Request instrument revolution Target Observation  Prime/Rider Start Time Duration End Time
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY009_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-135T18:40:00 000T09:22:00 2004-136T04:02:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY007_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-135T18:40:00 000T10:37:00 2004-136T05:17:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-135T18:40:00 027T09:21:59 2004-163T04:01:59
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-135T18:40:00 002T23:52:00 2004-138T18:32:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-136T04:02:00 013T19:58:00 2004-150T00:00:00
MAG_000IC_SCAS001_RIDER MAG 0 Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2004-136T05:17:00 000T05:00:00 2004-136T10:17:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-136T10:17:00 006T15:30:00 2004-143T01:47:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K001_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-136T18:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-136T20:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K002_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-137T03:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-137T05:17:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY050_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-138T18:32:00 004T07:15:00 2004-143T01:47:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K003_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-138T20:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-138T22:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K004_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-139T18:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-139T20:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K005_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-140T03:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-140T05:17:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY017_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-143T01:47:00 001T16:24:00 2004-144T18:11:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY051_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-143T01:47:00 001T16:24:00 2004-144T18:11:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K006_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-143T03:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-143T07:34:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K007_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-143T12:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-143T16:34:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K008_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-144T03:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-144T07:34:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K009_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-144T10:00:00 000T06:51:00 2004-144T16:51:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY018_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-144T18:11:00 007T08:18:00 2004-152T02:29:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY052_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-144T18:11:00 005T23:37:00 2004-150T17:48:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K010_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-144T20:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-144T22:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K011_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-145T17:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-145T19:17:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-150T00:00:00 013T04:02:00 2004-163T04:02:00
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST001_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-150T02:00:00 013T02:02:00 2004-163T04:02:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY053_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-150T17:48:00 001T08:41:00 2004-152T02:29:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K012_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-151T17:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-151T19:17:00
MAG_000SA_ANTCAL001_RPWS MAG 0 Calibration RPWS rolls used to calibrate MAG instrument RPWS 2004-152T02:29:00 000T11:27:00 2004-152T13:56:00
RPWS_000SA_ANTCAL001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect direction-finding data during spacecraft rolls in order to characterize the electrical characteristics of the RPWS electric antenna elements PRIME 2004-152T02:29:00 000T11:27:00 2004-152T13:56:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY008_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-152T13:56:00 001T12:22:00 2004-154T02:18:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY054_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-152T13:56:00 001T12:22:00 2004-154T02:18:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY019_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-154T02:18:00 002T16:24:00 2004-156T18:42:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY055_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-154T02:18:00 002T15:09:00 2004-156T17:27:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K013_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-154T04:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-154T06:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K014_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-154T15:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-154T17:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K015_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-155T04:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-155T06:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K016_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-155T17:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-155T21:34:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K017_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-156T02:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-156T06:34:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K018_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-156T09:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-156T13:34:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY011_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-156T17:27:00 000T01:15:00 2004-156T18:42:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K019_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-156T18:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-156T20:17:00
MAG_000SA_ANTCAL002_RPWS MAG 0 Calibration RPWS rolls used to calibrate MAG instrument RPWS 2004-156T18:42:00 000T11:30:00 2004-157T06:12:00
RPWS_000SA_ANTCAL002_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect direction-finding data during spacecraft rolls in order to characterize the electrical characteristics of the RPWS electric antenna elements PRIME 2004-156T18:42:00 000T11:30:00 2004-157T06:12:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY009_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-157T06:12:00 004T09:26:00 2004-161T15:38:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY056_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-157T06:12:00 002T11:05:00 2004-159T17:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K020_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-157T17:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-157T19:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K021_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-158T02:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-158T04:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K022_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-158T17:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-158T19:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K023_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-159T02:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-159T04:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K024_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-159T09:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-159T11:17:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY057_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-159T17:17:00 001T22:21:00 2004-161T15:38:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K025_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-159T18:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-159T20:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K026_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-160T17:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-160T21:34:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K027_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-161T02:00:00 000T04:34:00 2004-161T06:34:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY020_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-161T15:38:00 001T12:24:00 2004-163T04:02:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY058_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-161T15:38:00 001T12:24:00 2004-163T04:02:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY006_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-163T04:02:00 000T15:01:37 2004-163T19:03:37
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST002_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-163T04:02:00 000T14:31:37 2004-163T18:33:37
MAG_000OT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-163T04:02:00 000T13:31:37 2004-163T17:33:37
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-163T04:02:00 000T14:21:03 2004-163T18:23:03
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-163T04:02:00 000T15:04:37 2004-163T19:06:37
MAG_000PH_PHTAR001_RIDER MAG 0 Phoebe Phoebe Encounter (Icy satellite investigation, high date rate) RIDER 2004-163T17:33:37 000T04:00:00 2004-163T21:33:37
INMS_000PH_ENCOUNTER001_RIDER INMS 0 Phoebe Phoebe Encounter RIDER 2004-163T18:33:37 000T02:00:00 2004-163T20:33:37
MIMI_000PH_ENCOUNTER001_PRIME MIMI 0 Phoebe Phoebe Encounter PRIME 2004-163T18:33:37 000T02:00:00 2004-163T20:33:37
CAPS_000PH_ENCOUNTER001_RIDER CAPS 0 Phoebe Phoebe Encounter RIDER 2004-163T19:03:37 000T01:00:00 2004-163T20:03:37
RPWS_000PH_PHCA001_PRIME RPWS 0 Phoebe High Resolution RPWS observations near Phoebe closest approach PRIME 2004-163T19:06:37 000T00:54:00 2004-163T20:00:37
MP_000PH_FLYBYP001_NA 0 Phoebe Flyby 2004-163T19:33:37
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-163T20:00:37 001T02:31:23 2004-164T22:32:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-163T20:03:37 001T02:29:39 2004-164T22:33:16
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-163T20:22:03 001T02:09:57 2004-164T22:32:00
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST003_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-163T20:33:37 005T03:33:23 2004-169T00:07:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-163T21:33:37 001T00:58:23 2004-164T22:32:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-164T22:32:00 006T23:20:00 2004-171T21:52:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY014_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-164T22:32:00 003T01:35:00 2004-168T00:07:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-164T22:32:00 003T01:35:00 2004-168T00:07:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-164T22:33:00 004T01:34:00 2004-169T00:07:00
RPWS_000IC_PIM001_PRIME RPWS 0 Calibration RPWS periodic instrument maintenance (applies large potential to Langmuir Probe) PRIME 2004-167T00:00:00 001T00:00:00 2004-168T00:00:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY021_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-168T00:07:00 002T23:45:00 2004-170T23:52:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY059_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-168T00:07:00 002T23:45:00 2004-170T23:52:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K028_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-168T02:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-168T04:17:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K029_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-168T16:00:00 000T02:17:00 2004-168T18:17:00
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST005_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-169T00:07:00 000T15:00:00 2004-169T15:07:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY008_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-169T00:07:00 002T15:45:00 2004-171T15:52:00
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST006_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-169T15:07:00 002T06:45:00 2004-171T21:52:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K030_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-170T01:00:00 000T11:23:00 2004-170T12:23:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY022_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-170T23:52:00 000T16:00:00 2004-171T15:52:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY060_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-170T23:52:00 000T16:00:00 2004-171T15:52:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY023_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-171T15:52:00 000T06:00:00 2004-171T21:52:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY011_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-171T15:52:00 000T06:00:00 2004-171T21:52:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY061_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-171T15:52:00 000T06:00:00 2004-171T21:52:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-171T21:52:00 002T20:40:00 2004-174T18:32:00
INMS_000SA_MRO012_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-171T21:52:00 000T00:23:00 2004-171T22:15:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY016_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-171T21:52:00 002T02:20:00 2004-174T00:12:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY010_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-171T21:52:00 002T20:40:00 2004-174T18:32:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY010_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-171T21:52:00 002T20:40:00 2004-174T18:32:00
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST004_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-171T22:15:00 002T01:37:00 2004-173T23:52:00
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST007_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-173T23:52:00 000T18:40:00 2004-174T18:32:00
MAG_000IC_SCAS002_RIDER MAG 0 Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2004-174T00:12:00 000T05:00:00 2004-174T05:12:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY010_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-174T05:12:00 000T13:20:00 2004-174T18:32:00
CAPS_000SA_PRESOIOBS001_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Observe Saturn's magnetosphere during first pass through the system (i.e. pre-SOI quiet period)  PRIME 2004-174T18:32:00 000T11:05:00 2004-175T05:37:00
INMS_000SA_MRO001_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-174T18:32:00 000T00:23:00 2004-174T18:55:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY024_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-174T18:32:00 000T04:28:00 2004-174T23:00:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY012_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-174T18:32:00 000T05:28:00 2004-175T00:00:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY071_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-174T18:32:00 000T05:05:00 2004-174T23:37:00
INMS_000SA_OPSTEST008_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-174T18:55:00 000T05:05:00 2004-175T00:00:00
MAG_000OT_SOINTFLD001_PRIME MAG 0 Saturn Saturn Internal Field observation at SOI (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2004-174T23:00:00 008T04:02:00 2004-183T03:02:00
MIMI_000OT_CONFIGURE001_RIDER MIMI 0 Other RIDER 2004-174T23:00:00 000T01:00:00 2004-175T00:00:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY072_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-174T23:37:00 000T00:23:00 2004-175T00:00:00
INMS_000SA_SLEEP002_PRIME INMS 0 Saturn Instrument to Sleep PRIME 2004-175T00:00:00 008T03:15:00 2004-183T03:15:00
MIMI_000CO_SOIQUIET004_PRIME MIMI 0 Corotation PRIME 2004-175T00:00:00 005T05:22:00 2004-180T05:22:00
RPWS_000SA_PRESOI001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Special Pre-SOI mode for RPWS PRIME 2004-175T00:00:00 006T19:00:00 2004-181T19:00:00
CAPS_000SA_PRESOIOBS002_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Observe Saturn's magnetosphere during first pass through the system (i.e. pre-SOI quiet period)  PRIME 2004-175T05:37:00 001T02:23:00 2004-176T08:00:00
CAPS_000SA_PRESOIOBS003_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Observe Saturn's magnetosphere during first pass through the system (i.e. pre-SOI quiet period)  PRIME 2004-176T08:00:00 001T15:37:00 2004-177T23:37:00
CAPS_000SA_PRESOIOBS004_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Observe Saturn's magnetosphere during first pass through the system (i.e. pre-SOI quiet period)  PRIME 2004-177T23:37:00 001T18:23:00 2004-179T18:00:00
CAPS_000SA_PRESOIOBS005_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Observe Saturn's magnetosphere during first pass through the system (i.e. pre-SOI quiet period)  PRIME 2004-179T18:00:00 000T11:22:00 2004-180T05:22:00
CAPS_000SA_PRESOIOBS006_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Observe Saturn's magnetosphere during first pass through the system (i.e. pre-SOI quiet period)  PRIME 2004-180T05:22:00 001T13:38:00 2004-181T19:00:00
MIMI_000CO_SOIQUIET001_PRIME MIMI 0 Corotation PRIME 2004-180T05:22:00 001T13:38:00 2004-181T19:00:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-181T19:00:00 000T20:12:00 2004-182T15:12:00
MIMI_000CO_SOIQUIET002_PRIME MIMI 0 Corotation PRIME 2004-181T19:00:00 000T20:40:00 2004-182T15:40:00
RPWS_000SA_SOINBOUND001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode for observations inbound to Saturn orbit insertion PRIME 2004-181T19:00:00 001T05:42:00 2004-183T00:42:00
CAPS_000SA_RNGSAT002_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees PRIME 2004-182T15:12:00 000T09:05:00 2004-183T00:17:00
MIMI_000CO_SOIQUIET003_PRIME MIMI 0 Corotation PRIME 2004-182T15:40:00 000T11:26:40 2004-183T03:06:40
CAPS_000SA_SOIOBS001_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Monitor instrument status SOI burn, with all high voltages down.  PRIME 2004-183T00:17:00 000T02:49:40 2004-183T03:06:40
MP_000MI_FLYBYNT001_NA 0 Mimas Flyby 2004-183T00:30:42
MP_000DR_DUSTHAZRD002_SP 0 Dust Hazard 2004-183T00:39:00 000T00:15:00 2004-183T00:54:00
RPWS_000SA_SOIARPC001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode for SOI ring plane crossing PRIME 2004-183T00:42:00 000T00:10:00 2004-183T00:52:00
MP_000SA_RPXASCEND999_NA 0 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2004-183T00:47:01
RPWS_000SA_SOIINNER001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode for inner portion of SOI PRIME 2004-183T00:52:00 000T00:20:00 2004-183T01:12:00
RPWS_000SA_SOIBURN001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode for use during SOI engine burn PRIME 2004-183T01:12:00 000T01:40:00 2004-183T02:52:00
MP_000EA_OCCRING999_NA 0 Rings  Rings Occultation  2004-183T01:35:40 000T02:46:14 2004-183T04:21:54
MP_000SU_OCCRING999_NA 0 Rings Occultation  2004-183T01:36:28 000T02:45:29 2004-183T04:21:57
MP_000SA_PERIAPSE0999_NA 0 Periapse 2004-183T02:38:54
RPWS_000SA_SOIINNER002_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode for inner portion of SOI PRIME 2004-183T02:52:00 000T00:14:40 2004-183T03:06:40
MAG_000OT_SOINTFLD002_PRIME MAG 0 Saturn Saturn Internal Field observation at SOI (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2004-183T03:02:00 000T07:49:00 2004-183T10:51:00
CAPS_000RI_RINGS001_PRIME CAPS 0 Rings Observations during the post-SOI period above the main rings PRIME 2004-183T03:06:40 000T00:49:50 2004-183T03:56:30
RPWS_000SA_SACA001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Special Saturn closest approach mode for RPWS during SOI PRIME 2004-183T03:06:40 000T00:47:35 2004-183T03:54:15
MIMI_000DR_POSTBURN001_PRIME MIMI 0 Dust PRIME 2004-183T03:06:41 000T01:44:19 2004-183T04:51:00
CAPS_000SC_CONFIGCHG001_PRIME CAPS 0 Spacecraft Change Instrument Configuration PRIME 2004-183T03:06:55 000T00:15:00 2004-183T03:21:55
INMS_000SA_CVRJET001_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-183T03:15:00 000T00:03:00 2004-183T03:18:00
INMS_000SA_CVRJET002_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-183T03:18:00 000T00:03:00 2004-183T03:21:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY007_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-183T03:21:00 000T00:33:30 2004-183T03:54:30
MP_000EA_OCCSATURN999_NA 0 Saturn Saturn Occultation 2004-183T03:33:41 000T00:36:09 2004-183T04:09:50
MP_000SU_OCCSATURN999_NA 0 Saturn Occultation 2004-183T03:36:28 000T00:32:31 2004-183T04:08:59
RPWS_000RI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS 0 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2004-183T03:54:15 000T00:06:31 2004-183T04:00:46
INMS_000SA_RINGCOMP001_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-183T03:54:30 000T00:09:00 2004-183T04:03:30
CAPS_000RI_RINGS002_PRIME CAPS 0 Rings Observations during the post-SOI period above the main rings PRIME 2004-183T03:56:30 000T00:08:32 2004-183T04:05:02
RPWS_000RI_RPXING002_PRIME RPWS 0 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2004-183T04:00:46 000T00:08:29 2004-183T04:09:15
INMS_000SA_RINGCOMP002_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-183T04:03:30 000T00:04:45 2004-183T04:08:15
CAPS_000RI_RINGS003_PRIME CAPS 0 Rings Observations during the post-SOI period above the main rings PRIME 2004-183T04:05:02 000T00:45:58 2004-183T04:51:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY010_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-183T04:08:15 000T10:31:45 2004-183T14:40:00
RPWS_000RI_RPXING003_PRIME RPWS 0 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2004-183T04:09:15 000T00:44:45 2004-183T04:54:00
MP_000DR_DUSTHAZRD001_SP 0 Dust Hazard 2004-183T04:26:00 000T00:15:16 2004-183T04:41:16
MP_000SA_RPXDESCEN999_NA 0 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2004-183T04:34:01
CAPS_000SA_RNGSAT001_PRIME CAPS 0 Saturn Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees PRIME 2004-183T04:51:00 000T00:30:00 2004-183T05:21:00
MIMI_000DR_POSTBURN002_PRIME MIMI 0 Dust PRIME 2004-183T04:51:00 000T01:34:00 2004-183T06:25:00
RPWS_000SA_INNERMAG001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-183T04:54:00 000T00:12:00 2004-183T05:06:00
RPWS_000SA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-183T05:06:00 000T01:19:00 2004-183T06:25:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-183T05:21:00 000T20:00:00 2004-184T01:21:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-183T06:25:00 000T19:00:00 2004-184T01:25:00
RPWS_000SA_INSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-183T06:25:00 000T17:45:00 2004-184T00:10:00
MAG_000OT_SOINTFLD003_RIDER MAG 0 Saturn Saturn Internal Field observation at SOI (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) RIDER 2004-183T10:51:00 000T14:30:00 2004-184T01:21:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-183T14:40:00 000T10:45:00 2004-184T01:25:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-184T00:10:00 000T01:11:00 2004-184T01:21:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY110_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-184T01:21:00 000T18:56:00 2004-184T20:17:00
MAG_000OT_SOINTFLD101_RIDER MAG 0 Saturn Saturn Internal Field observation at SOI (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) RIDER 2004-184T01:21:00 000T04:09:21 2004-184T05:30:21
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY101_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-184T01:21:00 000T18:56:00 2004-184T20:17:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY018_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-184T01:25:00 000T16:35:00 2004-184T18:00:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY007_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-184T01:25:01 000T06:07:10 2004-184T07:32:11
MAG_000TI_MAGTITAN101_PRIME MAG 0 Titan Titan Encounter (high date rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2004-184T05:30:21 000T08:00:00 2004-184T13:30:21
MIMI_000TI_T0INBND001_RIDER MIMI 0 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RIDER 2004-184T07:32:10 000T00:58:11 2004-184T08:30:21
MIMI_000TI_T0CLOSE001_RIDER MIMI 0 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RIDER 2004-184T08:30:21 000T02:00:00 2004-184T10:30:21
MP_000TI_FLYBYT0999_NA 0 Titan Flyby - 0 2004-184T09:30:31
MIMI_000TI_T0OUTBND001_RIDER MIMI 0 Titan RIDER 2004-184T10:30:21 000T01:01:49 2004-184T11:32:10
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY009_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-184T11:32:21 000T08:44:39 2004-184T20:17:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY101_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-184T13:30:21 000T06:50:39 2004-184T20:21:00
INMS_000SA_MRO005_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-184T18:00:00 000T00:23:00 2004-184T18:23:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-184T18:23:00 001T04:43:00 2004-185T23:06:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY011_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-184T20:17:00 002T02:49:00 2004-186T23:06:00
MIMI_000CO_MAGDYN001_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation RIDER 2004-184T20:17:00 001T05:02:00 2004-186T01:19:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-184T20:17:00 001T02:49:00 2004-185T23:06:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-184T20:21:00 001T02:45:00 2004-185T23:06:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY013_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-185T23:06:00 001T00:00:00 2004-186T23:06:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-185T23:06:00 000T03:25:00 2004-186T02:31:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY008_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-185T23:06:00 001T23:45:00 2004-187T22:51:00
MIMI_000CO_MAGDYN002_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation RIDER 2004-186T01:19:01 004T10:41:00 2004-190T12:00:01
MAG_000IC_SCAS003_RIDER MAG 0 Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2004-186T02:31:00 000T05:00:00 2004-186T07:31:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY011_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-186T07:31:00 008T05:29:00 2004-194T13:00:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY012_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-186T23:06:00 006T23:30:00 2004-193T22:36:00
INMS_000SA_MRO002_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-186T23:06:00 000T00:23:00 2004-186T23:29:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY014_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-186T23:29:00 002T00:31:00 2004-189T00:00:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY015_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-187T22:51:00 005T14:45:00 2004-193T13:36:00
INMS_000SA_MRO004_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-189T00:00:00 000T00:23:00 2004-189T00:23:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY019_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-189T00:23:00 001T23:37:00 2004-191T00:00:00
MIMI_000CO_SURVEY006_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-190T12:00:00 004T01:00:00 2004-194T13:00:00
INMS_000SA_MRO006_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-191T00:00:00 000T00:23:00 2004-191T00:23:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY020_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-191T00:23:00 001T23:37:00 2004-193T00:00:00
INMS_000SA_MRO007_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-193T00:00:00 000T00:23:00 2004-193T00:23:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY022_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-193T00:23:00 001T23:37:00 2004-195T00:00:00
RPWS_000SA_OUTSURVEY016_PRIME RPWS 0 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-193T13:36:00 000T23:24:00 2004-194T13:00:00
CAPS_000SA_SURVEY013_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-193T22:36:00 000T14:24:00 2004-194T13:00:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA001_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-194T13:00:00 002T00:08:00 2004-196T13:08:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA001_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-194T13:00:00 002T00:07:00 2004-196T13:07:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA001_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-194T13:00:00 002T00:00:00 2004-196T13:00:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA001_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-194T13:00:00 002T00:02:00 2004-196T13:02:00
INMS_000SA_MRO008_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-195T00:00:00 000T00:23:00 2004-195T00:23:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY017_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-195T00:23:00 001T12:34:00 2004-196T12:57:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA001_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-195T16:31:00 000T10:30:00 2004-196T03:01:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA001_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-195T16:31:00 000T10:30:00 2004-196T03:01:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB001_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-196T06:26:00 000T05:00:00 2004-196T11:26:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB001_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-196T06:26:00 000T05:00:00 2004-196T11:26:00
INMS_000SC_SLEEP001_PRIME INMS 0 Instrument to Sleep PRIME 2004-196T12:57:00 000T00:10:00 2004-196T13:07:00
MIMI_000CO_PCOMUTE001_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation RIDER 2004-196T13:00:00 000T09:42:00 2004-196T22:42:00
RPWS_000SC_SLEEPMUTE002_PRIME RPWS 0 RPWS in SLEEP mode with BIU Muted PRIME 2004-196T13:02:00 000T09:49:00 2004-196T22:51:00
INMS_000SC_MUTE001_PRIME INMS 0 Muted PRIME 2004-196T13:07:00 000T09:35:00 2004-196T22:42:00
MAG_000SC_PROBEMUTE001_PRIME MAG 0 Calibration Probe Checkout (MAG instrument muted) PRIME 2004-196T13:07:00 000T09:35:00 2004-196T22:42:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA003_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-196T22:42:00 001T01:34:00 2004-198T00:16:00
INMS_000SC_UNMUTE001_PRIME INMS 0 Unmute PRIME 2004-196T22:42:00 000T00:04:00 2004-196T22:46:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA002_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-196T22:42:00 001T16:09:00 2004-198T14:51:00
MIMI_000CO_PCOUNMUTE001_RIDER MIMI 0 Corotation RIDER 2004-196T22:42:00 000T00:07:00 2004-196T22:49:00
CAPS_000SC_WAKEUP001_PRIME CAPS 0 Spacecraft CAPS wake up PRIME 2004-196T22:43:00 000T02:16:00 2004-197T00:59:00
CAPS_000SC_WAKEUP002_PRIME CAPS 0 Spacecraft CAPS wake up PRIME 2004-196T22:43:00 000T02:16:00 2004-197T00:59:00
INMS_000SA_MRO013_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-196T22:46:00 000T00:23:00 2004-196T23:09:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA005_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-196T22:49:00 001T16:02:00 2004-198T14:51:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA006_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-196T22:51:00 001T16:00:00 2004-198T14:51:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY023_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-196T23:09:00 001T23:51:00 2004-198T23:00:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA002_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-197T02:21:00 000T10:30:00 2004-197T12:51:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA002_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-197T02:21:00 000T10:30:00 2004-197T12:51:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA002_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-198T00:06:00 004T21:26:00 2004-202T21:32:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA008_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-198T14:51:00 003T00:00:00 2004-201T14:51:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA010_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-198T14:51:00 008T23:31:00 2004-207T14:22:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA011_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-198T14:51:00 003T00:00:00 2004-201T14:51:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA003_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-198T16:16:00 000T10:30:00 2004-199T02:46:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA003_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-198T16:16:00 000T10:30:00 2004-199T02:46:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K031_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-198T16:30:00 000T04:33:30 2004-198T21:03:30
