
Jovian System Data Analysis Program

Analysis Program

Cover Page/Proposal Summary

ROSS-99    NRA 99-OSS-01

Date Due: 5/5/99


This proposal shall be used and disclosed for evaluation purposes only, and a copy of this Government notice shall be applied to any reproduction or abstract thereof. Any authorized restrictive notices that the submitter places on this proposal shall also be strictly complied with. Disclosure of this proposal for any reason outside the Government evaluation purposes shall be made only to the extent authorized by the Government.

Proposal Type: New Proposal

Proposal Category: Satellites and Rings

Major Equipment Proposal? No

Do you intend to submit an Education/Public Outreach (E/PO) proposal? No

Proposal Title:
Magnetospheric Irradiation of Europa and Io

Abbreviated Proposal Title:
Irradiation of Europa and Io

Principal Investigator:
Dr. John Cooper
Raytheon / SSDOO Project Space Physics Data Facility Code 632.0
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: 301-286-1193   Fax: 301-286-1771   E-mail: jfcooper@pop600.gsfc.nasa.gov


Co-Investigators and Collaborators:
Type    Name    Affiliation    E-mail
Sci Co-I   Dr. Christina M. S. Cohen   California Institute of Technology   cohen@srl.caltech.edu
Sci Co-I   Dr. Edwin V. Bell II   Raytheon ITSS   Ed.Bell@gsfc.nasa.gov
Sci Co-I   Dr. Edward C. Sittler Jr.   NASA Goddard Space Flight Center   Edward.C.Sittler.1@gsfc.nasa.gov
Sci Co-I   Dr. Neil Gehrels   NASA Goddard Space Flight Center   gehrels@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sci Collab   Dr. Barry H. Mauk   Applied Physics Lab. / Johns Hopkins Univ.   Barry_Mauk@jhuapl.edu
Sci Collab   Dr. Chris Paranicas   Applied Physics Lab. / Johns Hopkins Univ.   chris.paranicas@jhuapl.edu
Sci Collab   Dr. Robert E. Johnson   University of Virginia   rej@virginia.edu
Sci Collab   Dr. Robert W. Carlson   NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory   Robert.W.Carlson@jpl.nasa.gov
Sci Collab   Dr. Henry B. Garrett   NASA Jet Propulson Laboratory   Henry.B.Garrett@jpl.nasa.gov

Proposal Summary:

Accumulating magnetospheric and satellite observations of Europa and Io from the ongoing Galileo Europa Mission (GEM), and from the primary mission, now allow us to propose a focused and comprehensive effort on modeling irradiation processes on surfaces of these satellites. An unifying theme for the planetology of both of these satellites is that active resurfacing appears to be ongoing on relatively short time scales, years for discernible changes in volcanic activity on Io, and days (diurnal tide period ~ 3.5 days) to tens of millions of years (minimum total resurfacing time from cratering statistics) for Europa. Irradiation can cause significant and potentially detectable changes in surface composition and optical reflectance on all of these time scales. Our principal data sources for measurements of the magnetospheric particle environments at the orbits of these satellites include the Heavy Ion Counter (HIC) for high energy (> 6 MeV/nucleon for O and S) ion measurements and the Galileo Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) for > 20 keV ions and electrons and ions. Some members of our proposal team also have experience with analysis of Galileo and Voyager plasma ion and electron data at lower energies. Although the Galileo EPD electron response is limited at MeV energies, the available electron channels at these energies are supplemented by extended spectra to ~ 30 MeV from the Pioneer and Voyager data incorporated in the JPL Jovian radiation model of Divine and Garrett (1983). We ultimately plan to compile full particle spectra models for the satellite environments from plasma to high MeV energies. Models for the magnetic field environments of Europa and Io are now evolving and will be utilized to calculate the trajectories, flux spectra, and energy depositions of magnetospheric particles incident onto, and penetrating into, the satellite surfaces. Calculated irradiation parameters will be globally mapped for comparisons to Galileo NIMS and other compositional data.