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Galileo: The Tour Guide

(And a Summary of the Mission to Date) June 1996

JPL D-13554
Published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Note: Publication is a preliminary plan useful for understanding the Galileo Mission but is not intended as a guide for specific data.

The links below are a downloadable PDF version of Galileo: The Tour Guide.
In order to view these documents you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The links are organized in the same manner in which they are arranged in the hard copy version of the Tour Guide.

  1. Front Matter
  2. Table of Contents
  3. About This Guide
  4. The Journey to Jupiter
  5. The Planet Jupiter
  6. The Galileo Orbiter
  7. The Galileo Probe
  8. Arrival at Jupiter
  9. Probe Science Results
  10. The Tour
  11. Appendix

Atmospheres Node
Planetary Data System
Page created by Roy DeWitt
Original PDF version of Tour Guide downloaded from JPL.
Last Update 03-27-98