INMS_000SA_MRO010_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-198T23:00:00 000T00:23:00 2004-198T23:23:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY024_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-198T23:23:00 000T22:58:00 2004-199T22:21:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB002_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-199T07:41:00 000T05:00:00 2004-199T12:41:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB002_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-199T07:41:00 000T05:00:00 2004-199T12:41:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY015_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-199T22:21:00 001T00:00:00 2004-200T22:21:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA004_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-200T02:06:00 000T10:30:00 2004-200T12:36:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA004_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-200T02:06:00 000T10:30:00 2004-200T12:36:00
INMS_000SA_MRO003_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-200T22:21:00 000T00:23:00 2004-200T22:44:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY016_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-200T22:44:00 001T23:37:00 2004-202T22:21:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA009_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-201T14:51:00 002T23:45:00 2004-204T14:36:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA012_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-201T14:51:00 002T23:45:00 2004-204T14:36:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA005_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-201T16:16:00 000T10:30:00 2004-202T02:46:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA005_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-201T16:16:00 000T10:30:00 2004-202T02:46:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K032_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-201T16:30:00 000T04:33:30 2004-201T21:03:30
ISS_000SA_AURORAB003_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-202T07:41:00 000T05:00:00 2004-202T12:41:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB003_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-202T07:41:00 000T05:00:00 2004-202T12:41:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA007_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-202T21:32:00 004T16:50:00 2004-207T14:22:00
INMS_000SA_MRO011_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-202T22:21:00 000T00:23:00 2004-202T22:44:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY025_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-202T22:44:00 001T23:37:00 2004-204T22:21:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA006_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-203T02:06:00 000T10:30:00 2004-203T12:36:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA006_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-203T02:06:00 000T10:30:00 2004-203T12:36:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA010_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-204T14:36:00 002T23:46:00 2004-207T14:22:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA013_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-204T14:36:00 002T23:46:00 2004-207T14:22:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA007_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-204T16:01:00 000T10:30:00 2004-205T02:31:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA007_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-204T16:01:00 000T10:30:00 2004-205T02:31:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST8K033_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-204T16:30:00 000T06:51:00 2004-204T23:21:00
INMS_000SA_MRO014_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-204T22:21:00 000T00:23:00 2004-204T22:44:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY026_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-204T22:44:00 001T23:37:00 2004-206T22:21:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB004_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-205T07:26:00 000T05:00:00 2004-205T12:26:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB004_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-205T07:26:00 000T05:00:00 2004-205T12:26:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA008_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-206T01:51:00 000T10:30:00 2004-206T12:21:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA008_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-206T01:51:00 000T10:30:00 2004-206T12:21:00
INMS_000SA_MRO015_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-206T22:21:00 000T00:23:00 2004-206T22:44:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY027_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-206T22:44:00 001T23:37:00 2004-208T22:21:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA010_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-207T14:22:00 004T13:10:00 2004-212T03:32:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA006_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-207T14:22:00 004T13:10:00 2004-212T03:32:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA008_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-207T14:22:00 002T23:45:00 2004-210T14:07:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA009_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-207T14:22:00 004T13:10:00 2004-212T03:32:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA013_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-207T15:47:00 000T10:30:00 2004-208T02:17:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA013_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-207T15:47:00 000T10:30:00 2004-208T02:17:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB007_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-208T07:12:00 000T05:00:00 2004-208T12:12:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB007_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-208T07:12:00 000T05:00:00 2004-208T12:12:00
INMS_000SA_MRO017_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-208T22:21:00 000T00:23:00 2004-208T22:44:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY028_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-208T22:44:00 001T23:37:00 2004-210T22:21:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA014_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-209T01:37:00 000T10:30:00 2004-209T12:07:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA014_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-209T01:37:00 000T10:30:00 2004-209T12:07:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA004_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-210T14:07:00 001T13:25:00 2004-212T03:32:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA015_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-210T15:47:00 000T10:30:00 2004-211T02:17:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA015_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-210T15:47:00 000T10:30:00 2004-211T02:17:00
INMS_000SA_MRO016_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-210T22:21:00 000T00:23:00 2004-210T22:44:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY029_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-210T22:44:00 001T22:25:00 2004-212T21:09:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB008_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-211T07:12:00 000T05:00:00 2004-211T12:12:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB008_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-211T07:12:00 000T05:00:00 2004-211T12:12:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA016_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-211T14:37:00 000T10:30:00 2004-212T01:07:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA016_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-211T14:37:00 000T10:30:00 2004-212T01:07:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA011_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-212T03:32:00 000T18:00:00 2004-212T21:32:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA007_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-212T03:32:00 000T18:00:00 2004-212T21:32:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA009_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-212T03:32:00 000T18:00:00 2004-212T21:32:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA010_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-212T03:32:00 000T18:00:00 2004-212T21:32:00
INMS_000SA_MRO018_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-212T21:09:00 000T00:23:00 2004-212T21:32:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA006_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-212T21:32:00 005T14:01:00 2004-218T11:33:00
INMS_000SA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS 0 Saturn INMS 2004-212T21:32:00 000T01:22:00 2004-212T22:54:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA003_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-212T21:32:00 001T13:20:00 2004-214T10:52:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA002_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-212T21:32:00 001T13:20:00 2004-214T10:52:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA005_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-212T21:32:00 001T13:20:00 2004-214T10:52:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY031_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-212T22:54:00 005T00:06:00 2004-217T23:00:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA017_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-213T15:32:00 000T10:30:00 2004-214T02:02:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA017_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-213T15:32:00 000T10:30:00 2004-214T02:02:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB009_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-214T06:57:00 000T03:25:00 2004-214T10:22:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB009_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-214T06:57:00 000T03:25:00 2004-214T10:22:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA004_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-214T10:52:00 004T17:45:00 2004-219T04:37:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA006_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-214T10:52:00 004T17:45:00 2004-219T04:37:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA007_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-214T10:52:00 004T17:45:00 2004-219T04:37:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB015_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-215T01:22:00 000T09:00:00 2004-215T10:22:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB015_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-215T01:22:00 000T09:00:00 2004-215T10:22:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA018_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-216T16:52:00 000T09:30:00 2004-217T02:22:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA018_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-216T16:52:00 000T09:30:00 2004-217T02:22:00
INMS_000SA_MRO020_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-217T23:00:00 000T00:33:00 2004-217T23:33:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY011_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-217T23:33:00 001T15:34:00 2004-219T15:07:00
CAPS_000IC_CALIBRATE001_PRIME CAPS 0 Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument PRIME 2004-218T00:52:00 000T09:10:00 2004-218T10:02:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA008_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-218T11:33:00 000T17:04:00 2004-219T04:37:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA009_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-219T04:37:00 000T09:00:00 2004-219T13:37:00
MAG_000OT_SWAURORA005_MAPS MAG 0 Other Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS MAPS 2004-219T04:37:00 000T09:00:00 2004-219T13:37:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA007_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-219T04:37:00 000T09:00:00 2004-219T13:37:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA008_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-219T04:37:00 000T09:00:00 2004-219T13:37:00
CAPS_000SA_SWAURORA005_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-219T13:37:00 021T02:39:00 2004-240T16:16:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY012_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-219T13:37:00 000T01:30:00 2004-219T15:07:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA004_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-219T13:37:00 000T09:47:00 2004-219T23:24:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA003_CAPS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS CAPS 2004-219T13:37:01 000T09:47:00 2004-219T23:24:01
INMS_000SA_SURVEY030_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-219T15:07:00 003T07:53:00 2004-222T23:00:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY006_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-219T15:07:00 000T07:53:00 2004-219T23:00:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST16K001_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-219T15:30:00 000T09:06:08 2004-220T00:36:08
MAG_000IC_SCAS004_RIDER MAG 0 Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2004-219T23:00:00 000T05:00:00 2004-220T04:00:00
MIMI_000SA_SWAURORA002_UVIS MIMI 0 Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS UVIS 2004-219T23:24:00 020T16:51:00 2004-240T16:15:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA002_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-219T23:24:00 000T14:13:00 2004-220T13:37:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY013_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-220T04:00:00 000T09:37:00 2004-220T13:37:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY025_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-220T13:37:00 008T07:01:00 2004-228T20:38:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA014_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-220T13:37:00 008T07:01:00 2004-228T20:38:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA028_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-220T15:17:00 000T10:30:00 2004-221T01:47:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA028_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-220T15:17:00 000T10:30:00 2004-221T01:47:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB014_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-221T06:42:00 000T05:00:00 2004-221T11:42:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB014_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-221T06:42:00 000T05:00:00 2004-221T11:42:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA027_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-222T01:07:00 000T10:30:00 2004-222T11:37:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA027_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-222T01:07:00 000T10:30:00 2004-222T11:37:00
INMS_000SA_MRO021_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-222T23:00:00 000T00:33:00 2004-222T23:33:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY032_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-222T23:33:00 004T23:27:00 2004-227T23:00:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA026_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-223T15:02:00 000T10:30:00 2004-224T01:32:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA026_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-223T15:02:00 000T10:30:00 2004-224T01:32:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB013_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-224T06:27:00 000T05:00:00 2004-224T11:27:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB013_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-224T06:27:00 000T05:00:00 2004-224T11:27:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA025_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-225T00:52:00 000T10:30:00 2004-225T11:22:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA025_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-225T00:52:00 000T10:30:00 2004-225T11:22:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA024_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-226T14:47:00 000T10:30:00 2004-227T01:17:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA024_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-226T14:47:00 000T10:30:00 2004-227T01:17:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB012_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-227T06:12:00 000T05:00:00 2004-227T11:12:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB012_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-227T06:12:00 000T05:00:00 2004-227T11:12:00
INMS_000SA_MRO022_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-227T23:00:00 000T00:33:00 2004-227T23:33:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY033_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-227T23:33:00 004T23:27:00 2004-232T23:00:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA023_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-228T00:37:00 000T10:30:00 2004-228T11:07:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA023_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-228T00:37:00 000T10:30:00 2004-228T11:07:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY026_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-228T20:38:00 000T16:25:00 2004-229T13:03:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA015_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-228T20:38:00 000T16:25:00 2004-229T13:03:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-228T22:30:00 000T06:49:36 2004-229T05:19:36
MAG_000OT_SURVEY027_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-229T13:03:00 005T07:20:00 2004-234T20:23:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA016_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-229T13:03:00 005T07:20:00 2004-234T20:23:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA022_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-229T14:33:00 000T10:30:00 2004-230T01:03:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA022_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-229T14:33:00 000T10:30:00 2004-230T01:03:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB011_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-230T05:58:00 000T05:00:00 2004-230T10:58:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB011_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-230T05:58:00 000T05:00:00 2004-230T10:58:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA021_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-231T00:23:00 000T10:30:00 2004-231T10:53:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA021_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-231T00:23:00 000T10:30:00 2004-231T10:53:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA020_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-232T14:33:00 000T10:30:00 2004-233T01:03:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA020_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-232T14:33:00 000T10:30:00 2004-233T01:03:00
INMS_000SA_MRO023_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-232T23:00:00 000T00:33:00 2004-232T23:33:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY034_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-232T23:33:00 003T22:20:00 2004-236T21:53:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB010_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-233T05:58:00 000T05:00:00 2004-233T10:58:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB010_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-233T05:58:00 000T05:00:00 2004-233T10:58:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA019_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-234T00:23:00 000T10:30:00 2004-234T10:53:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA019_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-234T00:23:00 000T10:30:00 2004-234T10:53:00
MAG_000OT_SURVEY028_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-234T20:23:00 000T16:30:00 2004-235T12:53:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA017_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-234T20:23:00 000T16:30:00 2004-235T12:53:00
CAPS_000SA_BURST16K003_RIDER CAPS 0 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-234T22:30:00 000T04:33:04 2004-235T03:03:04
MAG_000OT_SURVEY029_PRIME MAG 0 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-235T12:53:00 008T07:01:00 2004-243T19:54:00
RPWS_000SA_SWAURORA018_UVIS RPWS 0 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-235T12:53:00 005T03:23:00 2004-240T16:16:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA009_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-235T14:18:00 000T10:30:00 2004-236T00:48:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA009_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-235T14:18:00 000T10:30:00 2004-236T00:48:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB005_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-236T05:43:00 000T03:30:00 2004-236T09:13:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB005_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-236T05:43:00 000T03:30:00 2004-236T09:13:00
INMS_000SA_PTOTM002_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-236T21:53:00 000T23:45:00 2004-237T21:38:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA010_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-236T23:23:00 000T09:45:00 2004-237T09:08:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA010_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-236T23:23:00 000T09:45:00 2004-237T09:08:00
INMS_000SA_MRO024_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn RIDER 2004-237T21:38:00 000T00:33:00 2004-237T22:11:00
INMS_000SA_SURVEY009_RIDER INMS 0 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-237T22:11:00 002T14:27:00 2004-240T12:38:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA011_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-238T14:03:00 000T10:30:00 2004-239T00:33:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA011_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-238T14:03:00 000T10:30:00 2004-239T00:33:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAB006_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-239T05:28:00 000T05:00:00 2004-239T10:28:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAB006_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-239T05:28:00 000T05:00:00 2004-239T10:28:00
ISS_000SA_AURORAA012_UVIS ISS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-239T23:53:00 000T10:30:00 2004-240T10:23:00
UVIS_000SA_AURORAA012_PRIME UVIS 0 Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-239T23:53:00 000T10:30:00 2004-240T10:23:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-240T12:38:00 002T09:22:00 2004-242T22:00:00
MP_00ASA_APOAPSEA999_NA A Apoapse 2004-240T12:38:49
MIMI_00ASA_SWAURORA001_UVIS MIMI A Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS UVIS 2004-240T16:15:00 007T07:45:00 2004-248T00:00:00
CAPS_00ASA_SWAURORA001_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Observations of the solar wind with simultaneous observations of the aurora by MAG, CAPS,  UVIS, and SKR by RPWS RIDER 2004-240T16:16:00 007T07:44:00 2004-248T00:00:00
RPWS_00ASA_SWAURORA002_UVIS RPWS A Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-240T16:16:00 003T03:38:00 2004-243T19:54:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAA001_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-241T14:04:00 000T10:30:00 2004-242T00:34:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAA001_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-241T14:04:00 000T10:30:00 2004-242T00:34:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAB002_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-242T05:29:00 000T05:00:00 2004-242T10:29:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAB002_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-242T05:29:00 000T05:00:00 2004-242T10:29:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO001_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-242T22:00:00 000T00:33:00 2004-242T22:33:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY017_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-242T22:33:00 004T23:27:00 2004-247T22:00:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAA002_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-242T23:54:00 000T10:30:00 2004-243T10:24:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAA002_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-242T23:54:00 000T10:30:00 2004-243T10:24:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY014_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-243T19:54:00 000T16:25:00 2004-244T12:19:00
RPWS_00ASA_SWAURORA003_UVIS RPWS A Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-243T19:54:00 000T16:25:00 2004-244T12:19:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K001_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-243T23:30:00 000T02:16:32 2004-244T01:46:32
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY015_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-244T12:19:00 003T11:41:00 2004-248T00:00:00
RPWS_00ASA_SWAURORA004_UVIS RPWS A Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind UVIS 2004-244T12:19:00 003T11:41:00 2004-248T00:00:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAA003_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-244T13:49:00 000T10:30:00 2004-245T00:19:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAA003_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-244T13:49:00 000T10:30:00 2004-245T00:19:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAB003_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-245T05:14:00 000T05:00:00 2004-245T10:14:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAB003_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-245T05:14:00 000T05:00:00 2004-245T10:14:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAA004_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-245T23:39:00 000T10:30:00 2004-246T10:09:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAA004_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-245T23:39:00 000T10:30:00 2004-246T10:09:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAA005_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-247T13:34:00 000T10:30:00 2004-248T00:04:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAA005_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-247T13:34:00 000T10:30:00 2004-248T00:04:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO002_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-247T22:00:00 000T00:33:00 2004-247T22:33:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY018_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-247T22:33:00 002T04:32:00 2004-250T03:05:00
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-248T00:00:00 008T11:35:00 2004-256T11:35:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-248T00:00:00 001T19:40:00 2004-249T19:40:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-248T00:00:00 008T11:35:00 2004-256T11:35:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-248T00:00:00 001T19:40:00 2004-249T19:40:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAB004_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-248T04:59:00 000T05:00:00 2004-248T09:59:00
ISS_00ASA_AURORAA006_UVIS ISS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation UVIS 2004-248T23:24:00 000T03:30:00 2004-249T02:54:00
UVIS_00ASA_AURORAA006_PRIME UVIS 00A Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2004-248T23:24:00 000T03:30:00 2004-249T02:54:00
CAPS_00AIC_SWCAL001_PRIME CAPS A Calibration CAPS instrument calibration PRIME 2004-249T02:54:00 000T07:00:00 2004-249T09:54:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY016_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-249T19:40:00 000T16:25:00 2004-250T12:05:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY015_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-249T19:40:00 000T16:25:00 2004-250T12:05:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-249T21:30:00 000T04:33:04 2004-250T02:03:04
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYA018_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-250T03:05:00 000T09:00:00 2004-250T12:05:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYB018_PRIME INMS A Saturn PRIME 2004-250T12:05:00 001T07:25:00 2004-251T19:30:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY017_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-250T12:05:00 005T07:05:00 2004-255T19:10:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY016_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-250T12:05:00 005T07:05:00 2004-255T19:10:00
INMS_00ASA_PTOTM003001_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-251T19:30:00 000T23:55:00 2004-252T19:25:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO003_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-252T19:25:00 000T00:33:00 2004-252T19:58:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY019_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-252T19:58:00 002T23:12:00 2004-255T19:10:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYA019_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-255T19:10:00 000T16:25:00 2004-256T11:35:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY018_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-255T19:10:00 000T16:25:00 2004-256T11:35:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY017_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-255T19:10:00 000T16:25:00 2004-256T11:35:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K003_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-255T21:30:00 000T04:33:04 2004-256T02:03:04
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY010_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-256T11:35:00 001T22:10:00 2004-258T09:45:00
INMS_00ASA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS A Saturn INMS 2004-256T11:35:00 000T01:22:00 2004-256T12:57:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY009_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-256T11:35:00 001T22:10:00 2004-258T09:45:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY011_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-256T11:35:00 001T22:03:00 2004-258T09:38:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY011_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-256T11:35:00 000T12:25:00 2004-257T00:00:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY011_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-256T12:57:00 001T20:38:00 2004-258T09:35:00
RPWS_00AIC_PIM001_PRIME RPWS A Calibration RPWS periodic instrument maintenance (applies large potential to Langmuir Probe) PRIME 2004-257T00:00:00 001T00:00:00 2004-258T00:00:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY008_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-258T00:00:00 000T09:40:00 2004-258T09:40:00
INMS_00ASC_SLEEP001_PRIME INMS A Instrument to Sleep PRIME 2004-258T09:35:00 000T00:10:00 2004-258T09:45:00
MIMI_00ACO_PCOMUTE001_RIDER MIMI A Corotation RIDER 2004-258T09:38:00 000T09:24:00 2004-258T19:02:00
RPWS_00ASC_SLEEPMUTE002_PRIME RPWS A RPWS in SLEEP mode with BIU Muted PRIME 2004-258T09:40:00 000T09:31:00 2004-258T19:11:00
INMS_00ASC_MUTE001_PRIME INMS A Muted PRIME 2004-258T09:45:00 000T09:17:00 2004-258T19:02:00
MAG_00ASC_PROBEMUTE002_PRIME MAG A Calibration Probe Checkout (MAG instrument muted) PRIME 2004-258T09:45:00 000T09:17:00 2004-258T19:02:00
