ROSS-98   NRA 98-OSS-05Confirmation #: 99-032
Date Received:  Jun 11, 1998

Proposal Summary

Physical properties of the upper tropospheric layer on Jupiter between pressure levels of 0.1 atmosphere and a few atmospheres will be inferred from Galileo and other data sources. The objective is to achieve the most complete possible documentation with present data of the physical and dynamical state of Jupiter's tropospheric capping layer. This information will be required for comparison with numerical circulation experiments in order to close the gap between observation and theory. Galileo imaging data from feature track sequences will be used to infer cloud heights, motions and colors. Hubble Space Telescope data will be used to classify cloud color components and establish a global context for the small scale Galileo feature track data. Hubble Space Telescope data will be used to measure velocity fields in the neighborhood of Galileo feature track regions. Voyager data will be used to determine the three dimensional temperature and hydrogen ortho/para ratio fields in the neighborhood of regions similar to Galileo feature track areas. The general objective is to extract maps and three dimensional fields of physical quantities from all these data sources, so that numerical circulation calculations or other theoretical models can be compared quantitatively with observational results.