2005, mrom_2006, mrom_2007, mrom_2008, mrom_2009, mrom_2010, mrom_2011, mrom_2012, mrom_2013, mrom_2014, mrom_2015, mrom_2016, mrom_2017, mrom_2018, mrom_2019, mrom_2020, mrom_2021, mrom_2022, mrom_2023, mrom_2024, mrom_2025, mrom_2026, mrom_2027, mrom_2028, mrom_2029, mrom_2030, mrom_2031, mrom_2032, mrom_2033, mrom_2034, mrom_2035, mrom_2036, mrom_2040, mrom_2041, mrom_2042, mrom_2043, mrom_2044, mrom_2045, mrom_2046, mrom_2047, mrom_2048, mrom_2049, mrom_2050, mrom_2051, mrom_2052, mrom_2053, mrom_2054, mrom_2055, mrom_2056, mrom_2057, mrom_2058, mrom_2059, mrom_2060, mrom_2061, mrom_2062, mrom_2063, mrom_2064, mrom_2065, mrom_2066, mrom_2067, mrom_2068, mrom_2069, mrom_2070, mrom_2071, mrom_2072, mrom_2073, mrom_2074, mrom_2075, mrom_2076, mrom_2077, mrom_2078, mrom_2079, mrom_2080, mrom_2081, mrom_2082, mrom_2083, mrom_2084, mrom_2085, mrom_2086, mrom_2087, mrom_2088, mrom_2089, mrom_2090, mrom_2091, mrom_2092, mrom_2093, mrom_2094, mrom_2095, mrom_2096, mrom_2097, mrom_2098, mrom_2099, mrom_2100, mrom_2101, mrom_2102, mrom_2103, mrom_2104, mrom_2105, mrom_2106, mrom_2107, mrom_2108, mrom_2109, mrom_2110, mrom_2111, mrom_2112, mrom_2113, mrom_2114, mrom_2115, mrom_2116, mrom_2117, mrom_2118, mrom_2119, mrom_2120, mrom_2121, mrom_2122, mrom_2123, mrom_2124, mrom_2125, mrom_2126, mrom_2127, mrom_2128, mrom_2129, mrom_2130, mrom_2131, mrom_2132, mrom_2133, mrom_2134, mrom_2135, mrom_2136, mrom_2137, mrom_2138, mrom_2139, mrom_2140, mrom_2141, mrom_2142, mrom_2143, mrom_2144, mrom_2145, mrom_2146, mrom_2147, mrom_2148, mrom_2149, mrom_2150, mrom_2151, mrom_2152, mrom_2153, mrom_2154, mrom_2155, mrom_2156, mrom_2157, mrom_2158, mrom_2159, mrom_2160, mrom_2161, mrom_2162, mrom_2163, mrom_2164, mrom_2165, mrom_2166, mrom_2167, mrom_2168, mrom_2169, mrom_2170, mrom_2171, mrom_2172, mrom_2173, mrom_2174, mrom_2175, mrom_2176, mrom_2177, mrom_2178, mrom_2179, mrom_2180, mrom_2181, mrom_2182, mrom_2183, mrom_2184, mrom_2185, mrom_2186, mrom_2187, mrom_2188, mrom_2189, mrom_2190, mrom_2191, mrom_2192, mrom_2193, mrom_2194, mrom_2195, mrom_2196, mrom_2197, mrom_2198, mrom_2199, mrom_2200, mrom_2201, mrom_2202, mrom_2203, mrom_2204, mrom_2205, mrom_2206, mrom_2207, mrom_2208, mrom_2209, mrom_2210, mrom_2211, mrom_2212, mrom_2214, mrom_2215
NOTE: MCS data are NOT available for the months of September 2009, October 2009, and November 2009 (the 37th, 38th, and 39th months of the archive) because MCS was turned off during those months. There is no MROM_2213 because they were unable to generate derived products from the data that month.