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-258T19:02:00 004T17:52:00 2004-263T12:54:00
INMS_00ASC_UNMUTE001_PRIME INMS A Unmute PRIME 2004-258T19:02:00 000T00:04:00 2004-258T19:06:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY007_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-258T19:02:00 002T23:54:00 2004-261T18:56:00
MIMI_00ACO_PCOUNMUTE001_RIDER MIMI A Corotation RIDER 2004-258T19:02:00 000T00:07:00 2004-258T19:09:00
CAPS_00ASC_WAKEUP001_PRIME CAPS A Spacecraft CAPS wake up PRIME 2004-258T19:03:00 000T02:16:00 2004-258T21:19:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY006_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-258T19:06:00 002T17:51:00 2004-261T12:57:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY006_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-258T19:09:00 004T17:38:00 2004-263T12:47:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY009_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-258T19:11:00 002T23:45:00 2004-261T18:56:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO004_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-261T12:57:00 000T00:33:00 2004-261T13:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY020_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-261T13:30:00 001T23:14:00 2004-263T12:44:00
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY2005_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-261T18:56:00 000T16:25:00 2004-262T11:21:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY025_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-261T18:56:00 000T16:25:00 2004-262T11:21:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY200_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-261T18:56:00 000T16:25:00 2004-262T11:21:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K004_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-261T23:00:00 000T02:16:32 2004-262T01:16:32
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY026_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-262T11:21:00 001T01:33:00 2004-263T12:54:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY201_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-262T11:21:00 001T01:28:00 2004-263T12:49:00
INMS_00ASC_SLEEP002_PRIME INMS A Instrument to Sleep PRIME 2004-263T12:44:00 000T00:10:00 2004-263T12:54:00
MIMI_00ACO_PCOMUTE002_RIDER MIMI A Corotation RIDER 2004-263T12:47:00 000T02:19:00 2004-263T15:06:00
RPWS_00ASC_SLEEPMUTE003_PRIME RPWS A RPWS in SLEEP mode with BIU Muted PRIME 2004-263T12:49:00 000T02:26:00 2004-263T15:15:00
INMS_00ASC_MUTE002_PRIME INMS A Muted PRIME 2004-263T12:54:00 000T02:12:00 2004-263T15:06:00
MAG_00ASC_PROBEMUTE003_PRIME MAG A Calibration Probe Checkout (MAG instrument muted) PRIME 2004-263T12:54:00 000T02:12:00 2004-263T15:06:00
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-263T15:06:00 028T18:24:00 2004-292T09:30:00
INMS_00ASC_UNMUTE002_PRIME INMS A Unmute PRIME 2004-263T15:06:00 000T00:04:00 2004-263T15:10:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY011_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-263T15:06:00 001T03:35:00 2004-264T18:41:00
MIMI_00ACO_PCOUNMUTE002_RIDER MIMI A Corotation RIDER 2004-263T15:06:00 000T00:07:00 2004-263T15:13:00
CAPS_00ASC_WAKEUP002_PRIME CAPS A Spacecraft CAPS wake up PRIME 2004-263T15:07:00 000T02:16:00 2004-263T17:23:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY014_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-263T15:10:00 001T03:31:00 2004-264T18:41:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY010_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-263T15:13:00 015T08:47:00 2004-279T00:00:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY012_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-263T15:15:00 001T03:26:00 2004-264T18:41:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYA014_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-264T18:41:00 000T16:25:00 2004-265T11:06:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY027_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-264T18:41:00 000T16:25:00 2004-265T11:06:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY202_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-264T18:41:00 000T16:25:00 2004-265T11:06:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K005_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-264T20:45:00 000T04:33:04 2004-265T01:18:04
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYB014_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-265T11:06:00 001T01:51:00 2004-266T12:57:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY028_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-265T11:06:00 002T07:21:00 2004-267T18:27:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY203_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-265T11:06:00 002T07:21:00 2004-267T18:27:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO005_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-266T12:57:00 000T00:33:00 2004-266T13:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY022_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-266T13:30:00 001T04:57:00 2004-267T18:27:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYA022_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-267T18:27:00 000T16:25:00 2004-268T10:52:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY029_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-267T18:27:00 000T16:25:00 2004-268T10:52:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY204_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-267T18:27:00 000T16:25:00 2004-268T10:52:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K006_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-267T20:30:00 000T04:33:04 2004-268T01:03:04
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYB022_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-268T10:52:00 002T07:35:00 2004-270T18:27:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY030_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-268T10:52:00 000T23:55:00 2004-269T10:47:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY205_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-268T10:52:00 002T07:35:00 2004-270T18:27:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY019_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-269T10:47:00 000T06:05:00 2004-269T16:52:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY020_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-269T16:52:00 000T18:05:00 2004-270T10:57:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY021_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-270T10:57:00 000T06:05:00 2004-270T17:02:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY022_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-270T17:02:00 000T01:25:00 2004-270T18:27:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYC022_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-270T18:27:00 000T16:25:00 2004-271T10:52:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY031_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-270T18:27:00 000T16:25:00 2004-271T10:52:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY206_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-270T18:27:00 000T16:25:00 2004-271T10:52:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K007_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-270T20:30:00 000T06:49:36 2004-271T03:19:36
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYD022_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-271T10:52:00 000T02:05:00 2004-271T12:57:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY032_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-271T10:52:00 002T07:20:00 2004-273T18:12:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY207_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-271T10:52:00 002T07:20:00 2004-273T18:12:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO006_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-271T12:57:00 000T00:33:00 2004-271T13:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY023_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-271T13:30:00 002T04:42:00 2004-273T18:12:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYA023_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-273T18:12:00 000T16:25:00 2004-274T10:37:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY033_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-273T18:12:00 000T16:25:00 2004-274T10:37:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY208_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-273T18:12:00 000T16:25:00 2004-274T10:37:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K008_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-273T20:30:00 000T06:49:36 2004-274T03:19:36
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYB023_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-274T10:37:00 002T02:20:00 2004-276T12:57:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY034_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-274T10:37:00 004T13:23:00 2004-279T00:00:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY209_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-274T10:37:00 004T13:23:00 2004-279T00:00:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO007_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-276T12:57:00 000T00:33:00 2004-276T13:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY024_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-276T13:30:00 004T23:27:00 2004-281T12:57:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-279T00:00:00 006T10:54:00 2004-285T10:54:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-279T00:00:00 006T17:29:00 2004-285T17:29:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-279T00:00:01 006T17:06:59 2004-285T17:07:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO008_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-281T12:57:00 000T00:33:00 2004-281T13:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY021_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-281T13:30:00 003T21:13:00 2004-285T10:43:00
CAPS_00AIC_CALIBRATE001_PRIME CAPS A Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument PRIME 2004-283T11:34:00 000T09:10:00 2004-283T20:44:00
INMS_00ASC_SLEEP003_PRIME INMS A Instrument to Sleep PRIME 2004-285T10:43:00 000T00:10:00 2004-285T10:53:00
INMS_00ASC_MUTE003_PRIME INMS A Muted PRIME 2004-285T10:53:00 000T06:07:00 2004-285T17:00:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY023_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-285T10:54:00 000T06:05:00 2004-285T16:59:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY006_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-285T16:59:00 000T00:30:00 2004-285T17:29:00
INMS_00ASC_UNMUTE003_PRIME INMS A Unmute PRIME 2004-285T17:00:00 000T00:04:00 2004-285T17:04:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY007_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-285T17:04:00 000T00:25:00 2004-285T17:29:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY007_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-285T17:07:00 002T23:45:00 2004-288T16:52:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYA007_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-285T17:29:00 000T16:15:00 2004-286T09:44:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY035_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-285T17:29:00 000T16:15:00 2004-286T09:44:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY210_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-285T17:29:00 000T16:15:00 2004-286T09:44:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K009_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-285T20:30:00 000T04:33:04 2004-286T01:03:04
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYB007_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-286T09:44:00 000T03:13:00 2004-286T12:57:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY036_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-286T09:44:00 002T00:55:00 2004-288T10:39:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY211_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-286T09:44:00 002T07:30:00 2004-288T17:14:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO009_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-286T12:57:00 000T00:33:00 2004-286T13:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY025_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-286T13:30:00 001T20:58:00 2004-288T10:28:00
INMS_00ASC_SLEEP004_PRIME INMS A Instrument to Sleep PRIME 2004-288T10:28:00 000T00:10:00 2004-288T10:38:00
INMS_00ASC_MUTE004_PRIME INMS A Muted PRIME 2004-288T10:38:00 000T06:07:00 2004-288T16:45:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY024_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-288T10:39:00 000T06:05:00 2004-288T16:44:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY012_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-288T16:44:00 000T00:30:00 2004-288T17:14:00
INMS_00ASC_UNMUTE004_PRIME INMS A Unmute PRIME 2004-288T16:45:00 000T00:04:00 2004-288T16:49:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY012_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-288T16:49:00 002T20:08:00 2004-291T12:57:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY009_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-288T16:52:00 003T16:38:00 2004-292T09:30:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY037_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-288T17:14:00 000T16:30:00 2004-289T09:44:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY212_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-288T17:14:00 000T16:30:00 2004-289T09:44:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K010_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-288T19:00:00 000T04:33:04 2004-288T23:33:04
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY038_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-289T09:44:00 002T07:16:00 2004-291T17:00:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY213_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-289T09:44:00 002T07:16:00 2004-291T17:00:00
INMS_00ASA_MRO010_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-291T12:57:00 000T00:33:00 2004-291T13:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY026_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-291T13:30:00 000T03:30:00 2004-291T17:00:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEYA026_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-291T17:00:00 000T16:30:00 2004-292T09:30:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY039_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-291T17:00:00 000T16:30:00 2004-292T09:30:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY214_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-291T17:00:00 000T16:30:00 2004-292T09:30:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K011_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-291T19:00:00 000T06:49:36 2004-292T01:49:36
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY011_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-292T09:30:00 005T23:31:00 2004-298T09:01:00
INMS_00ASA_STARTUP002_INMS INMS A Saturn INMS 2004-292T09:30:00 000T01:22:00 2004-292T10:52:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY010_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-292T09:30:00 004T07:16:00 2004-296T16:46:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY012_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-292T09:30:00 004T07:16:00 2004-296T16:46:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY010_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-292T09:30:00 004T07:16:00 2004-296T16:46:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY015_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-292T10:52:00 004T22:24:00 2004-297T09:16:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY040_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-296T16:46:00 001T16:15:00 2004-298T09:01:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY014_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-296T16:46:00 001T16:15:00 2004-298T09:01:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY300_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-296T16:46:00 001T16:15:00 2004-298T09:01:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K012_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-296T18:30:00 000T02:16:32 2004-296T20:46:32
INMS_00ASA_PSTOTM004016_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-297T09:16:00 000T23:45:00 2004-298T09:01:00
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY012_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-298T09:01:00 001T07:30:00 2004-299T16:31:00
INMS_00ASA_PSTOTM4BU017_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-298T09:01:00 001T05:49:00 2004-299T14:50:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY013_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-298T09:01:00 001T07:30:00 2004-299T16:31:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY013_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-298T09:01:00 001T07:30:00 2004-299T16:31:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY014_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-298T09:01:00 001T07:30:00 2004-299T16:31:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-299T14:50:00 000T12:40:23 2004-300T03:30:23
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-299T16:31:00 000T20:59:09 2004-300T13:30:09
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-299T16:31:00 000T19:27:16 2004-300T11:58:16
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-299T16:31:00 000T20:59:09 2004-300T13:30:09
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-299T16:31:01 000T21:13:46 2004-300T13:44:47
INMS_00ATI_TAINBD001_RIDER INMS A Titan RIDER 2004-300T03:30:23 000T10:59:46 2004-300T14:30:09
MAG_00ATI_MAGTITAN001_PRIME MAG A Titan Titan Encounter (high date rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2004-300T11:58:16 000T07:03:46 2004-300T19:02:02
CAPS_00ATI_TAINBND001_RIDER CAPS A Titan High rate (4kbps) observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RIDER 2004-300T13:30:09 000T01:21:00 2004-300T14:51:09
RPWS_00ATI_TIINTRMED001_PRIME RPWS A Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2004-300T13:30:09 000T01:32:30 2004-300T15:02:39
MIMI_00ATI_TAINBND001_RIDER MIMI A Titan RIDER 2004-300T13:44:36 000T00:45:33 2004-300T14:30:09
INMS_00ATI_TACLOSE001_RIDER INMS A Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RIDER 2004-300T14:30:09 000T00:47:00 2004-300T15:17:09
MIMI_00ATI_TACLOSE001_RIDER MIMI A Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RIDER 2004-300T14:30:09 000T02:00:00 2004-300T16:30:09
CAPS_00ATI_TACLOSE001_RIDER CAPS A Titan High rate (4kbps) observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RIDER 2004-300T14:51:09 000T01:18:00 2004-300T16:09:09
RPWS_00ATI_TICA001_PRIME RPWS A Titan High Resolution RPWS observations near Titan closest approach PRIME 2004-300T15:02:39 000T00:21:30 2004-300T15:24:09
INMS_00ATI_TARAMPNT001_PRIME INMS A Titan PRIME 2004-300T15:17:09 000T00:13:00 2004-300T15:30:09
RPWS_00ATI_TICA002_PRIME RPWS A Titan High Resolution RPWS observations near Titan closest approach PRIME 2004-300T15:24:09 000T00:33:30 2004-300T15:57:39
INMS_00ATI_TACLOSE002_RIDER INMS A Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RIDER 2004-300T15:30:09 000T01:00:00 2004-300T16:30:09
MP_00ATI_FLYBYTA999_NA A Titan Flyby - A 2004-300T15:30:23
RPWS_00ATI_TIINTRMED002_PRIME RPWS A Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2004-300T15:57:39 000T01:32:30 2004-300T17:30:09
CAPS_00ATI_TAOUTBND001_RIDER CAPS A Titan High rate (4kbps) observations outbound from Titan encounter, typically +1 to +2 hours RIDER 2004-300T16:09:09 000T01:21:00 2004-300T17:30:09
INMS_00ATI_TAOUTBD001_RIDER INMS A Titan RIDER 2004-300T16:30:09 000T11:00:00 2004-301T03:30:09
MIMI_00ATI_TAOUTBND001_RIDER MIMI A Titan RIDER 2004-300T16:30:09 000T01:14:13 2004-300T17:44:22
MP_00ASA_RPXASCEND999_NA A Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2004-300T16:52:26
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-300T17:30:09 000T15:59:37 2004-301T09:29:46
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-300T17:30:09 000T12:29:37 2004-301T05:59:46
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-300T17:44:47 000T11:05:12 2004-301T04:49:59
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-300T19:02:02 000T14:13:58 2004-301T09:16:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-301T03:30:09 000T13:44:51 2004-301T17:15:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-301T04:50:01 000T04:40:00 2004-301T09:30:01
RPWS_00ASA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-301T06:00:00 000T03:30:00 2004-301T09:30:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-301T09:16:00 001T23:59:00 2004-303T09:15:00
CAPS_00ASA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-301T09:30:00 003T12:20:00 2004-304T21:50:00
RPWS_00ASA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-301T09:30:00 002T05:30:00 2004-303T15:00:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY008_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-301T09:30:01 000T14:29:59 2004-302T00:00:00
INMS_00ASA_INMAGCOMP001_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-301T17:15:00 000T02:15:00 2004-301T19:30:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY027_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-301T19:30:00 000T05:24:00 2004-302T00:54:00
MIMI_00ACO_SURVEY015_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-302T00:00:00 000T15:10:00 2004-302T15:10:00
INMS_00ASA_INMAGSURV004_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-302T00:54:00 000T05:36:00 2004-302T06:30:00
RPWS_00ASA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2004-302T03:35:00 000T14:00:00 2004-302T17:35:00
INMS_00ASA_INMAGCOMP002_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-302T06:30:00 000T05:25:00 2004-302T11:55:00
RPWS_00ASA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS A Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2004-302T09:35:00 000T00:15:00 2004-302T09:50:00
MP_00ASA_PERIAPSEA999_NA A Periapse 2004-302T10:19:38
RPWS_00ASA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2004-302T10:35:00 000T00:05:00 2004-302T10:40:00
INMS_00ASA_INMAGSURV005_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-302T11:55:00 000T07:50:00 2004-302T19:45:00
MIMI_00ADR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI A Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2004-302T15:10:00 000T03:55:00 2004-302T19:05:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K013_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-302T19:00:00 000T02:16:32 2004-302T21:16:32
MIMI_00ADR_MAGDYN001_PRIME MIMI A Dust PRIME 2004-302T19:05:00 000T14:10:00 2004-303T09:15:00
RPWS_00ARI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS A Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2004-302T19:17:00 000T02:00:00 2004-302T21:17:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY016_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-302T19:45:00 000T13:30:00 2004-303T09:15:00
MP_00ASA_RPXDESCEN999_NA A Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2004-302T19:58:32
RPWS_00ASA_WHISTLER002_PRIME RPWS A Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2004-302T23:00:00 000T00:29:49 2004-302T23:29:49
INMS_00ASA_PSTOTM005001_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-303T09:15:00 001T00:15:00 2004-304T09:30:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY041_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-303T09:15:00 001T00:45:00 2004-304T10:00:00
MIMI_00ADR_MAGDYN002_PRIME MIMI A Dust PRIME 2004-303T09:15:00 000T14:56:00 2004-304T00:11:00
RPWS_00ASA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS A Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-303T15:00:00 001T06:50:00 2004-304T21:50:00
MIMI_00ADR_MAGDYN003_PRIME MIMI A Dust PRIME 2004-304T00:11:00 000T21:39:00 2004-304T21:50:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K014_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-304T01:00:00 000T02:16:32 2004-304T03:16:32
INMS_00ASA_PSTOTM5BU001_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-304T09:30:00 002T07:05:00 2004-306T16:35:00
MAG_00AIC_SCAS001_RIDER MAG A Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2004-304T10:00:00 000T05:00:00 2004-304T15:00:00
MAG_00AOT_SURVEY008_PRIME MAG A Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-304T15:00:00 000T06:50:00 2004-304T21:50:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-304T21:50:00 001T18:45:00 2004-306T16:35:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-304T21:50:00 001T18:45:00 2004-306T16:35:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-304T21:50:00 001T18:45:00 2004-306T16:35:00
MIMI_00ACO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-304T21:50:01 001T18:44:59 2004-306T16:35:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND002_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-306T16:35:00 001T23:27:00 2004-308T16:02:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-306T16:35:00 013T15:14:00 2004-320T07:49:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-306T16:35:00 001T23:27:00 2004-308T16:02:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-306T16:35:00 001T23:27:00 2004-308T16:02:00
MIMI_00ACO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-306T16:35:01 001T23:26:59 2004-308T16:02:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND003_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-308T16:02:00 001T16:30:00 2004-310T08:32:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-308T16:02:00 001T16:30:00 2004-310T08:32:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-308T16:02:00 001T16:30:00 2004-310T08:32:00
MIMI_00ACO_MAGBOUND003_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-308T16:02:01 011T15:46:59 2004-320T07:49:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND007_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-310T08:32:00 002T23:46:00 2004-313T08:18:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND007_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-310T08:32:00 002T23:46:00 2004-313T08:18:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND007_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-310T08:32:00 002T23:46:00 2004-313T08:18:00
CAPS_00AIC_CALIBRATE002_PRIME CAPS A Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument PRIME 2004-310T11:30:00 000T09:10:00 2004-310T20:40:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND005_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-313T08:18:00 002T23:57:00 2004-316T08:15:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-313T08:18:00 002T07:15:00 2004-315T15:33:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-313T08:18:00 002T23:57:00 2004-316T08:15:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-315T15:33:00 000T16:42:00 2004-316T08:15:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND004_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-316T08:15:00 003T07:04:00 2004-319T15:19:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND008_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-316T08:15:00 003T07:04:00 2004-319T15:19:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-316T08:15:00 003T07:04:00 2004-319T15:19:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND008_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-319T15:19:00 000T16:30:00 2004-320T07:49:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND009_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-319T15:19:00 000T16:30:00 2004-320T07:49:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND008_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-319T15:19:00 000T16:30:00 2004-320T07:49:00
CAPS_00ACO_MAGBOUND006_PRIME CAPS A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-320T07:49:00 007T00:11:00 2004-327T08:00:00
INMS_00ASA_STARTUP003_INMS INMS A Saturn INMS 2004-320T07:49:00 000T01:22:00 2004-320T09:11:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND006_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-320T07:49:00 002T23:56:00 2004-323T07:45:00
MIMI_00ACO_MAGBOUND004_RIDER MIMI A Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-320T07:49:00 006T00:46:56 2004-326T08:35:56
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND009_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-320T07:49:00 002T23:56:00 2004-323T07:45:00
INMS_00ASA_SURVEY013_RIDER INMS A Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-320T09:11:00 005T22:49:00 2004-326T08:00:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K015_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-321T16:22:00 000T04:33:04 2004-321T20:55:04
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND010_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-323T07:45:00 001T07:19:00 2004-324T15:04:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND010_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-323T07:45:00 001T07:19:00 2004-324T15:04:00
MAG_00AOT_MAGBOUND011_MAPS MAG A Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-324T15:04:00 003T13:50:00 2004-328T04:54:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND011_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-324T15:04:00 001T16:56:00 2004-326T08:00:00
CAPS_00ASA_BURST16K016_RIDER CAPS A Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-325T07:04:00 000T02:16:32 2004-325T09:20:32
INMS_00ASA_PSTOTM006001_RIDER INMS A Saturn RIDER 2004-326T08:00:00 000T00:41:00 2004-326T08:41:00
RPWS_00ACO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS RPWS A Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-326T08:00:00 000T00:56:00 2004-326T08:56:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-326T08:35:56 001T20:11:04 2004-328T04:47:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-326T08:41:00 000T23:19:00 2004-327T08:00:00
MP_00BSA_APOAPSEB999_NA B Apoapse 2004-326T08:41:04
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-326T08:56:00 000T14:04:00 2004-326T23:00:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K001_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-326T09:00:00 000T09:06:08 2004-326T18:06:08
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND019_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-326T23:00:00 000T01:00:00 2004-327T00:00:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND020_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-327T00:00:00 000T08:00:00 2004-327T08:00:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND012_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-327T08:00:00 000T20:54:00 2004-328T04:54:00
INMS_00BSA_PSTOTM6BU001_RIDER INMS B Saturn RIDER 2004-327T08:00:00 000T20:44:00 2004-328T04:44:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND012_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-327T08:00:00 000T20:49:00 2004-328T04:49:00
CAPS_00BSC_SLEEPMUTE003_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft Instrument to Sleep/Mute PRIME 2004-328T04:41:00 000T00:14:00 2004-328T04:55:00
INMS_00BSA_SLEEP001_RIDER INMS B Saturn Instrument to Sleep RIDER 2004-328T04:44:00 000T00:10:00 2004-328T04:54:00
MIMI_00BOT_MUTEPRCO001_PRIME MIMI B Other Muted PRIME 2004-328T04:47:00 000T09:24:00 2004-328T14:11:00
RPWS_00BSC_SLEEPMUTE001_PRIME RPWS B RPWS in SLEEP mode with BIU Muted PRIME 2004-328T04:49:00 000T09:31:00 2004-328T14:20:00
INMS_00BSA_MUTE001_RIDER INMS B Saturn Muted RIDER 2004-328T04:54:00 000T09:17:00 2004-328T14:11:00
MAG_00BOT_PROBEMUTE003_PRIME MAG B Calibration Probe Checkout (MAG instrument muted) PRIME 2004-328T04:54:00 000T09:17:00 2004-328T14:11:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND007_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-328T14:11:00 001T15:24:00 2004-330T05:35:00
CAPS_00BSC_WAKEUNMUT003_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft CAPS wake up and unmute the instrument PRIME 2004-328T14:11:00 000T02:17:00 2004-328T16:28:00
INMS_00BSA_UNMUTE001_RIDER INMS B Saturn Unmute RIDER 2004-328T14:11:00 000T00:04:00 2004-328T14:15:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND008_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-328T14:11:00 004T15:13:00 2004-333T05:24:00
MIMI_00BOT_UNMUTEPR001_PRIME MIMI B Other UNMUTEPR001 PRIME 2004-328T14:11:00 000T00:07:00 2004-328T14:18:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY011_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-328T14:15:00 004T15:15:00 2004-333T05:30:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND005_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-328T14:18:00 010T00:42:00 2004-338T15:00:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND007_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-328T14:20:00 001T15:15:00 2004-330T05:35:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-329T06:50:00 000T02:16:32 2004-329T09:06:32
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND013_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-330T05:35:00 002T23:49:00 2004-333T05:24:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND013_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-330T05:35:00 001T02:00:00 2004-331T07:35:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND016_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-331T07:35:00 003T21:45:00 2004-335T05:20:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND008_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-333T05:24:00 002T03:56:00 2004-335T09:20:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND009_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-333T05:24:00 005T09:36:00 2004-338T15:00:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-333T05:30:00 007T00:14:00 2004-340T05:44:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K003_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-333T15:20:00 000T02:16:32 2004-333T17:36:32
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND008_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-335T05:20:00 003T10:16:00 2004-338T15:36:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND014_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-335T09:20:00 003T05:40:00 2004-338T15:00:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K004_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-337T04:36:00 000T04:33:04 2004-337T09:09:04
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND003_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-338T15:00:00 001T14:54:00 2004-340T05:54:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-338T15:00:00 001T14:54:00 2004-340T05:54:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-338T15:00:01 001T14:46:59 2004-340T05:47:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-338T15:36:00 000T16:15:00 2004-339T07:51:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND011_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-339T07:51:00 000T21:58:00 2004-340T05:49:00
CAPS_00BSC_SLEEPMUTE004_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft Instrument to Sleep/Mute PRIME 2004-340T05:41:00 000T00:14:00 2004-340T05:55:00
INMS_00BSA_SLEEP002_RIDER INMS B Saturn Instrument to Sleep RIDER 2004-340T05:44:00 000T00:10:00 2004-340T05:54:00
MIMI_00BOT_MUTEBATT001_PRIME MIMI B Other Muted PRIME 2004-340T05:47:00 000T02:19:00 2004-340T08:06:00
RPWS_00BSC_SLEEPMUTE002_PRIME RPWS B RPWS in SLEEP mode with BIU Muted PRIME 2004-340T05:49:00 000T02:26:00 2004-340T08:15:00
INMS_00BSA_MUTE002_RIDER INMS B Saturn Muted RIDER 2004-340T05:54:00 000T02:12:00 2004-340T08:06:00
MAG_00BOT_PROBEMUTE001_PRIME MAG B Calibration Probe Checkout (MAG instrument muted) PRIME 2004-340T05:54:00 000T02:12:00 2004-340T08:06:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND006_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-340T08:06:00 004T23:45:00 2004-345T07:51:00
CAPS_00BSC_WAKEUNMUT004_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft CAPS wake up and unmute the instrument PRIME 2004-340T08:06:00 000T02:17:00 2004-340T10:23:00
INMS_00BSA_UNMUTE002_RIDER INMS B Saturn Unmute RIDER 2004-340T08:06:00 000T00:04:00 2004-340T08:10:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-340T08:06:00 004T23:45:00 2004-345T07:51:00
MIMI_00BOT_UNMUTEBAT001_PRIME MIMI B Other UNMUTEBAT001 PRIME 2004-340T08:06:00 000T00:07:00 2004-340T08:13:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY012_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-340T08:10:00 004T21:56:00 2004-345T06:06:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND009_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-340T08:13:00 004T23:38:00 2004-345T07:51:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND015_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-340T08:15:00 000T06:51:00 2004-340T15:06:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND009_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-340T15:06:00 000T00:35:00 2004-340T15:41:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND014_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-340T15:41:00 002T12:55:00 2004-343T04:36:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K005_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-341T14:51:00 000T09:06:08 2004-341T23:57:08
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-343T04:36:00 001T00:00:00 2004-344T04:36:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K006_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-343T23:36:00 000T09:06:08 2004-344T08:42:08
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND017_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-344T04:36:00 000T16:30:00 2004-344T21:06:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K007_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-344T08:36:00 000T04:33:04 2004-344T13:09:04
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND021_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-344T21:06:00 000T01:00:00 2004-344T22:06:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND022_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-344T22:06:00 000T08:00:00 2004-345T06:06:00
INMS_00BSA_PSTOTM007001_RIDER INMS B Saturn RIDER 2004-345T06:06:00 000T23:59:00 2004-346T06:05:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND018_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-345T06:06:00 000T04:54:00 2004-345T11:00:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND005_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-345T07:51:00 000T03:09:00 2004-345T11:00:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-345T07:51:00 000T03:09:00 2004-345T11:00:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-345T07:51:00 001T20:30:00 2004-347T04:21:00
CAPS_00BSA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-345T11:00:00 002T22:38:13 2004-348T09:38:13
CAPS_00BSA_SURVEY006_RIDER CAPS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-345T11:00:00 001T17:21:00 2004-347T04:21:00
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-345T11:00:00 001T17:21:00 2004-347T04:21:00
RPWS_00BSA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-345T11:00:00 001T17:21:00 2004-347T04:21:00
INMS_00BSA_PSTOTM7BU001_RIDER INMS B Saturn RIDER 2004-346T06:05:00 001T17:33:13 2004-347T23:38:13
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY007_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-347T04:21:00 000T01:56:00 2004-347T06:17:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY006_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-347T04:21:00 001T05:17:13 2004-348T09:38:13
RPWS_00BSA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-347T04:21:00 001T05:17:13 2004-348T09:38:13
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY008_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-347T06:17:00 000T07:19:00 2004-347T13:36:00
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K008_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-347T07:17:00 000T02:16:32 2004-347T09:33:32
RPWS_00BSA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-347T07:17:00 000T06:19:00 2004-347T13:36:00
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY009_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-347T13:36:00 000T20:02:13 2004-348T09:38:13
INMS_00BTI_TBINBD001_RSS INMS B Titan RSS 2004-347T23:38:13 000T11:00:00 2004-348T10:38:13
CAPS_00BTI_TBINBND001_RIDER CAPS B Titan High rate (4kbps) observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RIDER 2004-348T09:38:13 000T01:00:00 2004-348T10:38:13
MAG_00BTI_MAGTITAN001_PRIME MAG B Titan Titan Encounter (high date rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2004-348T09:38:13 000T04:00:00 2004-348T13:38:13
MIMI_00BTI_TBINBND001_RIDER MIMI B Titan RIDER 2004-348T09:38:13 000T01:00:00 2004-348T10:38:13
RPWS_00BTI_TIINTRMED001_PRIME RPWS B Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2004-348T09:38:13 000T01:30:00 2004-348T11:08:13
CAPS_00BTI_TBCLOSE001_RIDER CAPS B Titan Full rate (16kbps) observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RIDER 2004-348T10:38:13 000T02:00:00 2004-348T12:38:13
INMS_00BTI_TBCLOSE001_RSS INMS B Titan RSS 2004-348T10:38:13 000T02:00:00 2004-348T12:38:13
MIMI_00BTI_TBCLOSE001_RIDER MIMI B Titan RIDER 2004-348T10:38:13 000T02:00:00 2004-348T12:38:13
RPWS_00BTI_TICA001_PRIME RPWS B Titan High Resolution RPWS observations near Titan closest approach PRIME 2004-348T11:08:13 000T01:00:00 2004-348T12:08:13
MP_00BTI_FLYBYTB999_NA B Titan Flyby - B 2004-348T11:37:28
RPWS_00BTI_TIINTRMED002_PRIME RPWS B Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2004-348T12:08:13 000T01:30:00 2004-348T13:38:13
CAPS_00BTI_TBOUTBND001_RIDER CAPS B Titan High rate (4kbps) observations outbound from Titan encounter, typically +1 to +2 hours RIDER 2004-348T12:38:13 000T01:00:00 2004-348T13:38:13
INMS_00BTI_TBOUTBD001_RSS INMS B Titan RSS 2004-348T12:38:13 000T11:00:00 2004-348T23:38:13
MIMI_00BTI_TBOUTBND001_RIDER MIMI B Titan RIDER 2004-348T12:38:13 000T01:00:00 2004-348T13:38:13
MP_00BSA_RPXASCEND999_NA B Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2004-348T13:29:15
CAPS_00BSA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-348T13:38:13 000T18:14:31 2004-349T07:52:44
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-348T13:38:13 000T18:13:47 2004-349T07:52:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-348T13:38:13 000T18:14:31 2004-349T07:52:44
RPWS_00BSA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-348T13:38:13 000T12:31:31 2004-349T02:09:44
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-348T23:38:13 000T08:14:31 2004-349T07:52:44
RPWS_00BSA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-349T02:09:00 000T05:43:00 2004-349T07:52:00
CAPS_00BSA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-349T07:52:00 001T16:08:00 2004-351T00:00:00
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-349T07:52:00 001T07:30:00 2004-350T15:22:00
RPWS_00BSA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-349T07:52:00 001T16:08:00 2004-351T00:00:00
RPWS_00BSA_INSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-349T07:52:00 000T22:30:00 2004-350T06:22:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-349T07:52:01 000T21:33:00 2004-350T05:25:01
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-349T07:52:44 000T11:15:17 2004-349T19:08:01
CAPS_00BSA_BURST16K009_RIDER CAPS B Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2004-349T09:00:00 000T02:25:04 2004-349T11:25:04
INMS_00BSA_INMAGSURV005_RIDER INMS B Saturn RIDER 2004-349T19:08:01 000T09:13:59 2004-350T04:22:00
RPWS_00BSA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2004-349T23:14:18 000T14:00:00 2004-350T13:14:18
MP_00BDI_FLYBYNT001_NA B Dione Flyby 2004-350T02:11:06
INMS_00BSA_INMAGSCN001_PRIME INMS B Saturn PRIME 2004-350T04:22:00 000T01:00:00 2004-350T05:22:00
INMS_00BSA_INMAGSURV010_RIDER INMS B Saturn RIDER 2004-350T05:22:00 000T11:28:01 2004-350T16:50:01
MIMI_00BDR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI B Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2004-350T05:25:00 000T08:57:00 2004-350T14:22:00
MP_00BSA_PERIAPSEB999_NA B Periapse 2004-350T05:58:45
RPWS_00BSA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS B Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2004-350T07:30:00 000T00:15:00 2004-350T07:45:00
RPWS_00BSA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2004-350T07:50:00 000T00:05:00 2004-350T07:55:00
RPWS_00BRI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS B Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2004-350T10:33:00 000T02:00:00 2004-350T12:33:00
MP_00BSA_RPXDESCEN999_NA B Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2004-350T11:14:28
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-350T14:22:00 000T09:38:00 2004-351T00:00:00
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY010_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-350T15:22:00 000T08:38:00 2004-351T00:00:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY010_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-350T16:50:01 000T07:09:59 2004-351T00:00:00
CAPS_00BSA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-351T00:00:00 000T13:22:00 2004-351T13:22:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY013_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-351T00:00:00 000T13:22:00 2004-351T13:22:00
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY006_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-351T00:00:00 000T13:22:00 2004-351T13:22:00
RPWS_00BSA_INSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2004-351T00:00:00 000T10:20:00 2004-351T10:20:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY009_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-351T00:00:01 000T04:21:59 2004-351T04:22:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY010_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-351T04:22:00 000T09:00:00 2004-351T13:22:00
RPWS_00BSA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-351T10:20:00 000T03:02:00 2004-351T13:22:00
CAPS_00BSA_SURVEY009_RIDER CAPS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-351T13:22:00 000T10:38:00 2004-352T00:00:00
INMS_00BSA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS B Saturn INMS 2004-351T13:22:00 000T01:22:00 2004-351T14:44:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-351T13:22:00 004T16:02:00 2004-356T05:24:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY008_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-351T13:22:00 000T10:38:00 2004-352T00:00:00
RPWS_00BSA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-351T13:22:00 000T10:38:00 2004-352T00:00:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY026_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-351T14:44:00 000T16:01:00 2004-352T06:45:00
CAPS_00BIC_CALIBRATE001_PRIME CAPS B Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument PRIME 2004-352T00:00:00 000T09:10:00 2004-352T09:10:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-352T00:00:00 004T05:30:00 2004-356T05:30:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-352T00:00:00 004T05:19:00 2004-356T05:19:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-352T00:00:01 000T17:30:00 2004-352T17:30:01
INMS_00BSA_PTOTM008001_RIDER INMS B Saturn RIDER 2004-352T06:45:00 001T00:00:00 2004-353T06:45:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND003_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-352T17:30:01 003T11:46:59 2004-356T05:17:00
INMS_00BCO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS INMS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2004-353T06:45:00 002T22:29:00 2004-356T05:14:00
CAPS_00BSC_SLEEPMUTE001_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft Instrument to Sleep/Mute PRIME 2004-356T05:11:00 000T00:15:00 2004-356T05:26:00
INMS_00BSA_SLEEP004_RIDER INMS B Saturn Instrument to Sleep RIDER 2004-356T05:14:00 000T00:10:00 2004-356T05:24:00
MIMI_00BOT_MUTEPRMTU001_PRIME MIMI B Other Muted PRIME 2004-356T05:17:00 000T03:19:00 2004-356T08:36:00
RPWS_00BSC_SLEEPMUTE004_PRIME RPWS B RPWS in SLEEP mode with BIU Muted PRIME 2004-356T05:19:00 000T03:26:00 2004-356T08:45:00
INMS_00BSA_MUTE004_RIDER INMS B Saturn Muted RIDER 2004-356T05:24:00 000T03:12:00 2004-356T08:36:00
MAG_00BOT_PROBEMUTE002_RIDER MAG B Calibration Probe Checkout (MAG instrument muted) RIDER 2004-356T05:24:00 000T03:12:00 2004-356T08:36:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND010_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-356T08:36:00 003T10:50:00 2004-359T19:26:00
CAPS_00BSC_WAKEUNMUT001_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft CAPS wake up and unmute the instrument PRIME 2004-356T08:36:00 000T00:15:00 2004-356T08:51:00
INMS_00BCO_UNMUTE004_RIDER INMS B Corotation Unmute RIDER 2004-356T08:36:00 000T00:04:00 2004-356T08:40:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND006_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-356T08:36:00 003T10:40:00 2004-359T19:16:00
MIMI_00BOT_UNMUTEPR002_PRIME MIMI B Other UNMUTEPR002 PRIME 2004-356T08:36:00 000T00:07:00 2004-356T08:43:00
INMS_00BCO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS INMS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2004-356T08:40:00 001T12:50:00 2004-357T21:30:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND008_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-356T08:43:00 003T10:47:00 2004-359T19:30:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND010_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-356T08:45:00 003T19:37:00 2004-360T04:22:00
INMS_00BCO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS INMS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2004-357T21:30:00 000T09:00:00 2004-358T06:30:00
INMS_00BCO_PTOTM009001_CAPS INMS B Corotation CAPS 2004-358T06:30:00 001T00:00:00 2004-359T06:30:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY016_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-359T06:30:00 000T13:30:00 2004-359T20:00:00
CAPS_00BSC_TCMCFG001_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft Configure CAPS for Trajectory Correction Maneuver PRIME 2004-359T19:11:00 000T00:15:00 2004-359T19:26:00
INMS_00BSA_SLEEP005_RIDER INMS B Saturn Instrument to Sleep RIDER 2004-359T19:14:00 000T13:16:00 2004-360T08:30:00
MAG_00BIC_PROBERLSE001_PRIME MAG B Calibration Probe Release (high data rate) PRIME 2004-359T19:16:00 000T13:16:00 2004-360T08:32:00
MIMI_00BOT_PRSEPSAFE001_RIDER MIMI B Other RIDER 2004-359T19:17:00 000T13:16:00 2004-360T08:33:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY018_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-359T20:00:00 000T00:00:00 2004-359T19:14:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-360T04:22:00 005T14:01:00 2004-365T18:23:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND009_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-360T08:26:00 001T14:54:00 2004-361T23:20:00
CAPS_00BSC_STDCFG006_PRIME CAPS B Spacecraft Change CAPS instrument configuration PRIME 2004-360T08:26:00 000T00:15:00 2004-360T08:41:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY019_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-360T08:30:00 001T11:30:00 2004-361T20:00:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND007_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-360T08:32:00 005T09:51:00 2004-365T18:23:00
MAG_00BIC_RELSEMRE001_PRIME MAG B Calibration Probe Checkout (snapshot readout) PRIME 2004-360T08:32:00 000T00:01:00 2004-360T08:33:00
MIMI_00BOT_PRSEPRSUM001_RIDER MIMI B Other RIDER 2004-360T08:33:00 000T06:00:00 2004-360T14:33:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND007_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-360T14:20:00 005T04:03:00 2004-365T18:23:00
MAG_00BOT_PROBEPSA001_MAG MAG B Calibration Probe Checkout (snapshot data) MAG 2004-361T19:54:00 000T03:12:00 2004-361T23:06:00
INMS_00BSA_SLEEP006_RIDER INMS B Saturn Instrument to Sleep RIDER 2004-361T20:00:00 000T03:00:00 2004-361T23:00:00
CAPS_00BCO_MAGBOUND011_PRIME CAPS B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2004-361T23:00:00 003T19:23:00 2004-365T18:23:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY024_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-361T23:00:00 000T19:40:00 2004-362T18:40:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY021_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-362T21:00:00 000T09:00:00 2004-363T06:00:00
INMS_00BSA_PTOTM010001_RIDER INMS B Saturn RIDER 2004-363T06:00:00 001T00:00:00 2004-364T06:00:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY023_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-364T06:00:00 001T16:30:00 2004-365T22:30:00
CAPS_00BSA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-365T18:23:00 000T12:54:00 2004-366T07:17:00
MAG_00BOT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG B Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2004-365T18:23:00 000T07:07:00 2004-366T01:30:00
RPWS_00BSA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS B Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2004-365T18:23:00 000T07:07:00 2004-366T01:30:00
MIMI_00BCO_MAGBOUND004_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-365T18:23:01 000T07:06:59 2004-366T01:30:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY009_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-365T22:30:00 000T03:00:00 2004-366T01:30:00
INMS_00BSA_SURVEY008_RIDER INMS B Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-366T01:30:00 000T05:47:00 2004-366T07:17:00
MAG_00BOT_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MAG B Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2004-366T01:30:00 001T04:00:00 2005-001T05:30:00
RPWS_00BCO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS B Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-366T01:30:00 000T05:47:00 2004-366T07:17:00
MIMI_00BCO_SURVEY007_RIDER MIMI B Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-366T01:30:01 000T05:47:53 2004-366T07:17:54
CAPS_00CSA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS C Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-366T07:17:00 001T21:15:00 2005-002T04:32:00
INMS_00CSA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS C Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2004-366T07:17:00 001T21:21:00 2005-002T04:38:00
RPWS_00CCO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS RPWS C Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2004-366T07:17:00 001T21:21:00 2005-002T04:38:00
MIMI_00CCO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2004-366T07:17:55 000T22:12:05 2005-001T05:30:00
MP_00CSA_APOAPSEC999_NA C Apoapse 2004-366T07:17:55
MP_00CIA_FLYBYNT001_NA C Iapetus Flyby 2005-001T01:28:03
MAG_00COT_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MAG C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-001T05:30:00 000T06:00:00 2005-001T11:30:00
MIMI_00CCO_MAGBOUND005_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-001T05:30:00 000T06:00:00 2005-001T11:30:00
CAPS_00CSA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS C Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-001T06:30:00 000T05:00:00 2005-001T11:30:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-001T06:30:00 000T05:00:00 2005-001T11:30:00
MAG_00COT_MAGBOUND006_MAPS MAG C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-001T11:30:00 000T17:08:00 2005-002T04:38:00
MIMI_00CCO_MAGBOUND006_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-001T11:30:00 000T17:08:00 2005-002T04:38:00
CAPS_00CSA_2XSURVEY001_RIDER CAPS C Saturn CAPS Survey Data RIDER 2005-002T04:32:00 004T07:20:00 2005-006T11:52:00
INMS_00CSA_SURVEY008_RIDER INMS C Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-002T04:38:00 000T03:52:00 2005-002T08:30:00
MAG_00COT_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MAG C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-002T04:38:00 004T07:00:00 2005-006T11:38:00
RPWS_00CCO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS C Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-002T04:38:00 004T07:15:00 2005-006T11:53:00
MIMI_00CCO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-002T04:38:01 004T07:00:59 2005-006T11:39:00
INMS_00CSA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS C Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-002T08:30:00 001T12:30:00 2005-003T21:00:00
INMS_00CSA_SURVEY006_RIDER INMS C Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-003T21:00:00 000T09:00:00 2005-004T06:00:00
INMS_00CSA_PTOTM010A001_RIDER INMS C Saturn RIDER 2005-004T06:00:00 001T00:00:00 2005-005T06:00:00
INMS_00CSA_SURVEY007_RIDER INMS C Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-005T06:00:00 001T05:35:00 2005-006T11:35:00
CAPS_00CSA_PWROFF001_PRIME CAPS C Saturn Power the instrument off PRIME 2005-006T11:33:00 000T00:30:00 2005-006T12:03:00
INMS_00CSA_SLEEP001_RIDER INMS C Saturn Instrument to Sleep RIDER 2005-006T11:35:00 000T00:01:00 2005-006T11:36:00
INMS_00CSA_POWEROFF001_RIDER INMS C Saturn Power off RIDER 2005-006T11:36:00 008T23:34:00 2005-015T11:10:00
MAG_00COT_PROBESEQ001_RIDER MAG C Calibration Probe Entry (MAG instrument muted) RIDER 2005-006T11:38:00 009T00:32:00 2005-015T12:10:00
MIMI_00CCO_OFFPROBE002_RIDER MIMI C Corotation RIDER 2005-006T11:39:00 008T23:21:00 2005-015T11:00:00
RPWS_00CEA_OFF001_PRIME RPWS C RPWS Power off PRIME 2005-006T11:53:00 004T00:01:00 2005-010T11:54:00
MP_00CTI_FLYBYTC999_NA C Titan Flyby - C 2005-014T11:04:56
MP_00CSA_RPXASCEND999_NA C Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-014T14:55:45
MIMI_00CCO_POWERON001_RIDER MIMI C Corotation RIDER 2005-015T11:00:00 000T06:00:00 2005-015T17:00:00
INMS_00CSA_POWERON001_RIDER INMS C Saturn Power on  RIDER 2005-015T11:10:00 002T01:20:00 2005-017T12:30:00
INMS_00CSA_POWERON001_RIDER INMS C Saturn Power on  RIDER 2005-015T11:10:00 002T01:20:00 2005-017T12:30:00
MAG_00COT_PROBEEND001_RIDER MAG C Calibration Probe Checkout (low data rate) RIDER 2005-015T12:10:00 000T05:07:00 2005-015T17:17:00
CAPS_00COT_PWRON001_PRIME CAPS C Other Power the instrumnet On PRIME 2005-015T17:17:00 000T10:30:00 2005-016T03:47:00
CAPS_00COT_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS C Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-015T17:17:00 002T16:43:00 2005-018T10:00:00
MAG_00COT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG C Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-015T17:17:00 000T19:03:00 2005-016T12:20:00
RPWS_00CSA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS C Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-015T17:17:00 001T17:35:00 2005-017T10:52:00
RPWS_00CEA_ON001_PRIME RPWS C RPWS Power on PRIME 2005-015T17:17:00 000T00:01:00 2005-015T17:18:00
MIMI_00CCO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-015T18:00:00 000T15:32:01 2005-016T09:32:01
RPWS_00CSA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS C Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-015T23:42:00 000T14:00:00 2005-016T13:42:00
RPWS_00CSA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS C Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2005-016T05:42:00 000T00:15:00 2005-016T05:57:00
MP_00CSA_PERIAPSEC999_NA C Periapse 2005-016T06:27:25
RPWS_00CSA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS C Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-016T06:42:00 000T00:05:00 2005-016T06:47:00
MIMI_00CDR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI C Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-016T09:32:00 000T02:48:00 2005-016T12:20:00
RPWS_00CRI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS C Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2005-016T10:57:00 000T02:00:00 2005-016T12:57:00
MP_00CSA_RPXDESCEN999_NA C Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-016T11:57:35
MAG_00COT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG C Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-016T12:20:00 001T00:10:00 2005-017T12:30:00
MIMI_00CDR_INCADUST002_PRIME MIMI C Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-016T12:40:10 000T01:19:50 2005-016T14:00:00
MIMI_00CCO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-016T14:00:00 000T22:30:00 2005-017T12:30:00
RPWS_00CSA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS C Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-017T10:52:00 000T23:08:00 2005-018T10:00:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K001_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-017T12:30:00 000T12:36:00 2005-018T01:06:00
INMS_00CSA_POWERON002_RIDER INMS C Saturn Power on  RIDER 2005-017T12:30:00 000T21:30:00 2005-018T10:00:00
MAG_00COT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG C Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-017T12:30:00 000T21:30:00 2005-018T10:00:00
MIMI_00CCO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-017T12:30:00 000T21:30:00 2005-018T10:00:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE002_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-017T12:30:00 000T12:40:00 2005-018T01:10:00
UVIS_00CSA_AURORA001_PRIME UVIS 00C Saturn Aurorial observation PRIME 2005-017T18:00:00 000T02:00:00 2005-017T20:00:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE003_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-018T02:10:00 000T07:50:00 2005-018T10:00:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K002_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-018T02:11:00 000T05:11:28 2005-018T07:22:28
CAPS_00CCO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME CAPS C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-018T10:00:00 003T00:38:00 2005-021T10:38:00
INMS_00CSA_SURVEY009_RIDER INMS C Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-018T10:00:00 004T00:38:00 2005-022T10:38:00
MAG_00COT_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MAG C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-018T10:00:00 004T00:38:00 2005-022T10:38:00
MIMI_00CCO_MAGBOUND003_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-018T10:00:00 004T00:38:00 2005-022T10:38:00
RPWS_00CCO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS RPWS C Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-018T10:00:00 003T00:38:00 2005-021T10:38:00
CAPS_00CCO_MAGBOUND002_PRIME CAPS C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-021T10:38:00 010T17:11:00 2005-032T03:49:00
CAPS_00CCO_MAGBOUND002_PRIME CAPS C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-021T10:38:00 010T17:11:00 2005-032T03:49:00
RPWS_00CCO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS RPWS C Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-021T10:38:00 000T15:00:00 2005-022T01:38:00
CAPS_00COT_MAGBNDPTG001_PRIME CAPS C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-021T16:15:00 000T07:30:00 2005-021T23:45:00
RPWS_00CCO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS C Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-022T01:38:00 000T09:00:00 2005-022T10:38:00
INMS_00CSA_STARTUP002_RIDER INMS C Saturn RIDER 2005-022T10:38:00 000T01:47:00 2005-022T12:25:00
MAG_00COT_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-022T10:38:00 012T22:22:00 2005-035T09:00:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE004_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-022T10:38:00 000T07:30:00 2005-022T18:08:00
RPWS_00CCO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS C Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-022T10:38:00 009T16:57:45 2005-032T03:35:45
MIMI_00CCO_MAGBOUND004_RIDER MIMI C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-022T10:38:01 009T16:57:43 2005-032T03:35:44
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K003_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-022T11:30:00 000T04:33:04 2005-022T16:03:04
CAPS_00COT_MAGBNDPTG002_PRIME CAPS C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-022T12:15:00 000T04:00:00 2005-022T16:15:00
INMS_00CSA_SLPLOADVR001_RIDER INMS C Saturn RIDER 2005-022T12:25:00 001T23:05:00 2005-024T11:30:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE005_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-023T03:08:00 000T22:15:00 2005-024T01:23:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K009_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-023T04:30:00 000T09:06:08 2005-023T13:36:08
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE006_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-024T02:23:00 000T07:00:00 2005-024T09:23:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K006_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-024T02:30:00 000T02:16:32 2005-024T04:46:32
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE007_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-024T10:23:00 000T11:45:00 2005-024T22:08:00
INMS_00CCO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS INMS C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-024T11:30:00 003T22:38:00 2005-028T10:08:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K010_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-024T12:00:00 000T09:06:08 2005-024T21:06:08
CAPS_00COT_MAGBNDPTG003_PRIME CAPS C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-024T16:00:00 000T04:30:00 2005-024T20:30:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE008_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-025T02:00:00 000T23:23:00 2005-026T01:23:00