The previous MRO MCS Version 1 and 2 DDRs are available on request from Lyle Huber lhuber@nmsu.edu

MRO MCS Reduced Data Records (RDR).
These volumes contain the reduced data where the reduction is from DNs to physical units. (radiance measurements, for instance). The first data folder, mrom_1001, contains data for September 2006, while the most recent available month's data, mrom_1215, contains data from July 31, 2024. For a detailed dataset description see Dataset.cat
mrom_1001, mrom_1002, mrom_1003, mrom_1004, mrom_1005, mrom_1006, mrom_1007, mrom_1008, mrom_1009, mrom_1010, mrom_1011, mrom_1012, mrom_1013, mrom_1014 mrom_1015, mrom_1016, mrom_1017, mrom_1018, mrom_1019, mrom_1020, mrom_1021, mrom_1022, mrom_1023, mrom_1024, mrom_1025, mrom_1026, mrom_1027, mrom_1028, mrom_1029, mrom_1030, mrom_1031, mrom_1032, mrom_1033, mrom_1034, mrom_1035, mrom_1036, mrom_1040, mrom_1041, mrom_1042, mrom_1043, mrom_1044, mrom_1045, mrom_1046, mrom_1047, mrom_1048, mrom_1049, mrom_1050, mrom_1051, mrom_1052, mrom_1053, mrom_1054, mrom_1055, mrom_1056, mrom_1057, mrom_1058, mrom_1059, mrom_1060, mrom_1061, mrom_1062, mrom_1063, mrom_1064, mrom_1065, mrom_1066, mrom_1067, mrom_1068, mrom_1069, mrom_1070, mrom_1071, mrom_1072, mrom_1073, mrom_1074, mrom_1075, mrom_1076, mrom_1077, mrom_1078, mrom_1079, mrom_1080, mrom_1081, mrom_1082, mrom_1083, mrom_1084, mrom_1085, mrom_1086, mrom_1087, mrom_1088, mrom_1089, mrom_1090, mrom_1091, mrom_1092, mrom_1093, mrom_1094, mrom_1095, mrom_1096, mrom_1097, mrom_1098, mrom_1099, mrom_1100, mrom_1101, mrom_1102, mrom_1103, mrom_1104, mrom_1105, mrom_1106, mrom_1107, mrom_1108, mrom_1109, mrom_1110, mrom_1111, mrom_1112, mrom_1113, mrom_1114, mrom_1115, mrom_1116, mrom_1117, mrom_1118, mrom_1119, mrom_1120, mrom_1121, mrom_1122, mrom_1123, mrom_1124, mrom_1125, mrom_1126, mrom_1127, mrom_1128, mrom_1129, mrom_1130, mrom_1131, mrom_1132, mrom_1133, mrom_1134, mrom_1135, mrom_1136, mrom_1137, mrom_1138, mrom_1139, mrom_1140, mrom_1141, mrom_1142, mrom_1143, mrom_1144, mrom_1145, mrom_1146, mrom_1147, mrom_1148, mrom_1149, mrom_1150, mrom_1151, mrom_1152, mrom_1153, mrom_1154, mrom_1155, mrom_1156, mrom_1157, mrom_1158, mrom_1159, mrom_1160, mrom_1161, mrom_1162, mrom_1163, mrom_1164, mrom_1165, mrom_1166, mrom_1167, mrom_1168, mrom_1169, mrom_1170, mrom_1171, mrom_1172, mrom_1173, mrom_1174, mrom_1175, mrom_1176, mrom_1177, mrom_1178, mrom_1179, mrom_1180, mrom_1181, mrom_1182, mrom_1183, mrom_1184, mrom_1185, mrom_1186, mrom_1187, mrom_1188, mrom_1189, mrom_1190, mrom_1191, mrom_1192, mrom_1193, mrom_1194, mrom_1195, mrom_1196, mrom_1197, mrom_1198, mrom_1199, mrom_1200, mrom_1201, mrom_1202, mrom_1203, mrom_1204, mrom_1205, mrom_1206, mrom_1207, mrom_1208, mrom_1209, mrom_1210, mrom_1211, mrom_1212, mrom_1213, mrom_1214, mrom_1215
NOTE: MCS data are NOT available for the months of September 2009, October 2009, and November 2009 (the 37th, 38th, and 39th months of the archive) because MCS was turned off during those months.