CAPS_00COT_MAGBNDPTG004_PRIME CAPS C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-025T13:30:00 000T10:00:00 2005-025T23:30:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE009_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-026T02:23:00 000T07:00:00 2005-026T09:23:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K007_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-026T02:30:00 000T02:16:32 2005-026T04:46:32
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE010_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-026T10:23:00 000T15:00:00 2005-027T01:23:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K004_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-026T11:30:00 000T04:33:04 2005-026T16:03:04
CAPS_00COT_MAGBNDPTG005_PRIME CAPS C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-026T18:00:00 000T05:30:00 2005-026T23:30:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE011_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-027T10:23:00 000T14:45:00 2005-028T01:08:00
CAPS_00COT_MAGBNDPTG006_PRIME CAPS C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-027T16:00:00 000T07:30:00 2005-027T23:30:00
INMS_00CCO_PTOTM012001_CAPS INMS C Corotation CAPS 2005-028T10:08:00 001T00:00:00 2005-029T10:08:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE012_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-028T10:08:00 000T15:00:00 2005-029T01:08:00
CAPS_00COT_MAGBNDPTG007_PRIME CAPS C Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-028T17:00:00 000T06:30:00 2005-028T23:30:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K005_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-029T02:00:00 000T04:33:04 2005-029T06:33:04
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE013_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-029T02:08:00 000T07:00:00 2005-029T09:08:00
INMS_00CCO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS INMS C Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-029T10:08:00 002T17:17:00 2005-032T03:25:00
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE014_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-031T10:53:00 000T12:59:00 2005-031T23:52:00
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K008_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-031T12:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-031T14:16:32
CAPS_00COT_BURSK16K011_RIDER CAPS C Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-032T00:45:00 000T09:06:08 2005-032T09:51:08
RPWS_00CCO_HIRATE015_CAPS RPWS C Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-032T00:52:00 000T09:30:00 2005-032T10:22:00
INMS_003CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS INMS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-032T03:25:00 003T07:42:00 2005-035T11:07:00
MP_00CSA_APOAPSE003_NA C Apoapse 2005-032T03:25:40
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-032T03:35:45 003T05:24:16 2005-035T09:00:01
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-032T03:35:45 003T07:31:15 2005-035T11:07:00
CAPS_003CO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME CAPS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-032T03:49:00 003T07:18:00 2005-035T11:07:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE015_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-032T11:22:00 000T12:00:00 2005-032T23:22:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K014_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-032T12:30:00 000T06:49:36 2005-032T19:19:36
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE016_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-033T11:22:00 000T12:00:00 2005-033T23:22:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE017_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-034T11:22:00 000T12:30:00 2005-034T23:52:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE018_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-035T00:52:00 000T09:15:00 2005-035T10:07:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K015_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-035T02:00:00 000T06:49:36 2005-035T08:49:36
MAG_003OT_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MAG 3 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-035T09:00:00 002T00:37:00 2005-037T09:37:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND005_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-035T09:00:01 002T00:36:59 2005-037T09:37:00
CAPS_003CO_MAGBOUND004_PRIME CAPS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-035T11:07:00 001T22:30:00 2005-037T09:37:00
INMS_003CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS INMS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-035T11:07:00 007T22:00:00 2005-043T09:07:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE019_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-035T11:07:00 000T06:00:00 2005-035T17:07:00
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-035T11:07:00 001T22:20:00 2005-037T09:27:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K001_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-035T12:30:00 000T04:33:04 2005-035T17:03:04
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K002_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-035T18:00:00 000T04:33:04 2005-035T22:33:04
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE020_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-035T18:07:00 000T07:00:00 2005-036T01:07:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE021_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-036T02:07:00 000T22:30:00 2005-037T00:37:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K003_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-036T03:00:00 000T04:33:04 2005-036T07:33:04
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE022_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-037T01:37:00 000T07:00:00 2005-037T08:37:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K007_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-037T02:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-037T04:16:32
CAPS_003CO_MAGBOUND005_PRIME CAPS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-037T09:37:00 001T14:45:00 2005-039T00:22:00
MAG_003OT_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MAG 3 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-037T09:37:00 001T14:45:00 2005-039T00:22:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE023_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-037T09:37:00 000T07:30:00 2005-037T17:07:00
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-037T09:37:00 001T14:45:00 2005-039T00:22:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND006_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-037T09:37:01 001T14:44:59 2005-039T00:22:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K004_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-037T10:30:00 000T04:33:04 2005-037T15:03:04
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE024_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-037T18:07:00 000T07:00:00 2005-038T01:07:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K016_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-037T19:00:00 000T06:49:36 2005-038T01:49:36
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE025_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-038T02:07:00 000T22:15:00 2005-039T00:22:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K005_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-038T03:00:00 000T04:33:04 2005-038T07:33:04
CAPS_003CO_MAGBOUND006_PRIME CAPS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-039T00:22:00 003T01:15:00 2005-042T01:37:00
MAG_003OT_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MAG 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-039T00:22:00 003T01:15:00 2005-042T01:37:00
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND007_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-039T00:22:00 003T01:15:00 2005-042T01:37:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND007_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-039T00:22:01 003T01:14:59 2005-042T01:37:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE026_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-039T01:22:00 000T07:00:00 2005-039T08:22:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K008_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-039T02:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-039T04:16:32
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE027_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-041T09:22:00 000T07:15:00 2005-041T16:37:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K009_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-041T11:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-041T13:16:32
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE028_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-041T17:37:00 000T07:00:00 2005-042T00:37:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K010_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-041T18:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-041T20:16:32
CAPS_003CO_MAGBOUND007_PRIME CAPS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-042T01:37:00 001T15:00:00 2005-043T16:37:00
MAG_003OT_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MAG 3 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-042T01:37:00 000T22:30:00 2005-043T00:07:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE029_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-042T01:37:00 000T22:30:00 2005-043T00:07:00
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND008_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-042T01:37:00 001T15:00:00 2005-043T16:37:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND008_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-042T01:37:01 001T14:59:59 2005-043T16:37:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K017_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-042T03:00:00 000T13:39:12 2005-042T16:39:12
MAG_003OT_MAGBOUND007_MAPS MAG 3 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-043T00:07:00 000T09:00:00 2005-043T09:07:00
INMS_003CO_PTOTM013001_CAPS INMS 3 Corotation CAPS 2005-043T09:07:00 000T16:30:00 2005-044T01:37:00
MAG_003OT_MAGBOUND008_MAPS MAG 3 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-043T09:07:00 000T07:30:00 2005-043T16:37:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE030_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-043T09:07:00 000T07:30:00 2005-043T16:37:00
CAPS_003CO_MAGBOUND008_PRIME CAPS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-043T16:37:00 001T16:30:00 2005-045T09:07:00
MAG_003OT_MAGBOUND006_MAPS MAG 3 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-043T16:37:00 001T16:30:00 2005-045T09:07:00
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND009_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-043T16:37:00 001T08:23:00 2005-045T01:00:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND009_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-043T16:37:01 001T16:29:59 2005-045T09:07:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K006_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-043T17:30:00 000T04:33:04 2005-043T22:03:04
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE031_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-043T17:37:00 000T07:00:00 2005-044T00:37:00
INMS_003CO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS INMS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-044T01:37:00 000T22:30:00 2005-045T00:07:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE032_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-044T01:37:00 000T22:30:00 2005-045T00:07:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K013_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-044T03:00:00 000T09:06:08 2005-044T12:06:08
INMS_003CO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS INMS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-045T00:07:00 000T09:00:00 2005-045T09:07:00
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-045T01:00:00 000T09:07:00 2005-045T10:07:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE033_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-045T01:07:00 000T07:00:00 2005-045T08:07:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K011_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-045T02:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-045T04:16:32
CAPS_003CO_MAGBOUND003_PRIME CAPS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-045T09:07:00 000T05:27:56 2005-045T14:34:56
INMS_003CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS INMS 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-045T09:07:00 000T05:27:56 2005-045T14:34:56
MAG_003CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-045T09:07:00 000T04:53:00 2005-045T14:00:00
RPWS_003CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS RPWS 3 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-045T09:07:00 000T05:27:56 2005-045T14:34:56
MIMI_003TI_T3EXTINB001_CIRS MIMI 3 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) CIRS 2005-045T09:07:01 000T16:50:52 2005-046T01:57:53
MAG_003OT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-045T14:00:00 000T00:34:56 2005-045T14:34:56
CAPS_003TI_T3EXTINB001_CIRS CAPS 3 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) CIRS 2005-045T14:34:56 000T11:22:57 2005-046T01:57:53
INMS_003TI_TINTERACT001_CIRS INMS 3 Titan Titan Interaction campaign (complete encounter coverage by observing from 10 to 25 Rs) CIRS 2005-045T14:34:56 000T04:54:50 2005-045T19:29:46
MAG_003TI_TINTERACT001_CIRS MAG 3 Titan Titan Interaction campaign (complete encounter coverage by observing from 10 to 25 Rs) CIRS 2005-045T14:34:56 000T12:22:57 2005-046T02:57:53
RPWS_003TI_TINTERACT001_CIRS RPWS 3 Titan RPWS mode to monitor Titan's interaction with the magnetosphere several hours from closest approach CIRS 2005-045T14:34:56 000T14:22:57 2005-046T04:57:53
INMS_003TI_T3INBD001_RSS INMS 3 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RSS 2005-045T19:29:46 000T10:28:07 2005-046T05:57:53
CAPS_003TI_T3INBND001_PRIME CAPS 3 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours PRIME 2005-046T01:57:53 000T03:00:00 2005-046T04:57:53
MIMI_003TI_T3INBND001_CAPS MIMI 3 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours CAPS 2005-046T01:57:53 000T03:00:00 2005-046T04:57:53
MAG_003TI_MAGTITAN001_PRIME MAG 3 Titan Titan Encounter (high date rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-046T02:57:53 000T08:00:00 2005-046T10:57:53
CAPS_003TI_T3INBND002_PRIME CAPS 3 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours PRIME 2005-046T04:57:53 000T01:08:00 2005-046T06:05:53
MIMI_003TI_T3INBND002_CAPS MIMI 3 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours CAPS 2005-046T04:57:53 000T01:08:00 2005-046T06:05:53
RPWS_003TI_TIINTRMED001_PRIME RPWS 3 Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2005-046T04:57:53 000T01:00:00 2005-046T05:57:53
INMS_003TI_T3CLOSE001_RSS INMS 3 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RSS 2005-046T05:57:53 000T02:00:00 2005-046T07:57:53
RPWS_003TI_TICA001_PRIME RPWS 3 Titan High Resolution RPWS observations near Titan closest approach PRIME 2005-046T05:57:53 000T02:00:00 2005-046T07:57:53
CAPS_003TI_T3CLOSE001_RSS CAPS 3 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RSS 2005-046T06:05:53 000T01:54:00 2005-046T07:59:53
MIMI_003TI_T3CLOSE001_RSS MIMI 3 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RSS 2005-046T06:05:53 000T01:54:00 2005-046T07:59:53
MP_003TI_FLYBYT003_NA 3 Titan Flyby - 3 2005-046T06:54:21
MP_003EA_OCCTITAN003_NA 3 Titan  Titan Occultation 2005-046T07:01:31 000T00:25:11 2005-046T07:26:42
MP_003SU_OCCTITAN003_NA 3 Titan Occultation 2005-046T07:05:20 000T00:15:19 2005-046T07:20:39
INMS_003TI_T3OUTBD000_RSS INMS 3 Titan RSS 2005-046T07:57:53 000T11:00:00 2005-046T18:57:53
RPWS_003TI_TIINTRMED002_PRIME RPWS 3 Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2005-046T07:57:53 000T01:00:00 2005-046T08:57:53
CAPS_003TI_T3OUTBND001_UVIS CAPS 3 Titan Observations outbound from Titan encounter, typically +1 to +2 hours UVIS 2005-046T07:59:53 000T00:58:00 2005-046T08:57:53
MIMI_003TI_T3OUTBND001_UVIS MIMI 3 Titan Observations outbound from Titan encounter, typically +1 to +2 hours UVIS 2005-046T07:59:53 000T01:29:10 2005-046T09:29:03
CAPS_003TI_T3EXTOUT001_UVIS CAPS 3 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) UVIS 2005-046T08:57:53 001T00:05:39 2005-047T09:03:32
RPWS_003TI_TINTERACT002_CIRS RPWS 3 Titan RPWS mode to monitor Titan's interaction with the magnetosphere several hours from closest approach CIRS 2005-046T08:57:53 001T00:05:39 2005-047T09:03:32
MIMI_003TI_T3EXTOUT002_RIDER MIMI 3 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) RIDER 2005-046T09:30:01 000T23:29:58 2005-047T08:59:59
MAG_003TI_TINTERACT002_CIRS MAG 3 Titan Titan Interaction campaign (complete encounter coverage by observing from 10 to 25 Rs) CIRS 2005-046T10:57:53 000T22:02:07 2005-047T09:00:00
INMS_003SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-046T18:57:53 000T05:01:07 2005-046T23:59:00
INMS_003SA_SURVEY009_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-046T23:59:00 000T09:00:00 2005-047T08:59:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE034_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-047T00:59:00 000T07:00:00 2005-047T07:59:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K018_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-047T01:30:00 000T04:33:04 2005-047T06:03:04
INMS_003SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-047T08:59:00 000T01:31:00 2005-047T10:30:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-047T09:00:00 000T13:20:00 2005-047T22:20:00
MIMI_003CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-047T09:00:00 000T05:34:00 2005-047T14:34:00
RPWS_003TI_TINTERACT003_CIRS RPWS 3 Titan RPWS mode to monitor Titan's interaction with the magnetosphere several hours from closest approach CIRS 2005-047T09:00:00 000T01:20:00 2005-047T10:20:00
CAPS_003SA_SURVEY011_RIDER CAPS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-047T09:03:32 000T17:56:57 2005-048T03:00:29
CAPS_003IC_CALIBRATE001_PRIME CAPS 3 Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument PRIME 2005-047T09:10:00 000T08:36:00 2005-047T17:46:00
RPWS_003SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-047T10:20:00 001T18:50:00 2005-049T05:10:00
INMS_003SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-047T10:30:00 000T03:18:00 2005-047T13:48:00
INMS_003SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn RIDER 2005-047T13:48:00 000T11:05:17 2005-048T00:53:17
MIMI_003DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 3 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-047T14:34:00 000T22:16:00 2005-048T12:50:00
RPWS_003SA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-047T17:54:02 000T14:00:00 2005-048T07:54:02
MAG_003OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 3 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-047T22:20:00 000T05:10:00 2005-048T03:30:00
MP_003DR_DUSTHAZRD001_PRIME 3 Dust Hazard 2005-047T22:38:29 000T00:49:16 2005-047T23:27:45
RPWS_003RI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS 3 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2005-047T22:41:00 000T02:00:00 2005-048T00:41:00
MP_003SA_RPXASCEND003_NA 3 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-047T23:38:19
INMS_003SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn RIDER 2005-048T00:53:17 000T11:06:43 2005-048T12:00:00
MP_003SA_PERIAPSE003_NA 3 Periapse 2005-048T00:54:02
RPWS_003SA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2005-048T00:55:00 000T00:15:00 2005-048T01:10:00
RPWS_003SA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-048T01:14:00 000T00:05:00 2005-048T01:19:00
CAPS_003EN_ENCOUNTER001_RIDER CAPS 3 Enceladus Enceladus Encounter RIDER 2005-048T03:00:29 000T01:00:00 2005-048T04:00:29
RPWS_003EN_ENCA001_PRIME RPWS 3 Enceladus High Resolution RPWS observations near Enceladus closest approach PRIME 2005-048T03:00:29 000T01:00:00 2005-048T04:00:29
MP_003EN_FLYBYNT001_NA 3 Enceladus Flyby 2005-048T03:24:34
MAG_003OT_SURVEY006_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-048T03:30:00 001T05:13:00 2005-049T08:43:00
CAPS_003SA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-048T04:00:29 001T04:40:16 2005-049T08:40:45
INMS_003SA_SURVEY008_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-048T12:00:00 000T20:43:00 2005-049T08:43:00
RPWS_003SA_SWSKRWSM007_RIDER RPWS 3 Saturn RPWS mode optimized for Saturn Kilometric Radiation observations when in situ instruments are measuring the solar wind RIDER 2005-048T12:00:00 000T11:43:00 2005-048T23:43:00
MIMI_003CO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-048T12:50:00 000T19:53:00 2005-049T08:43:00
CAPS_003SA_BURST8K001_RIDER CAPS 3 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-048T15:00:00 000T06:00:00 2005-048T21:00:00
RPWS_003SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-049T05:10:00 000T03:33:00 2005-049T08:43:00
CAPS_003SA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-049T08:43:00 007T23:23:00 2005-057T08:06:00
INMS_003SA_PTOTM014001_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn RIDER 2005-049T08:43:00 000T23:53:00 2005-050T08:36:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-049T08:43:00 000T23:53:00 2005-050T08:36:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-049T08:43:00 007T23:23:00 2005-057T08:06:00
RPWS_003SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-049T08:43:00 002T00:17:00 2005-051T09:00:00
INMS_003SA_SURVEY007_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-050T08:36:00 000T11:24:00 2005-050T20:00:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY008_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-050T08:36:00 000T15:08:00 2005-050T23:44:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE035_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-050T08:36:00 000T15:08:00 2005-050T23:44:00
CAPS_003OT_BURSK16K012_RIDER CAPS 3 Other CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-050T10:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-050T12:16:32
INMS_003CO_SURVEY005_CAPS INMS 3 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) CAPS 2005-050T20:00:00 007T04:36:00 2005-058T00:36:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY009_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-050T23:44:00 000T08:52:00 2005-051T08:36:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY010_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-051T08:36:00 000T01:00:00 2005-051T09:36:00
RPWS_003SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-051T09:00:00 005T23:06:00 2005-057T08:06:00
MAG_003IC_SCAS001_RIDER MAG 3 Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2005-051T09:36:00 000T03:20:00 2005-051T12:56:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY007_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-051T12:56:00 000T10:25:00 2005-051T23:21:00
MP_003SA_RPXDESCEN003_NA 3 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-051T13:40:16
MAG_003OT_SURVEY011_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-051T23:21:00 000T09:00:00 2005-052T08:21:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY012_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-052T08:21:00 002T00:00:00 2005-054T08:21:00
RPWS_003CO_HIRATE036_CAPS RPWS 3 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-053T02:21:00 000T21:00:00 2005-053T23:21:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY013_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-054T08:21:00 002T23:45:00 2005-057T08:06:00
CAPS_003SA_2XSURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 3 Saturn CAPS Survey Data RIDER 2005-057T08:06:00 000T16:30:00 2005-058T00:36:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-057T08:06:00 000T16:30:00 2005-058T00:36:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-057T08:06:00 000T16:30:00 2005-058T00:36:00
RPWS_003SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-057T08:06:00 000T16:30:00 2005-058T00:36:00
CAPS_003SA_SURVEY010_RIDER CAPS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-058T00:36:00 000T06:12:00 2005-058T06:48:00
INMS_003SA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS 3 Saturn INMS 2005-058T00:36:00 000T01:22:00 2005-058T01:58:00
MAG_003OT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG 3 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-058T00:36:00 000T22:14:00 2005-058T22:50:00
MIMI_003CO_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MIMI 3 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-058T00:36:00 000T06:17:11 2005-058T06:53:11
RPWS_003SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 3 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-058T00:36:00 000T06:17:11 2005-058T06:53:11
INMS_003SA_SURVEY006_RIDER INMS 3 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-058T01:58:00 000T04:22:24 2005-058T06:20:24
MP_003SA_APOAPSE004_NA 3 Apoapse 2005-058T06:20:23
INMS_004SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-058T06:20:24 003T01:29:36 2005-061T07:50:00
CAPS_004SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-058T06:48:00 007T00:47:00 2005-065T07:35:00
MIMI_004CO_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MIMI 4 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-058T06:53:11 007T16:21:49 2005-065T23:15:00
RPWS_004SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-058T06:53:11 001T00:00:00 2005-059T06:53:11
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-058T07:00:00 003T00:00:00 2005-061T07:00:00
MAG_004OT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG 4 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-058T22:50:00 003T09:00:00 2005-062T07:50:00
RPWS_004IC_PIM001_PRIME RPWS 4 Calibration RPWS periodic instrument maintenance (applies large potential to Langmuir Probe) PRIME 2005-059T06:20:24 001T00:00:00 2005-060T06:20:24
RPWS_004SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-060T06:20:24 002T18:12:53 2005-063T00:33:17
INMS_004SA_PTOTM015001_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn RIDER 2005-061T07:50:00 001T00:00:00 2005-062T07:50:00
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE002_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-062T01:00:00 000T00:30:00 2005-062T01:30:00
INMS_004SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-062T07:50:00 002T23:45:00 2005-065T07:35:00
MAG_004OT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG 4 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-062T07:50:00 004T23:44:00 2005-067T07:34:00
RPWS_004SA_ANTCAL001_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect direction-finding data during spacecraft rolls in order to characterize the electrical characteristics of the RPWS electric antenna elements PRIME 2005-063T01:05:00 000T11:30:00 2005-063T12:35:00
RPWS_004SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-063T12:35:00 001T19:00:00 2005-065T07:35:00
CAPS_004SA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-065T07:35:00 002T00:00:00 2005-067T07:35:00
INMS_004SA_PTOTM016001_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn RIDER 2005-065T07:35:00 000T23:45:00 2005-066T07:20:00
RPWS_004SA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-065T07:35:00 001T23:59:00 2005-067T07:34:00
MIMI_004CO_SURVEY001_MAPS MIMI 4 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-065T23:15:00 001T08:19:00 2005-067T07:34:00
INMS_004SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-066T07:20:00 001T00:26:33 2005-067T07:46:33
MAG_004OT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG 4 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-067T07:34:00 000T23:34:01 2005-068T07:08:01
MIMI_004CO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI 4 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-067T07:34:00 000T17:08:00 2005-068T00:42:00
RPWS_004SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-067T07:34:00 000T00:41:00 2005-067T08:15:00
CAPS_004SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-067T07:35:00 001T01:18:09 2005-068T08:53:09
INMS_004SA_FUSERVEY001_RSS INMS 4 Saturn RSS 2005-067T07:46:33 000T15:53:27 2005-067T23:40:00
RPWS_004SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-067T08:15:00 000T20:24:41 2005-068T04:39:41
INMS_004SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn RIDER 2005-067T23:40:00 000T08:58:01 2005-068T08:38:01
MIMI_004DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 4 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-068T00:42:00 000T07:56:01 2005-068T08:38:01
RPWS_004SA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-068T04:38:22 000T03:59:31 2005-068T08:37:53
MAG_004EN_ENTAR001_RIDER MAG 4 Enceladus Enceladus encounter (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) RIDER 2005-068T07:08:01 000T00:56:59 2005-068T08:05:00
MAG_004EN_ENTAR002_RIDER MAG 4 Enceladus Enceladus encounter (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) RIDER 2005-068T08:05:00 000T03:03:01 2005-068T11:08:01
MAG_004OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 4 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-068T08:05:00 000T07:05:00 2005-068T15:10:00
INMS_004EN_ICYSATIB001_RSS INMS 4 Enceladus RSS 2005-068T08:38:01 000T00:15:00 2005-068T08:53:01
MIMI_004EN_ENCOUNTER001_RSS MIMI 4 Enceladus Enceladus Encounter RSS 2005-068T08:38:01 000T01:00:00 2005-068T09:38:01
RPWS_004EN_ENCA001_PRIME RPWS 4 Enceladus High Resolution RPWS observations near Enceladus closest approach PRIME 2005-068T08:38:01 000T01:00:00 2005-068T09:38:01
CAPS_004EN_ENCOUNTER001_RIDER CAPS 4 Enceladus Enceladus Encounter RIDER 2005-068T08:39:00 000T01:00:00 2005-068T09:39:00
INMS_004EN_ICYSATCL001_RSS INMS 4 Enceladus RSS 2005-068T08:53:01 000T00:30:00 2005-068T09:23:01
MP_004EN_FLYBYE001_NA 4 Enceladus Flyby 2005-068T09:06:34
MP_004DR_DUSTHAZRD001_PRIME 4 Dust Hazard 2005-068T09:14:01 000T01:04:00 2005-068T10:18:01
INMS_004EN_ICYSATOB001_RSS INMS 4 Enceladus RSS 2005-068T09:23:01 000T00:15:00 2005-068T09:38:01
INMS_004SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn RIDER 2005-068T09:38:01 000T02:01:14 2005-068T11:39:15
MIMI_004DR_INCADUST002_PRIME MIMI 4 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-068T09:38:01 000T13:19:26 2005-068T22:57:27
RPWS_004SA_SEDDF002_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-068T09:38:01 000T01:00:29 2005-068T10:38:30
CAPS_004SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-068T09:53:09 000T17:21:47 2005-069T03:14:56
MP_004SA_RPXASCEND004_NA 4 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-068T10:18:23
RPWS_004SA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2005-068T10:38:22 000T00:15:00 2005-068T10:53:22
RPWS_004SA_SEDDF003_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-068T10:53:22 000T00:37:20 2005-068T11:30:42
RPWS_004SA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-068T11:30:42 000T00:05:00 2005-068T11:35:42
RPWS_004SA_SEDDF004_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-068T11:35:42 000T01:02:40 2005-068T12:38:22
MP_004SA_PERIAPSE004_NA 4 Periapse 2005-068T11:38:22
INMS_004SA_INMAGSURV003_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn RIDER 2005-068T11:39:15 000T06:10:45 2005-068T17:50:00
MP_004TE_FLYBYNT001_NA 4 Tethys Flyby 2005-068T11:42:10
RPWS_004SA_SEDDF005_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-068T12:53:22 000T05:45:00 2005-068T18:38:22
MAG_004OT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG 4 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-068T15:10:00 000T02:40:00 2005-068T17:50:00
INMS_004SA_FUSERVEY002_RSS INMS 4 Saturn RSS 2005-068T17:50:00 000T08:25:52 2005-069T02:15:52
MAG_004OT_SURVEY006_PRIME MAG 4 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-068T17:50:00 000T13:09:00 2005-069T06:59:00
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE003_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-068T18:00:00 000T13:00:00 2005-069T07:00:00
RPWS_004SA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-068T18:38:22 000T08:35:15 2005-069T03:13:37
MIMI_004CO_SURVEY002_MAPS MIMI 4 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-068T22:57:28 000T08:28:32 2005-069T07:26:00
INMS_004SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-069T02:15:52 000T00:59:04 2005-069T03:14:56
CAPS_004CO_DISTTORUS002_PRIME CAPS 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan PRIME 2005-069T03:14:56 000T04:11:04 2005-069T07:26:00
CAPS_004CO_DISTTORUS002_PRIME CAPS 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan PRIME 2005-069T03:14:56 000T04:11:04 2005-069T07:26:00
INMS_004CO_DISTTORUS001_CAPS INMS 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan CAPS 2005-069T03:14:56 000T04:11:04 2005-069T07:26:00
RPWS_004CO_DISTTORUS001_CAPS RPWS 4 RPWS observations in support of the CAPS distant torus campaign CAPS 2005-069T03:14:56 000T03:44:04 2005-069T06:59:00
MAG_004CO_DISTTORUS001_MAPS MAG 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan MAPS 2005-069T06:59:00 000T00:27:00 2005-069T07:26:00
RPWS_004CO_DISTTORUS002_CAPS RPWS 4 RPWS observations in support of the CAPS distant torus campaign CAPS 2005-069T06:59:00 000T00:27:00 2005-069T07:26:00
CAPS_004CO_DISTTORUS001_PRIME CAPS 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan PRIME 2005-069T07:26:00 001T16:49:00 2005-071T00:15:00
CAPS_004CO_DISTTORUS001_PRIME CAPS 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan PRIME 2005-069T07:26:00 001T16:49:00 2005-071T00:15:00
INMS_004CO_DISTTORUS002_CAPS INMS 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan CAPS 2005-069T07:26:00 000T23:06:57 2005-070T06:32:57
MAG_004CO_DISTTORUS002_MAPS MAG 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan MAPS 2005-069T07:26:00 001T22:54:00 2005-071T06:20:00
MIMI_004CO_DISTTORUS001_RIDER MIMI 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan RIDER 2005-069T07:26:00 001T16:48:56 2005-071T00:14:56
RPWS_004CO_DISTTORUS003_CAPS RPWS 4 RPWS observations in support of the CAPS distant torus campaign CAPS 2005-069T07:26:00 001T16:49:00 2005-071T00:15:00
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE004_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-069T08:00:00 000T05:00:00 2005-069T13:00:00
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE006_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-069T14:30:00 000T04:00:00 2005-069T18:30:00
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE007_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-069T19:30:00 001T01:00:00 2005-070T20:30:00
INMS_004SA_FUSERVEY002_CAPS INMS 4 Saturn CAPS 2005-070T06:32:57 000T13:27:03 2005-070T20:00:00
INMS_004CO_DISTTORUS003_CAPS INMS 4 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan CAPS 2005-070T20:00:00 000T04:14:56 2005-071T00:14:56
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE008_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-070T23:00:00 000T06:00:00 2005-071T05:00:00
INMS_004SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-071T00:14:56 000T06:05:04 2005-071T06:20:00
MIMI_004CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 4 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-071T00:14:56 000T19:15:04 2005-071T19:30:00
CAPS_004SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 4 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-071T00:15:00 007T17:42:00 2005-078T17:57:00
RPWS_004SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-071T00:15:00 002T17:30:00 2005-073T17:45:00
INMS_004CO_PTOTM17001_CAPS INMS 4 Corotation CAPS 2005-071T06:20:00 001T23:29:00 2005-073T05:49:00
MAG_004OT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG 4 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-071T06:20:00 000T13:10:00 2005-071T19:30:00
MAG_004OT_SURVEY007_PRIME MAG 4 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-071T19:30:00 009T02:33:00 2005-080T22:03:00
MIMI_004CO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI 4 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-071T19:30:00 002T05:30:00 2005-074T01:00:00
RPWS_004CO_HIRATE005_CAPS RPWS 4 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-071T20:00:00 000T23:00:00 2005-072T19:00:00
MP_004SA_RPXDESCEN004_NA 4 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-071T22:13:27
INMS_004CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS INMS 4 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-073T05:49:00 005T11:36:43 2005-078T17:25:43
RPWS_004SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 4 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-073T17:45:00 005T00:09:52 2005-078T17:54:52
MIMI_004CO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI 4 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-074T01:00:00 004T16:54:52 2005-078T17:54:52
INMS_005SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-078T17:25:43 000T03:53:17 2005-078T21:19:00
MP_005SA_APOAPSE005_NA 5 Apoapse 2005-078T17:25:43
MIMI_005CO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-078T17:54:52 002T04:08:08 2005-080T22:03:00
RPWS_005SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-078T17:54:52 008T11:14:08 2005-087T05:09:00
CAPS_005SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-078T17:57:00 008T11:12:00 2005-087T05:09:00
INMS_005SA_PTOTM018001_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn RIDER 2005-078T21:19:00 001T00:00:00 2005-079T21:19:00
INMS_005SA_SURVEY006_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-079T21:19:00 007T07:50:00 2005-087T05:09:00
MAG_005OT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG 5 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-080T22:03:00 000T07:12:00 2005-081T05:15:00
MIMI_005CO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-080T22:03:00 005T13:07:00 2005-086T11:10:00
RPWS_005CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 5 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-080T23:00:00 000T06:00:00 2005-081T05:00:00
MAG_005OT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG 5 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-081T05:15:00 005T23:54:00 2005-087T05:09:00
MIMI_005CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-086T11:10:00 000T17:59:00 2005-087T05:09:00
CAPS_005SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-087T05:09:00 001T05:36:00 2005-088T10:45:00
INMS_005SA_PTOTM019001_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn RIDER 2005-087T05:09:00 000T23:08:00 2005-088T04:17:00
MAG_005OT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG 5 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-087T05:09:00 001T05:36:00 2005-088T10:45:00
MIMI_005CO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-087T05:09:00 001T05:36:00 2005-088T10:45:00
RPWS_005SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-087T05:09:00 000T15:11:00 2005-087T20:20:00
RPWS_005SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-087T20:20:00 000T14:25:00 2005-088T10:45:00
INMS_005SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-088T04:17:00 000T06:28:00 2005-088T10:45:00
CAPS_005CO_RNGSAT001_PRIME CAPS 5 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees PRIME 2005-088T10:45:00 001T02:15:00 2005-089T13:00:00
INMS_005CO_RNGSAT001_CAPS INMS 5 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees CAPS 2005-088T10:45:00 000T01:36:00 2005-088T12:21:00
MAG_005CO_RNGSAT001_MAPS MAG 5 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees MAPS 2005-088T10:45:00 000T09:25:00 2005-088T20:10:00
MIMI_005CO_RNGSAT001_MAPS MIMI 5 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees MAPS 2005-088T10:45:00 000T01:58:59 2005-088T12:43:59
RPWS_005CO_RNGSAT001_CAPS RPWS 5 Support MAPS Rings and Satellites interactions campaign CAPS 2005-088T10:45:00 001T02:15:00 2005-089T13:00:00
INMS_005CO_RNGSATIM001_CAPS INMS 5 Corotation CAPS 2005-088T12:21:00 000T11:05:10 2005-088T23:26:10
MIMI_005DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 5 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-088T12:43:59 000T22:14:00 2005-089T10:57:59
RPWS_005SA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-088T16:26:30 000T14:00:00 2005-089T06:26:30
CAPS_005CO_RNGSATPTG001_PRIME CAPS 5 Corotation Prime pointing during the Rings and Satellites campaign PRIME 2005-088T20:00:00 000T03:00:00 2005-088T23:00:00
MAG_005OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 5 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-088T20:10:00 000T07:05:00 2005-089T03:15:00
MP_005EN_FLYBYNT001_NA 5 Enceladus Flyby 2005-088T20:20:31
MP_005DR_DUSTHAZRD001_NA 5 Dust Hazard 2005-088T21:43:00 000T01:21:00 2005-088T23:04:00
MP_005SA_RPXASCEND005_NA 5 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-088T22:22:24
INMS_005CO_RNGSATIM002_CAPS INMS 5 Corotation CAPS 2005-088T23:26:10 000T11:06:30 2005-089T10:32:40
MP_005SA_PERIAPSE005_NA 5 Periapse 2005-088T23:26:30
RPWS_005SA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-088T23:55:00 000T00:05:00 2005-089T00:00:00
MAG_005CO_RNGSAT002_MAPS MAG 5 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees MAPS 2005-089T03:15:00 000T09:45:00 2005-089T13:00:00
INMS_005CO_RNGSAT002_CAPS INMS 5 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees CAPS 2005-089T10:32:40 000T02:27:20 2005-089T13:00:00
MIMI_005CO_RNGSAT002_MAPS MIMI 5 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees MAPS 2005-089T10:57:59 000T02:02:01 2005-089T13:00:00
CAPS_005SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-089T13:00:00 001T05:05:16 2005-090T18:05:16
INMS_005SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-089T13:00:00 000T06:22:00 2005-089T19:22:00
MAG_005OT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG 5 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-089T13:00:00 001T03:05:16 2005-090T16:05:16
MIMI_005CO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-089T13:00:00 000T06:22:00 2005-089T19:22:00
RPWS_005SA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-089T13:00:00 000T06:22:00 2005-089T19:22:00
INMS_005SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-089T19:22:00 000T12:43:16 2005-090T08:05:16
MIMI_005CO_SURVEY007_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-089T19:22:00 000T22:43:16 2005-090T18:05:16
RPWS_005SA_INSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-089T19:22:00 000T07:58:00 2005-090T03:20:00
RPWS_005SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-090T03:20:00 000T15:02:25 2005-090T18:22:25
INMS_005TI_T4INBD001_CAPS INMS 5 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours CAPS 2005-090T08:05:16 000T11:00:00 2005-090T19:05:16
MAG_005TI_MAGTITAN001_PRIME MAG 5 Titan Titan Encounter (high date rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-090T16:05:16 000T08:00:00 2005-091T00:05:16
CAPS_005TI_T4INBND003_RIDER CAPS 5 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RIDER 2005-090T18:05:16 000T01:00:00 2005-090T19:05:16
MIMI_005TI_T4INBND001_RADAR MIMI 5 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RADAR 2005-090T18:05:16 000T01:00:00 2005-090T19:05:16
RPWS_005TI_TIINTRMED001_PRIME RPWS 5 Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2005-090T18:05:16 000T04:00:00 2005-090T22:05:16
CAPS_005TI_T4CLOSE002_RIDER CAPS 5 Titan Full rate (16kbps) observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour RIDER 2005-090T19:05:16 000T02:00:00 2005-090T21:05:16
INMS_005TI_T4CLOSE001_ISS INMS 5 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour ISS 2005-090T19:05:16 000T02:00:00 2005-090T21:05:16
MIMI_005TI_T4CLOSE001_ISS MIMI 5 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour ISS 2005-090T19:05:16 000T02:00:00 2005-090T21:05:16
MP_005TI_FLYBYT004_NA 5 Titan Flyby - 4 2005-090T19:55:12
CAPS_005TI_T4OUTBND002_RIDER CAPS 5 Titan Observations outbound from Titan encounter, typically +1 to +2 hours RIDER 2005-090T21:05:16 000T01:00:00 2005-090T22:05:16
INMS_005TI_T4OUTBD001_CIRS INMS 5 Titan CIRS 2005-090T21:05:16 000T11:00:00 2005-091T08:05:16
MIMI_005TI_T4OUTBND001_CIRS MIMI 5 Titan Observations outbound from Titan encounter, typically +1 to +2 hours CIRS 2005-090T21:05:16 000T01:00:00 2005-090T22:05:16
MP_005SA_RPXDESCEN005_NA 5 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-090T21:58:56
CAPS_005SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-090T22:05:16 001T02:26:48 2005-092T00:32:04
MIMI_005CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-090T22:05:16 001T02:26:48 2005-092T00:32:04
RPWS_005SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-090T22:05:16 001T01:59:35 2005-092T00:04:51
MAG_005OT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG 5 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-091T00:05:16 001T00:16:44 2005-092T00:22:00
INMS_005SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 5 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-091T08:05:16 000T16:02:25 2005-092T00:07:41
INMS_005CO_MAGBNDCOR001_CAPS INMS 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-092T00:07:41 000T20:14:19 2005-092T20:22:00
CAPS_005CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CAPS 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-092T00:22:00 000T20:00:00 2005-092T20:22:00
MAG_005CO_MAGBNDCOR001_MAPS MAG 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-092T00:22:00 000T20:00:00 2005-092T20:22:00
MIMI_005CO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI 5 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-092T00:22:00 000T03:18:00 2005-092T03:40:00
RPWS_005CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS 5 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-092T00:22:00 004T05:28:00 2005-096T05:50:00
MIMI_005CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME MIMI 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-092T02:22:00 000T17:25:00 2005-092T19:47:00
MIMI_005CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MIMI 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-092T03:40:00 004T20:05:15 2005-096T23:45:15
CAPS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL001_PRIME CAPS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-092T20:22:00 000T09:15:00 2005-093T05:37:00
INMS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL001_CAPS INMS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-092T20:22:00 000T09:15:00 2005-093T05:37:00
MAG_005OT_MAGBNDDNL001_MAPS MAG 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-092T20:22:00 000T09:15:00 2005-093T05:37:00
RPWS_005SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-093T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-093T00:01:00
CAPS_005SU_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME CAPS 5 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-093T05:37:00 000T14:45:00 2005-093T20:22:00
INMS_005SU_MAGBNDSW001_CAPS INMS 5 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-093T05:37:00 000T14:45:00 2005-093T20:22:00
MAG_005SU_MAGBNDSW001_MAPS MAG 5 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-093T05:37:00 000T14:45:00 2005-093T20:22:00
MIMI_005SW_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME MIMI 5 Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-093T06:06:00 000T12:16:00 2005-093T18:22:00
CAPS_005IC_CALIBRATE001_PRIME CAPS 5 Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument PRIME 2005-093T09:12:00 000T09:10:00 2005-093T18:22:00
CAPS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL002_PRIME CAPS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-093T20:22:00 000T09:15:00 2005-094T05:37:00
INMS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL002_CAPS INMS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-093T20:22:00 000T09:00:00 2005-094T05:22:00
MAG_005OT_MAGBNDDNL002_MAPS MAG 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-093T20:22:00 000T09:15:00 2005-094T05:37:00
INMS_005OT_PTOTM020001_CAPS INMS 5 Other CAPS 2005-094T05:22:00 000T20:15:00 2005-095T01:37:00
CAPS_005CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME CAPS 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-094T05:37:00 000T10:45:00 2005-094T16:22:00
MAG_005CO_MAGBNDCOR002_MAPS MAG 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-094T05:37:00 000T10:45:00 2005-094T16:22:00
MIMI_005CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME MIMI 5 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-094T07:37:00 000T08:10:00 2005-094T15:47:00
CAPS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL003_PRIME CAPS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-094T16:22:00 000T09:15:00 2005-095T01:37:00
MAG_005OT_MAGBNDDNL003_MAPS MAG 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-094T16:22:00 000T09:15:00 2005-095T01:37:00
CAPS_005SU_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME CAPS 5 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-095T01:37:00 000T18:38:00 2005-095T20:15:00
INMS_005SU_MAGBNDSW002_CAPS INMS 5 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-095T01:37:00 000T18:38:00 2005-095T20:15:00
MAG_005SU_MAGBNDSW002_MAPS MAG 5 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-095T01:37:00 000T18:38:00 2005-095T20:15:00
MIMI_005SW_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME MIMI 5 Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-095T03:37:00 000T14:38:00 2005-095T18:15:00
CAPS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL004_PRIME CAPS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-095T20:15:00 000T09:15:00 2005-096T05:30:00
INMS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL004_CAPS INMS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-095T20:15:00 000T09:15:00 2005-096T05:30:00
MAG_005OT_MAGBNDDNL004_MAPS MAG 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-095T20:15:00 000T09:15:00 2005-096T05:30:00
CAPS_005OT_MAGBNDRPW001_RPWS CAPS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RPWS 2005-096T05:30:00 000T14:45:00 2005-096T20:15:00
INMS_005OT_MAGBNDRPW001_CAPS INMS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-096T05:30:00 000T14:45:00 2005-096T20:15:00
MAG_005OT_MAGBNDRPW001_MAPS MAG 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-096T05:30:00 000T14:45:00 2005-096T20:15:00
RPWS_005SA_ANTCAL002_PRIME RPWS 5 Saturn Collect direction-finding data during spacecraft rolls in order to characterize the electrical characteristics of the RPWS electric antenna elements PRIME 2005-096T05:50:00 000T14:05:00 2005-096T19:55:00
RPWS_005CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS RPWS 5 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-096T19:55:00 000T03:49:11 2005-096T23:44:11
CAPS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL005_PRIME CAPS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-096T20:15:00 000T09:15:00 2005-097T05:30:00
INMS_005OT_MAGBNDDNL005_CAPS INMS 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-096T20:15:00 000T03:08:44 2005-096T23:23:44
MAG_005OT_MAGBNDDNL005_MAPS MAG 5 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-096T20:15:00 000T09:15:00 2005-097T05:30:00
INMS_006SU_MAGBNDSW003_CAPS INMS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-096T23:23:44 000T16:22:49 2005-097T15:46:33
MP_006SA_APOAPSE006_NA 6 Apoapse 2005-096T23:23:44
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND009_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-096T23:23:44 000T05:45:49 2005-097T05:09:33
MIMI_006CO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-096T23:45:15 002T05:29:45 2005-099T05:15:00
RPWS_006SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-097T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-097T00:01:00
CAPS_006SU_MAGBNDSW004_PRIME CAPS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-097T05:30:00 000T10:37:00 2005-097T16:07:00
MAG_006SU_MAGBNDSW006_MAPS MAG 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-097T05:30:00 000T10:37:00 2005-097T16:07:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-097T05:30:00 001T23:45:00 2005-099T05:15:00
RPWS_006CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 6 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-097T06:00:00 000T10:00:00 2005-097T16:00:00
MIMI_006SW_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME MIMI 6 Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-097T07:30:00 000T08:02:00 2005-097T15:32:00
INMS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL001_CAPS INMS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-097T15:46:33 000T09:15:00 2005-098T01:01:33
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL007_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-097T16:07:00 000T09:15:00 2005-098T01:22:00
MAG_006OT_MAGBNDDNL011_MAPS MAG 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-097T16:07:00 000T09:15:00 2005-098T01:22:00
RPWS_006CO_HIRATE003_CAPS RPWS 6 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-097T21:00:00 000T03:30:00 2005-098T00:30:00
INMS_006CO_MAGBNDCOR001_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-098T01:01:33 000T18:38:00 2005-098T19:39:33
CAPS_006CO_MAGBNDCOR004_PRIME CAPS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-098T01:22:00 000T18:38:00 2005-098T20:00:00
MAG_006CO_MAGBNDCOR001_MAPS MAG 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-098T01:22:00 000T18:38:00 2005-098T20:00:00
RPWS_006CO_HIRATE002_CAPS RPWS 6 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-098T02:00:00 000T17:00:00 2005-098T19:00:00
MIMI_006CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-098T03:22:00 000T05:03:00 2005-098T08:25:00
INMS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL006_CAPS INMS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-098T19:39:33 000T09:35:27 2005-099T05:15:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL008_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-098T20:00:00 000T09:15:00 2005-099T05:15:00
MAG_006OT_MAGBNDDNL001_MAPS MAG 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-098T20:00:00 000T09:15:00 2005-099T05:15:00
RPWS_006CO_HIRATE004_CAPS RPWS 6 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-098T21:00:00 000T07:00:00 2005-099T04:00:00
CAPS_006SU_MAGBNDSW005_PRIME CAPS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-099T05:15:00 000T14:45:00 2005-099T20:00:00
INMS_006SA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS 6 Saturn INMS 2005-099T05:15:00 000T01:22:00 2005-099T06:37:00
MAG_006SU_MAGBNDSW001_MAPS MAG 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-099T05:15:00 000T14:45:00 2005-099T20:00:00
MIMI_006CO_MAGBOUND005_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-099T05:15:00 003T00:45:00 2005-102T06:00:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND011_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-099T05:15:00 003T00:45:00 2005-102T06:00:00
INMS_006SU_MAGBNDSW002_CAPS INMS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-099T06:37:00 000T13:02:33 2005-099T19:39:33
MIMI_006CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-099T16:50:00 000T01:10:00 2005-099T18:00:00
INMS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL003_CAPS INMS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-099T19:39:33 000T09:15:00 2005-100T04:54:33
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL009_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-099T20:00:00 000T09:15:00 2005-100T05:15:00
MAG_006OT_MAGBNDDNL002_MAPS MAG 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-099T20:00:00 000T09:15:00 2005-100T05:15:00
INMS_006CO_MAGBNDCOR002_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-100T04:54:33 000T00:20:27 2005-100T05:15:00
CAPS_006CO_MAGBNDCOR005_PRIME CAPS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-100T05:15:00 000T10:45:00 2005-100T16:00:00
INMS_006CO_PTOTM21002_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation CAPS 2005-100T05:15:00 000T20:00:00 2005-101T01:15:00
MAG_006CO_MAGBNDCOR002_MAPS MAG 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-100T05:15:00 000T10:45:00 2005-100T16:00:00
MIMI_006SW_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME MIMI 6 Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-100T07:15:00 000T08:20:00 2005-100T15:35:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL010_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-100T16:00:00 000T09:15:00 2005-101T01:15:00
MAG_006OT_MAGBNDDNL003_MAPS MAG 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-100T16:00:00 000T09:15:00 2005-101T01:15:00
RPWS_006SA_HFRCAL002_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-101T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-101T00:01:00
CAPS_006SU_MAGBNDSW006_PRIME CAPS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-101T01:15:00 000T18:30:00 2005-101T19:45:00
INMS_006SU_MAGBNDSW004_CAPS INMS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-101T01:15:00 000T18:09:33 2005-101T19:24:33
MAG_006SU_MAGBNDSW002_MAPS MAG 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-101T01:15:00 000T18:30:00 2005-101T19:45:00
MIMI_006CO_MAGBNDCOR003_PRIME MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-101T01:50:00 000T15:55:00 2005-101T17:45:00
INMS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL005_CAPS INMS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-101T19:24:33 000T09:15:00 2005-102T04:39:33
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL011_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-101T19:45:00 000T11:15:00 2005-102T07:00:00
MAG_006OT_MAGBNDDNL004_MAPS MAG 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-101T19:45:00 000T09:15:00 2005-102T05:00:00
INMS_006SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-102T04:39:33 000T01:00:00 2005-102T05:39:33
MAG_006OT_SURVEY005_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-102T05:00:00 000T01:00:00 2005-102T06:00:00
INMS_006SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-102T05:39:33 000T20:20:27 2005-103T02:00:00
MAG_006CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-102T06:00:00 000T13:45:00 2005-102T19:45:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND010_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-102T06:00:00 000T04:10:07 2005-102T10:10:07
MIMI_006CO_MAGBOUND004_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-102T06:00:01 000T04:10:08 2005-102T10:10:09
RPWS_006CO_HIRATE007_CAPS RPWS 6 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-102T06:30:00 000T13:15:00 2005-102T19:45:00
CAPS_006CO_MAGBNDORS001_RIDER CAPS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RIDER 2005-102T07:00:00 000T03:10:08 2005-102T10:10:08
RPWS_006SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-102T10:10:07 001T10:34:53 2005-103T20:45:00
CAPS_006SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-102T10:10:08 002T00:49:52 2005-104T11:00:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-102T10:10:08 000T09:34:52 2005-102T19:45:00
MAG_006OT_SURVEY001_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-102T19:45:00 000T06:15:00 2005-103T02:00:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY007_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-102T19:45:01 000T06:14:59 2005-103T02:00:00
INMS_006SA_FULSURVEY006_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn RIDER 2005-103T02:00:00 000T08:25:52 2005-103T10:25:52
MAG_006OT_SURVEY007_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-103T02:00:00 000T08:00:00 2005-103T10:00:00
RPWS_006CO_HIRATE006_CAPS RPWS 6 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-103T02:00:00 000T18:40:00 2005-103T20:40:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY008_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-103T02:00:01 000T18:39:59 2005-103T20:40:00
MAG_006IC_SCAS001_RIDER MAG 6 Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2005-103T10:00:00 000T03:00:00 2005-103T13:00:00
INMS_006SA_SURVEY006_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-103T10:25:52 000T19:13:41 2005-104T05:39:33
MAG_006OT_SURVEY008_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-103T13:00:00 000T07:40:00 2005-103T20:40:00
MAG_006OT_SURVEY002_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-103T20:40:00 000T14:20:00 2005-104T11:00:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY009_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-103T20:40:01 000T09:19:59 2005-104T06:00:00
RPWS_006SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-103T20:45:00 000T09:15:00 2005-104T06:00:00
INMS_006SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-104T05:39:33 000T00:15:27 2005-104T05:55:00
INMS_006SA_PTOTM22001_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn RIDER 2005-104T05:55:00 000T05:05:00 2005-104T11:00:00
RPWS_006SA_INSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-104T06:00:00 000T05:00:00 2005-104T11:00:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-104T06:00:01 000T05:00:00 2005-104T11:00:01
CAPS_006CO_RNGSAT002_RIDER CAPS 6 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees RIDER 2005-104T11:00:00 001T01:05:00 2005-105T12:05:00
INMS_006CO_RNGSAT001_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees CAPS 2005-104T11:00:00 000T01:28:00 2005-104T12:28:00
MAG_006CO_RNGSAT001_MAPS MAG 6 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees MAPS 2005-104T11:00:00 000T08:00:00 2005-104T19:00:00
MIMI_006CO_RNGSAT001_MAPS MIMI 6 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees MAPS 2005-104T11:00:00 000T07:50:00 2005-104T18:50:00
RPWS_006CO_RNGSAT001_CAPS RPWS 6 Support MAPS Rings and Satellites interactions campaign CAPS 2005-104T11:00:00 001T01:05:00 2005-105T12:05:00
INMS_006CO_RNGSATIM001_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation CAPS 2005-104T12:28:00 000T10:42:43 2005-104T23:10:43
RPWS_006SA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-104T16:10:44 000T14:00:00 2005-105T06:10:44
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY002_MAPS MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-104T18:50:00 000T01:11:59 2005-104T20:01:59
MAG_006OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 6 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-104T19:00:00 000T08:40:00 2005-105T03:40:00
MIMI_006DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 6 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-104T20:01:59 000T03:30:01 2005-104T23:32:00
RPWS_006SA_SEDMSEC001_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Special mode to collect millisecond variations in Saturn Electrostatic Discharge ampludes PRIME 2005-104T20:10:44 000T10:00:00 2005-105T06:10:44
RPWS_006RI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS 6 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2005-104T20:25:00 000T04:00:00 2005-105T00:25:00
MP_006DR_DUSTHAZRD001_PRIME 6 Dust Hazard 2005-104T22:06:00 000T00:15:00 2005-104T22:21:00
MP_006SA_RPXASCEND006_NA 6 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-104T22:11:00
INMS_006CO_RNGSATIM002_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation CAPS 2005-104T23:10:43 000T10:42:44 2005-105T09:53:27
MP_006SA_PERIAPSE006_NA 6 Periapse 2005-104T23:10:43
MP_006PN_POSRSSOCC001_NA 6 Prometheus Encounter 2005-104T23:21:00
RPWS_006SA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-104T23:30:00 000T00:05:00 2005-104T23:35:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-104T23:32:00 000T18:53:00 2005-105T18:25:00
MP_006EA_OCCRING006_NA 6 Rings  Rings Occultation  2005-104T23:47:00 000T01:41:40 2005-105T01:28:40
MP_006SU_OCCRING006_NA 6 Rings Occultation  2005-104T23:56:44 000T01:44:57 2005-105T01:41:41
MP_006MI_FLYBYNT001_NA 6 Mimas Flyby 2005-105T01:20:15
MAG_006CO_RNGSAT002_MAPS MAG 6 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees MAPS 2005-105T03:40:00 000T08:25:00 2005-105T12:05:00
INMS_006CO_RNGSAT002_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation Rings and Satellites campaign, r < 10 Rs, latitude < 30degrees CAPS 2005-105T09:53:27 000T00:56:33 2005-105T10:50:00
INMS_006CO_PTOTM22BU001_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation CAPS 2005-105T10:50:00 000T01:15:00 2005-105T12:05:00
CAPS_006SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-105T12:05:00 000T02:09:56 2005-105T14:14:56
INMS_006SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-105T12:05:00 000T02:09:56 2005-105T14:14:56
MAG_006OT_SURVEY006_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-105T12:05:00 000T02:09:56 2005-105T14:14:56
RPWS_006SA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-105T12:05:00 000T02:09:56 2005-105T14:14:56
RPWS_006SA_HFRCAL003_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-105T13:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-105T13:01:00
CAPS_006TI_T5EXTINB002_RIDER CAPS 6 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) RIDER 2005-105T14:14:56 001T04:04:50 2005-106T18:19:46
INMS_006TI_TINTERACT001_PRIME INMS 6 Titan Titan Interaction campaign (complete encounter coverage by observing from 10 to 25 Rs) PRIME 2005-105T14:14:56 000T04:10:04 2005-105T18:25:00
MAG_006TI_TINTERACT001_INMS MAG 6 Titan Titan Interaction campaign (complete encounter coverage by observing from 10 to 25 Rs) INMS 2005-105T14:14:56 000T04:10:04 2005-105T18:25:00
RPWS_006TI_TINTERACT001_INMS RPWS 6 Titan RPWS mode to monitor Titan's interaction with the magnetosphere several hours from closest approach INMS 2005-105T14:14:56 000T04:10:04 2005-105T18:25:00
INMS_006TI_TINTERACT002_PRIME INMS 6 Titan Titan Interaction campaign (complete encounter coverage by observing from 10 to 25 Rs) PRIME 2005-105T18:25:00 000T12:40:57 2005-106T07:05:57
MAG_006OT_SURVEY003_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-105T18:25:00 000T20:46:46 2005-106T15:11:46
MIMI_006TI_T5EXTINB001_CIRS MIMI 6 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) CIRS 2005-105T18:25:00 000T23:46:46 2005-106T18:11:46