MRO MCS raw Engineering Data Records (EDR)
These volumes contain one month of raw Digital Number (DN) sensor-level data, as well as detector science measurements of scene views and of calibration targets. The first data volume/folder, mrom_0001 contains EDR data for September 2006, while the most recent available month's data, mrom_0215, contains EDR data from July 31, 2024. For a detailed dataset description see Dataset.cat
mrom_0001, mrom_0002, mrom_0003, mrom_0004, mrom_0005, mrom_0006, mrom_0007, mrom_0008, mrom_0009, mrom_0010, mrom_0011, mrom_0012, mrom_0013, mrom_0014, mrom_0015, mrom_0016, mrom_0017, mrom_0018, mrom_0019, mrom_0020, mrom_0021, mrom_0022, mrom_0023, mrom_0024, mrom_0025, mrom_0026, mrom_0027, mrom_0028, mrom_0029, mrom_0030, mrom_0031, mrom_0032, mrom_0033, mrom_0034, mrom_0035, mrom_0036, mrom_0040, mrom_0041, mrom_0042, mrom_0043, mrom_0044, mrom_0045, mrom_0046, mrom_0047, mrom_0048, mrom_0049, mrom_0050, mrom_0051, mrom_0052, mrom_0053, mrom_0054, mrom_0055, mrom_0056, mrom_0057, mrom_0058, mrom_0059, mrom_0060, mrom_0061, mrom_0062, mrom_0063, mrom_0064, mrom_0065, mrom_0066, mrom_0067, mrom_0068, mrom_0069, mrom_0070, mrom_0071, mrom_0072, mrom_0073, mrom_0074, mrom_0075, mrom_0076, mrom_0077, mrom_0078, mrom_0079, mrom_0080, mrom_0081, mrom_0082, mrom_0083, mrom_0084, mrom_0085, mrom_0086, mrom_0087, mrom_0088, mrom_0089, mrom_0090, mrom_0091, mrom_0092, mrom_0093, mrom_0094, mrom_0095, mrom_0096, mrom_0097, mrom_0098 mrom_0099, mrom_0100, mrom_0101, mrom_0102, mrom_0103, mrom_0104, mrom_0105, mrom_0106, mrom_0107, mrom_0108, mrom_0109, mrom_0110, mrom_0111, mrom_0112, mrom_0113, mrom_0114, mrom_0115, mrom_0116, mrom_0117, mrom_0118, mrom_0119, mrom_0120, mrom_0121, mrom_0122, mrom_0123, mrom_0124, mrom_0125, mrom_0126, mrom_0127, mrom_0128, mrom_0129, mrom_0130, mrom_0131, mrom_0132, mrom_0133, mrom_0134, mrom_0135, mrom_0136, mrom_0137, mrom_0138, mrom_0139, mrom_0140, mrom_0141, mrom_0142, mrom_0143, mrom_0144, mrom_0145, mrom_0146, mrom_0147, mrom_0148, mrom_0149, mrom_0150, mrom_0151, mrom_0152, mrom_0153, mrom_0154, mrom_0155, mrom_0156, mrom_0157, mrom_0158, mrom_0159, mrom_0160, mrom_0161, mrom_0162, mrom_0163, mrom_0164, mrom_0165, mrom_0166, mrom_0167, mrom_0168, mrom_0169, mrom_0170, mrom_0171, mrom_0172, mrom_0173, mrom_0174, mrom_0175, mrom_0176, mrom_0177, mrom_0178, mrom_0179, mrom_0180, mrom_0181, mrom_0182, mrom_0183, mrom_0184, mrom_0185, mrom_0186, mrom_0187, mrom_0188, mrom_0189, mrom_0190, mrom_0191, mrom_0192, mrom_0193, mrom_0194, mrom_0195, mrom_0196, mrom_0197, mrom_0198, mrom_0199, mrom_0200, mrom_0201, mrom_0202, mrom_0203, mrom_0204, mrom_0205, mrom_0206, mrom_0207, mrom_0208, mrom_0209, mrom_0210, mrom_0211, mrom_0212, mrom_0213, mrom_0214, mrom_0215
NOTE: MCS data are NOT available for the months of September 2009, October 2009, and November 2009 (the 37th, 38th, and 39th months of the archive) because MCS was turned off during those months.