RPWS_006TI_TINTERACT003_INMS RPWS 6 Titan RPWS mode to monitor Titan's interaction with the magnetosphere several hours from closest approach INMS 2005-105T18:25:00 000T22:46:46 2005-106T17:11:46
INMS_006TI_T5INBD001_RIDER INMS 6 Titan Observations inbound from Titan encounter, typically -2 to -1 hours RIDER 2005-106T07:05:57 000T11:05:49 2005-106T18:11:46
MAG_006TI_MAGTITAN001_PRIME MAG 6 Titan Titan Encounter (high date rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-106T15:11:46 000T08:00:00 2005-106T23:11:46
RPWS_006TI_TIINTRMED001_PRIME RPWS 6 Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2005-106T17:11:46 000T01:31:00 2005-106T18:42:46
INMS_006TI_T5RMPNT001_INMS INMS 6 Titan INMS 2005-106T18:11:46 000T00:41:00 2005-106T18:52:46
MIMI_006TI_T5CLOSE001_INMS MIMI 6 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour INMS 2005-106T18:11:46 000T02:00:00 2005-106T20:11:46
CAPS_006TI_T5CLOSE001_INMS CAPS 6 Titan Observations centered on Titan encounter, typically +/- 1 hour INMS 2005-106T18:19:46 000T01:52:00 2005-106T20:11:46
RPWS_006TI_TICA001_PRIME RPWS 6 Titan High Resolution RPWS observations near Titan closest approach PRIME 2005-106T18:42:46 000T00:58:00 2005-106T19:40:46
CAPS_006TI_TITANPTG001_PRIME CAPS 6 Titan CAPS Prime Pointing at a Titan Encounter PRIME 2005-106T18:44:46 000T00:08:00 2005-106T18:52:46
INMS_006TI_T5RMPNT002_PRIME INMS 6 Titan PRIME 2005-106T18:52:46 000T00:31:00 2005-106T19:23:46
MP_006EA_OCCTITAN006_NA 6 Titan  Titan Occultation 2005-106T19:05:43 000T00:07:26 2005-106T19:13:09
MP_006TI_FLYBYT005_NA 6 Titan Flyby - 5 2005-106T19:05:57
MP_006SU_OCCTITAN006_NA 6 Titan Occultation 2005-106T19:06:17 000T00:08:28 2005-106T19:14:45
CAPS_006TI_TITANPTG002_PRIME CAPS 6 Titan CAPS Prime Pointing at a Titan Encounter PRIME 2005-106T19:23:46 000T00:25:00 2005-106T19:48:46
INMS_006TI_T5RMPNT002_INMS INMS 6 Titan INMS 2005-106T19:23:46 000T00:48:00 2005-106T20:11:46
RPWS_006TI_TIINTRMED002_PRIME RPWS 6 Titan RPWS observations just outside of the Titan closest approach region PRIME 2005-106T19:40:46 000T01:31:00 2005-106T21:11:46
MP_006SA_RPXDESCEN006_NA 6 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-106T19:51:25
CAPS_006TI_T5EXTOUT002_RIDER CAPS 6 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) RIDER 2005-106T20:11:46 000T15:49:52 2005-107T12:01:38
CAPS_006TI_TITANPTG003_PRIME CAPS 6 Titan CAPS Prime Pointing at a Titan Encounter PRIME 2005-106T20:11:46 000T15:37:00 2005-107T11:48:46
INMS_006TI_T5OUTBD001_RIDER INMS 6 Titan RIDER 2005-106T20:11:46 000T11:00:00 2005-107T07:11:46
MIMI_006TI_T5EXTOUT001_CAPS MIMI 6 Titan Observations inbound to Titan, typically covering the whole Titan torus region (10 to 25 Rs) CAPS 2005-106T20:11:46 000T15:49:52 2005-107T12:01:38
RPWS_006TI_TINTERACT002_INMS RPWS 6 Titan RPWS mode to monitor Titan's interaction with the magnetosphere several hours from closest approach INMS 2005-106T21:11:46 000T14:49:52 2005-107T12:01:38
MAG_006OT_SURVEY004_RIDER MAG 6 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-106T23:11:46 001T01:48:14 2005-108T01:00:00
INMS_006SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-107T07:11:46 000T14:13:14 2005-107T21:25:00
CAPS_006SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 6 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-107T11:55:49 000T09:29:11 2005-107T21:25:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-107T11:55:50 000T09:29:10 2005-107T21:25:00
RPWS_006SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-107T12:14:56 000T09:10:04 2005-107T21:25:00
CAPS_006CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CAPS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-107T21:25:00 000T21:35:00 2005-108T19:00:00
INMS_006CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-107T21:25:00 002T06:49:00 2005-110T04:14:00
RPWS_006SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-107T21:25:00 000T03:35:00 2005-108T01:00:00
MIMI_006CO_SURVEY006_RIDER MIMI 6 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-107T21:25:01 000T03:45:00 2005-108T01:10:01
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDPTG001_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-107T22:25:00 000T03:00:00 2005-108T01:25:00
MAG_006CO_MAGBNDCOR003_MAPS MAG 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-108T01:00:00 001T04:15:00 2005-109T05:15:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-108T01:00:00 000T17:00:00 2005-108T18:00:00
MIMI_006CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-108T01:10:00 003T04:19:00 2005-111T05:29:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDPTG004_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-108T13:25:00 000T04:35:00 2005-108T18:00:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-108T18:00:00 000T11:15:00 2005-109T05:15:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL001_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-108T19:00:00 000T10:15:00 2005-109T05:15:00
RPWS_006SA_HFRCAL004_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-109T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-109T00:01:00
CAPS_006SU_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME CAPS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-109T05:15:00 000T13:44:00 2005-109T18:59:00
MAG_006SU_MAGBNDSW003_MAPS MAG 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-109T05:15:00 000T23:44:00 2005-110T04:59:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-109T05:15:00 000T23:44:00 2005-110T04:59:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDPTG006_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-109T14:30:00 000T03:29:00 2005-109T17:59:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL002_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-109T18:59:00 000T10:00:00 2005-110T04:59:00
INMS_006CO_PTOTM23001_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation CAPS 2005-110T04:14:00 000T23:45:00 2005-111T03:59:00
CAPS_006CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME CAPS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-110T04:59:00 000T13:45:00 2005-110T18:44:00
MAG_006CO_MAGBNDCOR004_MAPS MAG 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-110T04:59:00 001T00:30:00 2005-111T05:29:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-110T04:59:00 001T00:30:00 2005-111T05:29:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDPTG002_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-110T05:59:00 000T00:16:00 2005-110T06:15:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDPTG005_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-110T06:45:00 000T07:20:00 2005-110T14:05:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDPTG003_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-110T15:25:00 000T02:19:00 2005-110T17:44:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL003_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-110T18:44:00 000T10:45:00 2005-111T05:29:00
INMS_006CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS INMS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-111T03:59:00 002T19:11:06 2005-113T23:10:06
CAPS_006SU_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME CAPS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-111T05:29:00 000T13:30:00 2005-111T18:59:00
MAG_006SU_MAGBNDSW004_MAPS MAG 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-111T05:29:00 001T22:45:00 2005-113T04:14:00
MIMI_006CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MIMI 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-111T05:29:00 002T17:41:05 2005-113T23:10:05
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND007_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-111T05:29:00 001T22:45:00 2005-113T04:14:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDPTG007_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-111T06:59:00 000T00:29:00 2005-111T07:28:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL004_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-111T18:59:00 000T09:15:00 2005-112T04:14:00
CAPS_006CO_MAGBNDCOR003_PRIME CAPS 6 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-112T04:14:00 000T14:45:00 2005-112T18:59:00
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL005_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-112T18:59:00 000T09:15:00 2005-113T04:14:00
RPWS_006SA_HFRCAL005_PRIME RPWS 6 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-113T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-113T00:01:00
CAPS_006SU_MAGBNDSW003_PRIME CAPS 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-113T04:14:00 000T12:15:00 2005-113T16:29:00
MAG_006SU_MAGBNDSW005_MAPS MAG 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-113T04:14:00 000T13:14:00 2005-113T17:28:00
RPWS_006CO_HIRATE005_CAPS RPWS 6 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-113T04:14:00 000T13:14:00 2005-113T17:28:00
RPWS_006CO_MAGBOUND008_CAPS RPWS 6 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-113T04:14:00 000T18:46:02 2005-113T23:00:02
CAPS_006OT_MAGBNDDNL006_PRIME CAPS 6 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-113T16:29:00 000T06:33:00 2005-113T23:02:00
MAG_006SU_MAGBNDSW007_MAPS MAG 6 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-113T17:28:00 000T07:46:00 2005-114T01:14:00
CAPS_007OT_MAGBNDDNL001_PRIME CAPS 7 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-113T23:02:00 000T02:12:00 2005-114T01:14:00
INMS_007CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS INMS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-113T23:10:06 005T05:02:54 2005-119T04:13:00
MIMI_007CO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-113T23:10:06 005T05:02:54 2005-119T04:13:00
MP_007SA_APOAPSE007_NA 7 Apoapse 2005-113T23:10:06
RPWS_007CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS 7 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-113T23:10:06 000T02:13:58 2005-114T01:24:04
CAPS_007SA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-114T01:14:00 003T17:44:00 2005-117T18:58:00
MAG_007OT_SURVEY001_RIDER MAG 7 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-114T01:14:00 005T02:59:00 2005-119T04:13:00
RPWS_007SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-114T01:14:00 003T17:44:00 2005-117T18:58:00
RPWS_007SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-117T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-117T00:01:00
CAPS_007SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-117T18:58:00 002T09:15:00 2005-120T04:13:00
RPWS_007SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-117T18:58:00 002T09:15:00 2005-120T04:13:00
INMS_007CO_PTOTM24002_CAPS INMS 7 Corotation CAPS 2005-119T04:13:00 000T23:30:00 2005-120T03:43:00
MAG_007OT_SURVEY004_RIDER MAG 7 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-119T04:13:00 000T14:15:00 2005-119T18:28:00
MIMI_007CO_MAGBOUND006_RIDER MIMI 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-119T04:13:00 000T14:15:00 2005-119T18:28:00
RPWS_007CO_HIRATE003_CAPS RPWS 7 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-119T04:13:00 000T14:15:00 2005-119T18:28:00
MAG_007OT_SURVEY005_RIDER MAG 7 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-119T18:28:00 003T03:52:00 2005-122T22:20:00
MIMI_007CO_MAGBOUND007_RIDER MIMI 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-119T18:28:01 000T10:31:59 2005-120T05:00:00
INMS_007CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS INMS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-120T03:43:00 000T01:17:00 2005-120T05:00:00
CAPS_007CO_MAGBNDORS001_RIDER CAPS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RIDER 2005-120T04:13:00 000T05:47:00 2005-120T10:00:00
INMS_007CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS INMS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-120T05:00:00 000T05:00:00 2005-120T10:00:00
MIMI_007CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 7 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-120T05:00:00 000T23:55:00 2005-121T04:55:00
RPWS_007SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-120T05:00:00 001T15:15:00 2005-121T20:15:00
CAPS_007SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-120T10:00:00 004T11:00:00 2005-124T21:00:00
INMS_007SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-120T10:00:00 002T03:53:27 2005-122T13:53:27
RPWS_007SA_HFRCAL002_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-121T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-121T00:01:00
MIMI_007SA_MAGDYN001_PRIME MIMI 7 Saturn PRIME 2005-121T04:55:00 001T16:27:00 2005-122T21:22:00
RPWS_007SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-121T20:15:00 002T08:10:00 2005-124T04:25:00
INMS_007SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 7 Saturn RIDER 2005-122T13:53:27 000T11:16:33 2005-123T01:10:00
RPWS_007SA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-122T18:08:43 000T14:00:00 2005-123T08:08:43
RPWS_007RI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS 7 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2005-122T20:16:00 000T04:00:00 2005-123T00:16:00
MP_007TE_FLYBYNT001_NA 7 Tethys Flyby 2005-122T21:04:58
MIMI_007DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 7 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-122T21:22:00 000T01:46:00 2005-122T23:08:00
RPWS_007SA_SEDMSEC001_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Special mode to collect millisecond variations in Saturn Electrostatic Discharge ampludes PRIME 2005-122T22:08:43 000T10:00:00 2005-123T08:08:43
MAG_007OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 7 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-122T22:20:00 000T07:35:00 2005-123T05:55:00
MP_007SA_RPXASCEND007_NA 7 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-122T23:02:04
MIMI_007CO_SURVEY002_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-122T23:08:00 000T02:02:00 2005-123T01:10:00
MP_007DR_DUSTHAZRD001_NA 7 Dust Hazard 2005-122T23:37:00 000T00:13:00 2005-122T23:50:00
RPWS_007SA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-123T00:10:00 000T00:05:00 2005-123T00:15:00
MP_007SA_PERIAPSE007_NA 7 Periapse 2005-123T01:08:42
RPWS_007SA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2005-123T01:08:43 000T00:15:00 2005-123T01:23:43
INMS_007SA_FULLSURV002_RIDER INMS 7 Saturn RIDER 2005-123T01:10:00 000T06:19:24 2005-123T07:29:24
RPWS_007CO_HIRATE002_CAPS RPWS 7 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-123T01:10:00 001T10:20:00 2005-124T11:30:00
MIMI_007CO_SURVEY005_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-123T01:10:01 001T10:19:59 2005-124T11:30:00
MP_007EA_OCCRING007_NA 7 Rings  Rings Occultation  2005-123T02:23:22 000T01:37:09 2005-123T04:00:31
MP_007SU_OCCRING007_NA 7 Rings Occultation  2005-123T02:51:30 000T01:38:56 2005-123T04:30:26
MP_007EA_OCCSATURN007_NA 7 Saturn Saturn Occultation 2005-123T04:07:17 000T02:23:57 2005-123T06:31:14
MP_007SU_OCCSATURN007_NA 7 Saturn Occultation 2005-123T04:38:18 000T02:33:32 2005-123T07:11:50
MAG_007OT_SURVEY003_RIDER MAG 7 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-123T05:55:00 001T05:35:00 2005-124T11:30:00
INMS_007SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 7 Saturn RIDER 2005-123T07:29:24 000T04:54:19 2005-123T12:23:43
INMS_007SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-123T12:23:43 001T08:36:17 2005-124T21:00:00
RPWS_007SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-124T04:25:00 000T16:20:00 2005-124T20:45:00
MP_007TI_FLYBYNT001_NA 7 Titan Flyby 2005-124T05:10:40
MAG_007OT_SURVEY006_RIDER MAG 7 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-124T11:30:00 000T09:30:00 2005-124T21:00:00
MIMI_007CO_SURVEY006_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-124T11:30:01 000T09:29:59 2005-124T21:00:00
CAPS_007SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-124T21:00:00 001T06:40:00 2005-126T03:40:00
INMS_007SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-124T21:00:00 001T06:40:00 2005-126T03:40:00
MAG_007OT_SURVEY002_RIDER MAG 7 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-124T21:00:00 001T06:40:00 2005-126T03:40:00
MIMI_007CO_SURVEY003_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-124T21:00:00 001T06:40:00 2005-126T03:40:00
RPWS_007SA_OUTSURVEY009_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-124T21:00:00 001T06:40:00 2005-126T03:40:00
RPWS_007SA_HFRCAL003_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-125T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-125T00:01:00
MP_007SA_RPXDESCEN007_NA 7 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-125T01:50:36
CAPS_007IC_CALIBRATE001_UVIS CAPS 7 Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument UVIS 2005-125T08:39:00 000T09:10:00 2005-125T17:49:00
CAPS_007CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CAPS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-126T03:40:00 000T11:05:00 2005-126T14:45:00
INMS_007SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 7 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-126T03:40:00 002T23:47:00 2005-129T03:27:00
MAG_007CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-126T03:40:00 002T23:47:00 2005-129T03:27:00
MIMI_007CO_SURVEY004_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-126T03:40:00 000T03:10:08 2005-126T06:50:08
RPWS_007CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS 7 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-126T03:40:00 002T23:47:00 2005-129T03:27:00
MAPS_007CO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME MAPS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-126T06:50:08 012T07:49:52 2005-138T14:40:00
MIMI_007CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-126T06:50:08 001T18:09:52 2005-128T01:00:00
CAPS_007OT_MAGBNDDNL002_PRIME CAPS 7 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-126T14:45:00 000T10:15:00 2005-127T01:00:00
CAPS_007SU_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME CAPS 7 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-127T01:00:00 000T12:45:00 2005-127T13:45:00
CAPS_007OT_MAGBNDDNL003_PRIME CAPS 7 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-127T13:45:00 000T11:15:00 2005-128T01:00:00
CAPS_007CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME CAPS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-128T01:00:00 000T16:00:00 2005-128T17:00:00
MIMI_007CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-128T01:00:00 000T16:10:00 2005-128T17:10:00
CAPS_007OT_MAGBNDDNL004_PRIME CAPS 7 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-128T17:00:00 000T10:27:00 2005-129T03:27:00
MIMI_007CO_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-128T17:10:00 000T11:15:00 2005-129T04:25:00
RPWS_007SA_HFRCAL004_PRIME RPWS 7 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-129T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-129T00:01:00
CAPS_007SU_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME CAPS 7 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-129T03:27:00 000T11:18:00 2005-129T14:45:00
INMS_007CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS INMS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-129T03:27:00 002T23:55:50 2005-132T03:22:50
MAG_007CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MAG 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-129T03:27:00 000T21:33:00 2005-130T01:00:00
RPWS_007CO_MAGBOUND007_CAPS RPWS 7 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-129T03:27:00 002T23:15:00 2005-132T02:42:00
MIMI_007CO_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MIMI 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-129T04:25:00 002T22:17:00 2005-132T02:42:00
CAPS_007OT_MAGBNDDNL005_PRIME CAPS 7 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-129T14:45:00 000T10:15:00 2005-130T01:00:00
CAPS_007CO_MAGBNDCOR003_PRIME CAPS 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-130T01:00:00 000T12:10:00 2005-130T13:10:00
MAG_007CO_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MAG 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-130T01:00:00 000T08:57:00 2005-130T09:57:00
RPWS_007CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 7 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-130T01:00:00 000T08:57:00 2005-130T09:57:00
MAG_007CO_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MAG 7 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-130T09:57:00 002T16:44:00 2005-133T02:41:00
CAPS_007OT_MAGBNDDNL006_PRIME CAPS 7 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-130T13:10:00 000T11:15:00 2005-131T00:25:00
CAPS_007SU_MAGBNDSW003_PRIME CAPS 7 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-131T00:25:00 000T11:45:00 2005-131T12:10:00
CAPS_007OT_MAGBNDDNL007_PRIME CAPS 7 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-131T12:10:00 000T11:15:00 2005-131T23:25:00
CAPS_007SA_MAGBNDORS002_RIDER CAPS 7 Saturn Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RIDER 2005-131T23:25:00 000T03:17:00 2005-132T02:42:00
CAPS_008SA_MAGBNDORS002_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RIDER 2005-132T02:42:00 002T00:08:00 2005-134T02:50:00
MIMI_008CO_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MIMI 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-132T02:42:00 002T00:07:59 2005-134T02:49:59
RPWS_008CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS RPWS 8 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-132T02:42:00 002T00:08:00 2005-134T02:50:00
MP_007SA_APOAPSE008_NA 7 Apoapse 2005-132T03:22:49
INMS_008CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS INMS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-132T03:22:50 001T23:27:10 2005-134T02:50:00
MAG_008CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MAG 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-133T02:41:00 000T15:14:00 2005-133T17:55:00
RPWS_008CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 8 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-133T02:41:00 000T15:14:00 2005-133T17:55:00
MAG_008CO_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MAG 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-133T17:55:00 000T08:55:00 2005-134T02:50:00
CAPS_008SU_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME CAPS 8 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-134T02:50:00 000T13:42:00 2005-134T16:32:00
INMS_008SA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS 8 Saturn INMS 2005-134T02:50:00 000T01:22:00 2005-134T04:12:00
MAG_008CO_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MAG 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-134T02:50:00 001T19:51:00 2005-135T22:41:00
MIMI_008CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MIMI 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-134T02:50:00 001T19:51:00 2005-135T22:41:00
RPWS_008CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS 8 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-134T02:50:00 001T19:51:00 2005-135T22:41:00
RPWS_008SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-134T03:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-134T03:01:00
INMS_008CO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS INMS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-134T04:12:00 003T22:48:00 2005-138T03:00:00
CAPS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL001_PRIME CAPS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-134T16:32:00 000T11:15:00 2005-135T03:47:00
RPWS_008CO_HIRATE002_CAPS RPWS 8 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-134T18:11:00 000T09:00:00 2005-135T03:11:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-135T03:47:00 000T08:53:00 2005-135T12:40:00
CAPS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL002_PRIME CAPS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-135T12:40:00 000T10:01:00 2005-135T22:41:00
RPWS_008CO_HIRATE003_CAPS RPWS 8 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-135T13:41:00 000T03:45:00 2005-135T17:26:00
RPWS_008CO_HIRATE004_CAPS RPWS 8 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-135T19:26:00 000T02:15:00 2005-135T21:41:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-135T22:41:00 002T04:19:00 2005-138T03:00:00
MAG_008OT_SURVEY005_RIDER MAG 8 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-135T22:41:00 005T03:54:00 2005-141T02:35:00
MIMI_008CO_MAGBOUND003_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-135T22:41:00 002T04:19:00 2005-138T03:00:00
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-135T22:41:00 002T04:19:00 2005-138T03:00:00
CAPS_008EA_FSWUPLINK001_PRIME CAPS 8 Earth Flight Software Uplink PRIME 2005-137T17:00:00 007T09:06:00 2005-145T02:06:00
RPWS_008SA_HFRCAL002_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-138T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-138T00:01:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDORS001_RIDER CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RIDER 2005-138T03:00:00 000T11:40:00 2005-138T14:40:00
INMS_008CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS INMS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-138T03:00:00 000T11:40:00 2005-138T14:40:00
MIMI_008CO_MAGBOUND006_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-138T03:00:00 000T11:40:00 2005-138T14:40:00
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-138T03:00:00 001T22:00:00 2005-140T01:00:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-138T14:40:00 000T12:55:00 2005-139T03:35:00
INMS_008SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-138T14:40:00 002T03:41:45 2005-140T18:21:45
MIMI_008CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-138T14:40:00 000T18:57:00 2005-139T09:37:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-139T03:35:00 000T22:01:00 2005-140T01:36:00
MIMI_008SA_MAGDYN001_PRIME MIMI 8 Saturn PRIME 2005-139T09:37:00 001T16:24:59 2005-141T02:01:59
RPWS_008SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-140T01:00:00 002T08:05:00 2005-142T09:05:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY010_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-140T01:36:00 002T05:29:00 2005-142T07:05:00
INMS_008SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 8 Saturn RIDER 2005-140T18:21:45 000T11:15:02 2005-141T05:36:47
MIMI_008DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 8 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-141T02:02:00 000T01:48:01 2005-141T03:50:01
MAG_008OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 8 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-141T02:35:00 000T07:35:00 2005-141T10:10:00
MP_008DR_DUSTHAZRD001_NA 8 Dust Hazard 2005-141T03:48:00 000T00:12:00 2005-141T04:00:00
MIMI_008CO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-141T03:50:01 001T15:40:00 2005-142T19:30:01
MP_008SA_RPXASCEND008_NA 8 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-141T03:53:50
INMS_008SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 8 Saturn RIDER 2005-141T05:36:47 000T11:15:00 2005-141T16:51:47
RPWS_008SA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2005-141T05:38:00 000T00:15:00 2005-141T05:53:00
MP_008SA_PERIAPSE008_NA 8 Periapse 2005-141T06:01:53
MP_008AT_FLYBYNT001_NA 8 Atlas Flyby 2005-141T06:29:54
MP_008PM_FLYBYNT001_NA 8 Prometheus Flyby 2005-141T06:47:38
MP_008EA_OCCRING008_NA 8 Rings  Rings Occultation  2005-141T07:20:54 000T05:47:00 2005-141T13:07:54
MP_008SU_OCCRING008_NA 8 Rings Occultation  2005-141T07:46:21 000T06:01:45 2005-141T13:48:06
MP_008EN_FLYBYNT001_NA 8 Enceladus Flyby 2005-141T08:12:54
MP_008EA_OCCSATURN008_NA 8 Saturn Saturn Occultation 2005-141T09:05:51 000T02:25:45 2005-141T11:31:36
MP_008SU_OCCSATURN008_NA 8 Saturn Occultation 2005-141T09:32:49 000T02:34:00 2005-141T12:06:49
MAG_008OT_SURVEY001_RIDER MAG 8 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-141T10:10:00 001T09:20:00 2005-142T19:30:00
INMS_008SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-141T16:51:47 001T02:38:13 2005-142T19:30:00
RPWS_008SA_HFRCAL003_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-142T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-142T00:01:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY009_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-142T07:05:00 000T12:25:00 2005-142T19:30:00
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-142T09:05:00 000T10:10:00 2005-142T19:15:00
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-142T19:15:00 000T00:15:00 2005-142T19:30:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-142T19:30:00 001T08:30:00 2005-144T04:00:00
INMS_008SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-142T19:30:00 001T08:30:00 2005-144T04:00:00
MAG_008OT_SURVEY002_RIDER MAG 8 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-142T19:30:00 001T08:30:00 2005-144T04:00:00
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY008_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-142T19:30:00 001T07:03:00 2005-144T02:33:00
MIMI_008CO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-142T19:30:01 001T08:30:00 2005-144T04:00:01
MP_008SA_RPXDESCEN008_NA 8 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-143T05:44:38
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY009_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-144T02:33:00 000T01:27:00 2005-144T04:00:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-144T04:00:00 000T01:56:56 2005-144T05:56:56
INMS_008SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-144T04:00:00 000T22:16:00 2005-145T02:16:00
MAG_008OT_SURVEY003_RIDER MAG 8 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-144T04:00:00 000T22:16:00 2005-145T02:16:00
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-144T04:00:00 000T22:16:00 2005-145T02:16:00
MIMI_008CO_SURVEY006_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-144T04:00:01 000T22:16:00 2005-145T02:16:01
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY006_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-144T05:56:56 000T20:19:04 2005-145T02:16:00
MAPS_008CO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME MAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-144T13:54:56 012T05:35:12 2005-156T19:30:08
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-145T02:16:00 000T11:37:00 2005-145T13:53:00
INMS_008CO_MAGBNDCOR002_CAPS INMS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-145T02:16:00 000T11:37:00 2005-145T13:53:00
MAG_008CO_MAGBNDCOR002_MAPS MAG 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-145T02:16:00 000T11:37:00 2005-145T13:53:00
MIMI_008CO_MAGBOUND004_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-145T02:16:00 002T23:45:00 2005-148T02:01:00
RPWS_008CO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS 8 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-145T02:16:00 001T13:53:00 2005-146T16:09:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDPTG002_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-145T11:53:00 000T02:16:00 2005-145T14:09:00
CAPS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL003_PRIME CAPS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-145T13:53:00 000T11:16:00 2005-146T01:09:00
INMS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL003_CAPS INMS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-145T13:53:00 000T11:16:00 2005-146T01:09:00
MAG_008OT_MAGBNDDNL003_MAPS MAG 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-145T13:53:00 000T11:16:00 2005-146T01:09:00
RPWS_008SA_HFRCAL004_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-146T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-146T00:01:00
CAPS_008SU_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME CAPS 8 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-146T01:09:00 000T15:00:00 2005-146T16:09:00
INMS_008SU_MAGBNDSW002_CAPS INMS 8 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-146T01:09:00 000T15:00:00 2005-146T16:09:00
MAG_008SU_MAGBNDSW002_MAPS MAG 8 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-146T01:09:00 000T15:00:00 2005-146T16:09:00
CAPS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL004_PRIME CAPS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-146T16:09:00 000T11:00:00 2005-147T03:09:00
INMS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL004_CAPS INMS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-146T16:09:00 000T11:00:00 2005-147T03:09:00
MAG_008OT_MAGBNDDNL004_MAPS MAG 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-146T16:09:00 000T11:00:00 2005-147T03:09:00
RPWS_008CO_MAGBOUND007_CAPS RPWS 8 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-146T16:09:00 001T09:52:00 2005-148T02:01:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDPTG003_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-147T01:59:00 000T01:30:00 2005-147T03:29:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDCOR003_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-147T03:09:00 000T13:45:00 2005-147T16:54:00