The Martian archive dates back to data received from the Mariner 9 spacecraft which arrived at Mars in 1971. These are the datasets available, chronologically by mission:

Mars Express:

mexspi_0auv - SPICAM UV data archive
mexspi_0bir - SPICAM IR data archive
mexpfs_1001 - PFS Nominal Mission data archive
mexpfs_1002 - PFS Extended Mission data archive

Mars Exploration Rovers:

merimu_1001 - Inertial measurement unit data archive.
merimu_2001 - Derived data from IMU.

Mars Odyssey:

odya_0001 - Odyssey Accelerometer raw and reduced data. This directory contains the data from the Mars Odyssey accelerometer experiment. It includes raw data from aerobraking. It also includes reduced data in the form of "profile" and "altitude" data sets.

odt_xxxx - Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS).
Housed at the THEMIS Data Node of the Imaging and Geosciences Nodes.

Mars Global Surveryor:

mgs_0001 - Mars Global Surveyor sampler CD
mgsa_0001 - Mars Global Surveyor Accelerometer Raw Data
mgsa_0002 - Mars Global Surveyor Accelerometer Reduced Data
mgsl_300x - Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter Topographic Maps (at Geosciences node)
mgst_1100 - mgst_1407 - Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data (at Geosciences node)     To search datasets by date, Ls, or martian year click here
mors_0101 - mors_0156 - Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Cruise Data.
     Volume mors_0156 available on-line. Request other volumes if required.
mors_0210 - mors_0359 - Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) Data.
     Volume mors_0210 available on-line. Request other volumes if required.
mors_0401 - mors_0584 - Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Mapping Data.
     Volume mors_0410 available on-line. Request other volumes if required.
mors_0601 - mors_08xx - Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Mapping Data.
     Volume mors_0610 available on-line. Request other volumes if required.
mors_1001 - Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Reduced Data.
     In addition, volumes mors_1002 through mors_1038 available on-line.

mors_1101 - Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Reduced Data.
     A consolidated volume of occultation data.

mors_1102 - Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Reduced Data.
     A consolidated volume of electron density data.

Mars Pathfinder:

mpam_0001 - Mars Pathfinder Atmospheric Structure Instrument
mpim_0001 - mpim_0003 - Mars Pathfinder Imager (housed at Imaging node)

Viking Lander and Orbiters:

vl_0001, vl_0002 - Viking Lander Images. Housed at Imaging Node and Geosciences Node.
vl_1001 - Viking Lander Products
vl_1002 Viking Lander Products
vo_0001 - Viking Orbiter IRTM. Housed at Geosciences Node.
vo_1001- vo_1032, vo_1051 - vo_1064 - Viking Orbiter Images. Housed at Imaging Node.
vo_3001 - Viking Orbiter MAWD
vo_3002 - Viking Orbiter IRTM

Mariner 9:

mr9_1001 - Mariner 9 Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer

Other products:

mogc_0001 - Ames Mars General Circulation Model Data Record
atmos_0006 - Mars Ancillary Data (albedo, thermal inertia, and topography datasets)
vomr_0001 - Viking Orbiters and Mariner 9 Mars Cloud Catalog

More information on some missions can be found on the Mars web site at JPL.


Follow the instrument links above to find data products online. See each volume's aareadme.txt for release details.

Data from the missions are also available through PDS-D, the Planetary Data System online distribution service.

Subscribe to the PDS Subscription Service to be informed of new data releases.

Credit: NASA, Hubble Heritage Team, and J. Bell et. al.