INMS_008CO_MAGBNDCOR003_CAPS INMS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-147T03:09:00 000T13:45:00 2005-147T16:54:00
MAG_008CO_MAGBNDCOR003_MAPS MAG 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-147T03:09:00 000T13:45:00 2005-147T16:54:00
CAPS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL005_PRIME CAPS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-147T16:54:00 000T09:07:00 2005-148T02:01:00
INMS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL005_CAPS INMS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-147T16:54:00 000T09:07:00 2005-148T02:01:00
MAG_008OT_MAGBNDDNL005_MAPS MAG 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-147T16:54:00 000T09:07:00 2005-148T02:01:00
CAPS_008SU_MAGBNDSW003_PRIME CAPS 8 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-148T02:01:00 000T11:45:00 2005-148T13:46:00
INMS_008SU_MAGBNDSW003_CAPS INMS 8 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-148T02:01:00 000T11:45:00 2005-148T13:46:00
MAG_008SU_MAGBNDSW003_MAPS MAG 8 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-148T02:01:00 000T11:45:00 2005-148T13:46:00
MIMI_008CO_MAGBOUND005_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-148T02:01:00 002T01:00:00 2005-150T03:01:00
RPWS_008CO_MAGBOUND008_CAPS RPWS 8 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-148T02:01:00 000T23:00:00 2005-149T01:01:00
CAPS_008CO_FSWCHK16K001_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Flight Software Checkout PRIME 2005-148T09:31:00 000T01:29:00 2005-148T11:00:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDPTG004_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-148T09:31:00 000T01:29:00 2005-148T11:00:00
RPWS_008CO_HIRATE005_CAPS RPWS 8 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-148T12:35:00 000T06:55:00 2005-148T19:30:00
CAPS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL006_PRIME CAPS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-148T13:46:00 000T11:15:00 2005-149T01:01:00
INMS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL006_CAPS INMS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-148T13:46:00 000T11:15:00 2005-149T01:01:00
MAG_008OT_MAGBNDDNL006_MAPS MAG 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-148T13:46:00 000T11:15:00 2005-149T01:01:00
CAPS_008CO_FSWCHK16K002_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Flight Software Checkout PRIME 2005-148T21:05:00 000T04:16:00 2005-149T01:21:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDPTG005_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-148T21:05:00 000T04:16:00 2005-149T01:21:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDCOR004_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-149T01:01:00 000T14:53:00 2005-149T15:54:00
INMS_008CO_MAGBNDCOR004_CAPS INMS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-149T01:01:00 000T14:53:00 2005-149T15:54:00
MAG_008CO_MAGBNDCOR004_MAPS MAG 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-149T01:01:00 000T14:53:00 2005-149T15:54:00
RPWS_008CO_MAGBOUND009_CAPS RPWS 8 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-149T01:01:00 001T02:00:00 2005-150T03:01:00
CAPS_008CO_FSWCHK16K003_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Flight Software Checkout PRIME 2005-149T09:21:00 000T04:25:00 2005-149T13:46:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDPTG006_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-149T09:21:00 000T04:25:00 2005-149T13:46:00
CAPS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL007_PRIME CAPS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-149T15:54:00 000T11:07:00 2005-150T03:01:00
INMS_008OT_MAGBNDDNL007_CAPS INMS 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-149T15:54:00 000T11:07:00 2005-150T03:01:00
MAG_008OT_MAGBNDDNL007_MAPS MAG 8 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-149T15:54:00 000T11:07:00 2005-150T03:01:00
RPWS_008CO_HIRATE006_CAPS RPWS 8 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-149T16:46:00 000T07:00:00 2005-149T23:46:00
RPWS_008SA_HFRCAL005_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-150T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-150T00:01:00
CAPS_008CO_FSWCHK16K004_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Flight Software Checkout PRIME 2005-150T01:16:00 000T02:14:00 2005-150T03:30:00
CAPS_008CO_MAGBNDPTG007_PRIME CAPS 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-150T01:16:00 000T02:14:00 2005-150T03:30:00
CAPS_008SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-150T03:01:00 000T04:59:04 2005-150T08:00:04
INMS_008SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 8 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-150T03:01:00 000T04:59:44 2005-150T08:00:44
MAG_008OT_SURVEY004_RIDER MAG 8 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-150T03:01:00 000T23:59:00 2005-151T03:00:00
MIMI_008CO_MAGBOUND007_RIDER MIMI 8 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-150T03:01:00 000T04:59:44 2005-150T08:00:44
RPWS_008SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 8 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-150T03:01:00 000T04:31:34 2005-150T07:32:34
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-150T07:32:34 000T19:27:26 2005-151T03:00:00
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-150T08:00:44 000T18:59:16 2005-151T03:00:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-150T08:00:44 000T19:27:26 2005-151T03:28:10
RPWS_009IC_PIM001_PRIME RPWS 9 Calibration RPWS periodic instrument maintenance (applies large potential to Langmuir Probe) PRIME 2005-150T08:00:44 001T00:00:00 2005-151T08:00:44
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-150T08:00:45 002T17:52:15 2005-153T01:53:00
MP_009SA_APOAPSE009_NA 9 Apoapse 2005-150T08:21:00
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-151T03:00:00 000T23:00:00 2005-152T02:00:00
MAG_009OT_SURVEY001_RIDER MAG 9 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-151T03:00:00 000T23:00:00 2005-152T02:00:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-151T03:00:00 000T23:00:00 2005-152T02:00:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-151T03:28:10 000T23:00:00 2005-152T02:28:10
CAPS_009IC_ELSCAL001_RIDER CAPS 9 Calibration Electron Spectrometer Calibration RIDER 2005-151T12:00:00 000T00:34:08 2005-151T12:34:08
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY006_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-152T02:00:00 000T23:53:00 2005-153T01:53:00
MAG_009OT_SURVEY002_RIDER MAG 9 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-152T02:00:00 000T23:53:00 2005-153T01:53:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-152T02:00:00 000T23:53:00 2005-153T01:53:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-152T02:28:10 000T23:53:00 2005-153T02:21:10
CAPS_009SU_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME CAPS 9 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-153T01:53:00 000T13:45:00 2005-153T15:38:00
MAG_009SU_MAGBNDSW001_MAPS MAG 9 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-153T01:53:00 000T13:45:00 2005-153T15:38:00
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-153T01:53:00 001T01:00:00 2005-154T02:53:00
RPWS_009CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS 9 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-153T01:53:00 001T01:00:00 2005-154T02:53:00
INMS_009SU_MAGBNDSW001_CAPS INMS 9 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-153T02:21:10 000T13:45:00 2005-153T16:06:10
CAPS_009CO_MAGBNDPTG001_PRIME CAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-153T10:13:00 000T04:47:00 2005-153T15:00:00
CAPS_009OT_MAGBNDDNL001_PRIME CAPS 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-153T15:38:00 000T11:15:00 2005-154T02:53:00
MAG_009OT_MAGBNDDNL001_MAPS MAG 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-153T15:38:00 000T11:15:00 2005-154T02:53:00
INMS_009OT_MAGBNDDNL001_CAPS INMS 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-153T16:06:10 000T11:15:00 2005-154T03:21:10
RPWS_009SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-154T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-154T00:01:00
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-154T02:53:00 002T00:07:00 2005-156T03:00:00
MAG_009OT_SURVEY003_RIDER MAG 9 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-154T02:53:00 000T22:07:00 2005-155T01:00:00
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND003_RIDER MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-154T02:53:00 002T00:07:00 2005-156T03:00:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-154T02:53:00 002T00:07:00 2005-156T03:00:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-154T03:21:10 000T22:07:00 2005-155T01:28:10
MAG_009OT_SURVEY007_RIDER MAG 9 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-155T01:00:00 001T02:00:00 2005-156T03:00:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY009_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-155T01:00:00 003T00:30:00 2005-158T01:30:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-155T01:28:10 001T01:31:50 2005-156T03:00:00
CAPS_009CO_MAGBNDORS001_RIDER CAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RIDER 2005-156T03:00:00 000T16:30:08 2005-156T19:30:08
INMS_009SA_SURVEY006_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-156T03:00:00 000T16:58:18 2005-156T19:58:18
MAG_009OT_SURVEY004_RIDER MAG 9 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-156T03:00:00 003T04:10:00 2005-159T07:10:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-156T03:00:00 002T02:55:00 2005-158T05:55:00
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND008_RIDER MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-156T03:00:01 000T16:30:08 2005-156T19:30:09
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-156T19:30:08 006T01:49:52 2005-162T21:20:00
MIMI_009CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 9 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-156T19:30:08 000T19:04:52 2005-157T14:35:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY007_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-156T19:58:18 001T03:25:42 2005-157T23:24:00
MIMI_009SA_MAGDYN001_PRIME MIMI 9 Saturn PRIME 2005-157T14:35:00 001T16:23:00 2005-159T06:58:00
CAPS_009SA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-157T18:40:00 000T03:20:32 2005-157T22:00:32
MP_009TI_FLYBYNT001_NA 9 Titan Flyby 2005-157T19:05:13
INMS_009SA_FULSURVEY007_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn RIDER 2005-157T23:24:00 000T02:06:00 2005-158T01:30:00
RPWS_009SA_HFRCAL002_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-158T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-158T00:01:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY010_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-158T01:30:00 000T21:36:00 2005-158T23:06:00
RPWS_009SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-158T05:55:00 002T08:05:00 2005-160T14:00:00
INMS_009SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn RIDER 2005-158T23:06:00 000T11:14:26 2005-159T10:20:26
RPWS_009SA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-159T03:41:00 000T14:00:00 2005-159T17:41:00
MIMI_009DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 9 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-159T06:58:01 000T01:46:08 2005-159T08:44:09
MAG_009OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 9 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-159T07:10:00 000T07:35:00 2005-159T14:45:00
RPWS_009RI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS 9 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2005-159T07:35:00 000T01:52:00 2005-159T09:27:00
MP_009DR_DUSTHAZRD001_NA 9 Dust Hazard 2005-159T08:20:00 000T00:12:00 2005-159T08:32:00
MP_009SA_RPXASCEND009_NA 9 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-159T08:25:47
MIMI_009CO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI 9 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-159T08:44:10 001T09:01:00 2005-160T17:45:10
RPWS_009SA_SEDMSEC001_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Special mode to collect millisecond variations in Saturn Electrostatic Discharge ampludes PRIME 2005-159T09:27:00 000T08:00:00 2005-159T17:27:00
MP_009PL_FLYBYNT001_NA 9 Pallene Flyby 2005-159T09:57:20
INMS_009SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn RIDER 2005-159T10:20:26 000T11:15:00 2005-159T21:35:26
MP_009CA_FLYBYNT001_NA 9 Calypso Flyby 2005-159T10:23:48
MP_009SA_PERIAPSE009_NA 9 Periapse 2005-159T10:36:15
MP_009EA_OCCRING009_NA 9 Rings  Rings Occultation  2005-159T12:03:06 000T05:51:45 2005-159T17:54:51
MP_009SU_OCCRING009_NA 9 Rings Occultation  2005-159T12:24:02 000T06:02:15 2005-159T18:26:17
MP_009EA_OCCSATURN009_NA 9 Saturn Saturn Occultation 2005-159T13:48:51 000T02:28:45 2005-159T16:17:36
MP_009SU_OCCSATURN009_NA 9 Saturn Occultation 2005-159T14:10:05 000T02:34:45 2005-159T16:44:50
MAG_009OT_SURVEY006_RIDER MAG 9 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-159T14:45:00 003T10:44:00 2005-163T01:29:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY009_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-159T21:35:26 000T20:09:34 2005-160T17:45:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-160T14:00:00 000T03:45:00 2005-160T17:45:00
INMS_009SA_SURVEY008_RIDER INMS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-160T17:45:00 002T03:35:00 2005-162T21:20:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY008_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-160T17:45:00 002T03:35:00 2005-162T21:20:00
MIMI_009CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 9 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-160T17:45:01 002T03:35:00 2005-162T21:20:01
MP_009SA_RPXDESCEN009_NA 9 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-161T09:08:22
RPWS_009SA_HFRCAL003_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-162T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-162T00:01:00
CAPS_009CO_MAGBOUND000_PRIME CAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-162T21:20:00 005T15:21:00 2005-168T12:41:00
CAPS_009CO_MAGBOUND002_PRIME CAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-162T21:20:00 000T04:05:00 2005-163T01:25:00
INMS_009CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS INMS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-162T21:20:00 000T04:05:00 2005-163T01:25:00
MAPS_009CO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME MAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-162T21:20:00 012T03:34:56 2005-175T00:54:56
MAPS_009CO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME MAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-162T21:20:00 012T03:34:56 2005-175T00:54:56
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-162T21:20:00 000T04:05:00 2005-163T01:25:00
RPWS_009CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS 9 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-162T21:20:00 000T04:05:00 2005-163T01:25:00
CAPS_009CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-163T01:25:00 000T14:34:00 2005-163T15:59:00
INMS_009CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS INMS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-163T01:25:00 001T21:04:00 2005-164T22:29:00
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-163T01:25:00 001T21:04:00 2005-164T22:29:00
RPWS_009CO_MAGBOUND005_CAPS RPWS 9 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-163T01:25:00 001T21:04:00 2005-164T22:29:00
MAG_009CO_MAGBNDCOR001_MAPS MAG 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-163T01:29:00 000T14:30:00 2005-163T15:59:00
CAPS_009OT_MAGBNDDNL002_PRIME CAPS 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-163T15:59:00 000T09:15:00 2005-164T01:14:00
MAG_009OT_MAGBNDDNL002_MAPS MAG 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-163T15:59:00 000T09:15:00 2005-164T01:14:00
CAPS_009SU_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME CAPS 9 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-164T01:14:00 000T12:00:00 2005-164T13:14:00
MAG_009SU_MAGBNDSW002_MAPS MAG 9 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-164T01:14:00 000T12:00:00 2005-164T13:14:00
CAPS_009OT_MAGBNDDNL003_PRIME CAPS 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-164T13:14:00 000T09:15:00 2005-164T22:29:00
MAG_009OT_MAGBNDDNL003_MAPS MAG 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-164T13:14:00 000T09:15:00 2005-164T22:29:00
CAPS_009CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME CAPS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-164T22:29:00 000T17:38:00 2005-165T16:07:00
INMS_009CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS INMS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-164T22:29:00 001T02:38:00 2005-166T01:07:00
MAG_009CO_MAGBNDCOR002_MAPS MAG 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-164T22:29:00 000T17:38:00 2005-165T16:07:00
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND006_MAPS MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-164T22:29:00 001T02:38:00 2005-166T01:07:00
RPWS_009CO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS 9 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-164T22:29:00 001T02:38:00 2005-166T01:07:00
CAPS_009OT_MAGBNDDNL004_PRIME CAPS 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-165T16:07:00 000T09:00:00 2005-166T01:07:00
MAG_009OT_MAGBNDDNL004_MAPS MAG 9 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-165T16:07:00 000T09:00:00 2005-166T01:07:00
RPWS_009SA_HFRCAL004_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-166T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-166T00:01:00
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-166T01:07:00 000T19:06:00 2005-166T20:13:00
INMS_009CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS INMS 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-166T01:07:00 002T11:53:04 2005-168T13:00:04
MAG_009OT_SURVEY005_RIDER MAG 9 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-166T01:07:00 003T00:27:00 2005-169T01:34:00
MIMI_009CO_MAGBOUND007_MAPS MIMI 9 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-166T01:07:00 002T11:53:00 2005-168T13:00:00
RPWS_009SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 9 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-166T01:07:00 002T11:53:00 2005-168T13:00:00
CAPS_009SA_BURST16K001_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-166T02:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-166T04:16:32
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-166T20:13:00 001T08:01:00 2005-168T04:14:00
CAPS_009SA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS 9 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-168T04:14:00 000T21:20:00 2005-169T01:34:00
MIMI_010CO_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MIMI 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-168T13:00:00 000T12:34:00 2005-169T01:34:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-168T13:00:00 000T12:34:00 2005-169T01:34:00
INMS_010CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS INMS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-168T13:00:04 000T12:33:56 2005-169T01:34:00
MP_009SA_APOAPSE010_NA 9 Apoapse 2005-168T13:11:31
MP_010SA_APOAPSE010_NA 10 Apoapse 2005-168T13:12:00
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY006_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-169T01:34:00 004T23:56:00 2005-174T01:30:00
INMS_010SA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS 10 Saturn INMS 2005-169T01:34:00 000T01:22:00 2005-169T02:56:00
MAG_010OT_SURVEY010_RIDER MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-169T01:34:00 005T00:26:00 2005-174T02:00:00
MIMI_010CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MIMI 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-169T01:34:00 003T00:26:00 2005-172T02:00:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY009_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-169T01:34:00 002T00:26:00 2005-171T02:00:00
CAPS_010SA_BURST16K001_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-169T02:30:00 000T02:16:32 2005-169T04:46:32
INMS_010CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS INMS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-169T02:56:00 004T23:04:00 2005-174T02:00:00
RPWS_010SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-170T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-170T00:01:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-171T02:00:00 002T00:00:00 2005-173T02:00:00
CAPS_010SA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-171T02:30:00 000T02:16:32 2005-171T04:46:32
MIMI_010CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MIMI 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-172T02:00:00 002T00:00:00 2005-174T02:00:00
CAPS_010CO_MAGBOUND000_PRIME CAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-173T02:00:00 001T00:00:00 2005-174T02:00:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-173T02:00:00 001T00:00:00 2005-174T02:00:00
RPWS_010CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 10 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-173T05:00:00 000T03:38:00 2005-173T08:38:00
RPWS_010SA_HFRCAL002_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-174T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-174T00:01:00
CAPS_010CO_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 10 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-174T01:30:00 000T00:30:00 2005-174T02:00:00
CAPS_010CO_MAGBNDORS001_RIDER CAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma RIDER 2005-174T02:00:00 000T22:54:56 2005-175T00:54:56
INMS_010CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS INMS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-174T02:00:00 000T22:54:56 2005-175T00:54:56
MAG_010CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-174T02:00:00 000T22:54:56 2005-175T00:54:56
MIMI_010CO_MAGBOUND004_MAPS MIMI 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-174T02:00:00 000T23:54:56 2005-175T01:54:56
RPWS_010CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS 10 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-174T02:00:00 000T23:00:00 2005-175T01:00:00
INMS_010SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-175T00:54:56 000T01:05:04 2005-175T02:00:00
MAG_010OT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-175T00:54:56 000T01:05:04 2005-175T02:00:00
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-175T00:55:00 000T01:05:00 2005-175T02:00:00
MAPS_010CO_DISTTORUS001_PRIME MAPS 10 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan PRIME 2005-175T01:00:00 001T22:50:08 2005-176T23:50:08
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-175T01:00:00 000T01:00:00 2005-175T02:00:00
MIMI_010CO_DISTTORUS001_RIDER MIMI 10 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan RIDER 2005-175T01:54:56 001T21:55:12 2005-176T23:50:08
CAPS_010CO_DISTTORUS002_RIDER CAPS 10 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan RIDER 2005-175T02:00:00 001T21:50:08 2005-176T23:50:08
CAPS_010CO_DISTTORUS002_RIDER CAPS 10 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan RIDER 2005-175T02:00:00 001T21:50:08 2005-176T23:50:08
INMS_010CO_DISTTORUS001_CAPS INMS 10 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan CAPS 2005-175T02:00:00 001T21:50:08 2005-176T23:50:08
MAG_010CO_DISTTORUS001_MAPS MAG 10 Corotation Titan torus observations at large distances from Titan MAPS 2005-175T02:00:00 001T21:50:08 2005-176T23:50:08
RPWS_010CO_DISTTORUS001_CAPS RPWS 10 RPWS observations in support of the CAPS distant torus campaign CAPS 2005-175T02:00:00 001T21:50:08 2005-176T23:50:08
CAPS_010IC_ELSCAL001_RIDER CAPS 10 Calibration Electron Spectrometer Calibration RIDER 2005-176T20:00:00 000T00:34:08 2005-176T20:34:08
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-176T23:50:08 002T01:09:52 2005-179T01:00:00
INMS_010SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-176T23:50:08 000T04:29:18 2005-177T04:19:26
MAG_010OT_SURVEY008_PRIME MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-176T23:50:08 000T12:22:52 2005-177T12:13:00
MIMI_010SA_MAGDYN001_PRIME MIMI 10 Saturn PRIME 2005-176T23:50:08 000T12:29:51 2005-177T12:19:59
RPWS_010SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-176T23:50:08 001T19:39:52 2005-178T19:30:00
CAPS_010SA_BURST16K003_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-177T02:30:00 000T01:08:16 2005-177T03:38:16
INMS_010SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 10 Saturn RIDER 2005-177T04:19:26 000T11:15:29 2005-177T15:34:55
MP_010TI_FLYBYNT001_NA 10 Titan Flyby 2005-177T07:10:03
MP_010TI_FLYBYNT002_NA 10 Titan Flyby 2005-177T07:10:45
RPWS_010SA_SEDDF001_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Direction-finding observations for Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-177T08:34:55 000T14:00:00 2005-177T22:34:55
MAG_010OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 10 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-177T12:13:00 000T07:35:00 2005-177T19:48:00
RPWS_010RI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS 10 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2005-177T12:15:00 000T02:00:00 2005-177T14:15:00
MIMI_010DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 10 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-177T12:20:00 000T01:48:01 2005-177T14:08:01
MP_010DR_DUSTHAZRD001_NA 10 Dust Hazard 2005-177T13:23:00 000T00:12:00 2005-177T13:35:00
MP_010SA_RPXASCEND010_NA 10 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-177T13:29:24
MIMI_010CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 10 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-177T14:08:01 001T10:52:00 2005-179T01:00:01
MP_010PN_FLYBYNT001_NA 10 Prometheus Flyby 2005-177T14:23:28
MP_010TL_FLYBYNT001_NA 10 Telesco Flyby 2005-177T14:48:30
RPWS_010SA_HRSED001_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect high resolution data of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges PRIME 2005-177T15:15:00 000T00:05:00 2005-177T15:20:00
INMS_010SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 10 Saturn RIDER 2005-177T15:34:55 000T11:15:00 2005-178T02:49:55
RPWS_010SA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2005-177T15:34:55 000T00:17:56 2005-177T15:52:51
MP_010SA_PERIAPSE010_NA 10 Periapse 2005-177T15:42:03
MP_010EA_OCCRING010_NA 10 Rings  Rings Occultation  2005-177T17:20:21 000T05:57:45 2005-177T23:18:06
MP_010SU_OCCRING010_NA 10 Rings Occultation  2005-177T17:34:39 000T06:03:30 2005-177T23:38:09
MP_010EA_OCCSATURN010_NA 10 Saturn Saturn Occultation 2005-177T19:06:49 000T02:32:00 2005-177T21:38:49
MP_010SU_OCCSATURN010_NA 10 Saturn Occultation 2005-177T19:20:36 000T02:35:45 2005-177T21:56:21
MAG_010OT_SURVEY009_PRIME MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-177T19:48:00 001T05:12:00 2005-179T01:00:00
RPWS_010SA_HFRCAL003_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-178T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-178T00:01:00
INMS_010SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-178T02:49:55 000T22:10:05 2005-179T01:00:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-178T19:30:00 000T05:30:00 2005-179T01:00:00
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-179T01:00:00 001T01:00:00 2005-180T02:00:00
INMS_010SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-179T01:00:00 001T00:25:00 2005-180T01:25:00
MAG_010OT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-179T01:00:00 001T00:25:00 2005-180T01:25:00
MIMI_010CO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI 10 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-179T01:00:00 001T01:00:00 2005-180T02:00:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-179T01:00:00 001T01:00:00 2005-180T02:00:00
MP_010SA_RPXDESCEN010_NA 10 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-179T13:44:21
INMS_010SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-180T01:25:00 001T04:15:00 2005-181T05:40:00
MAG_010OT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-180T01:25:00 000T23:42:00 2005-181T01:07:00
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-180T02:00:00 000T23:07:00 2005-181T01:07:00
MIMI_010CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 10 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-180T02:00:00 000T23:07:00 2005-181T01:07:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-180T02:00:00 000T23:07:00 2005-181T01:07:00
CAPS_010CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-181T01:07:00 000T13:15:00 2005-181T14:22:00
MAG_010CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MAG 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-181T01:07:00 001T00:00:00 2005-182T01:07:00
MIMI_010CO_MAGBOUND005_MAPS MIMI 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-181T01:07:00 003T23:00:00 2005-185T00:07:00
RPWS_010CO_MAGBOUND004_CAPS RPWS 10 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-181T01:07:00 001T00:00:00 2005-182T01:07:00
INMS_010CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS INMS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) CAPS 2005-181T05:40:00 005T13:14:19 2005-186T18:54:19
MAPS_010CO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME MAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-181T05:40:00 012T02:00:00 2005-193T07:40:00
CAPS_010CO_MAGBNDPTG001_PRIME CAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-181T12:07:00 000T01:57:00 2005-181T14:04:00
CAPS_010OT_MAGBNDDNL001_PRIME CAPS 10 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-181T14:22:00 000T10:45:00 2005-182T01:07:00
RPWS_010SA_HFRCAL004_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-182T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-182T00:01:00
CAPS_010SU_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME CAPS 10 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-182T01:07:00 000T08:15:00 2005-182T09:22:00
MAG_010SU_MAGBNDSW002_MAPS MAG 10 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-182T01:07:00 000T10:29:00 2005-182T11:36:00
RPWS_010CO_MAGBOUND006_CAPS RPWS 10 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-182T01:07:00 000T20:04:00 2005-182T21:11:00
CAPS_010CO_MAGBNDPTG003_PRIME CAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-182T08:22:00 000T04:28:00 2005-182T12:50:00
CAPS_010OT_MAGBNDDNL002_PRIME CAPS 10 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-182T09:22:00 000T11:15:00 2005-182T20:37:00
MAG_010OT_MAGBNDDNL003_MAPS MAG 10 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-182T11:36:00 000T09:35:00 2005-182T21:11:00
CAPS_010CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME CAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-182T20:37:00 000T18:30:00 2005-183T15:07:00
MAG_010CO_MAGBNDCOR002_MAPS MAG 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-182T21:11:00 000T17:05:00 2005-183T14:16:00
RPWS_010CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS 10 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-182T21:11:00 002T02:56:00 2005-185T00:07:00
CAPS_010CO_MAGBNDPTG002_PRIME CAPS 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-183T00:50:00 000T02:29:00 2005-183T03:19:00
MAG_010OT_MAGBNDDNL004_MAPS MAG 10 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-183T14:16:00 000T09:35:00 2005-183T23:51:00
CAPS_010OT_MAGBNDDNL003_PRIME CAPS 10 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-183T15:07:00 000T09:15:00 2005-184T00:22:00
MAG_010SU_MAGBNDSW003_MAPS MAG 10 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-183T23:51:00 000T14:25:00 2005-184T14:16:00
CAPS_010SU_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME CAPS 10 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-184T00:22:00 000T14:30:00 2005-184T14:52:00
MAG_010OT_MAGBNDDNL005_MAPS MAG 10 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-184T14:16:00 000T09:50:00 2005-185T00:06:00
CAPS_010OT_MAGBNDDNL004_PRIME CAPS 10 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-184T14:52:00 000T09:15:00 2005-185T00:07:00
CAPS_010SU_MAGBNDPTG001_PRIME CAPS 10 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-184T19:40:00 000T04:42:00 2005-185T00:22:00
MAG_010OT_SURVEY006_PRIME MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-185T00:06:00 000T20:31:00 2005-185T20:37:00
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-185T00:07:00 000T20:30:00 2005-185T20:37:00
MIMI_010CO_MAGBOUND006_MAPS MIMI 10 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-185T00:07:00 001T18:44:54 2005-186T18:51:54
RPWS_010CO_MAGBOUND007_CAPS RPWS 10 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-185T00:07:00 000T20:30:00 2005-185T20:37:00
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY012_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-185T20:37:00 000T01:33:00 2005-185T22:10:00
MAG_010OT_SURVEY007_PRIME MAG 10 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-185T20:37:00 002T23:45:00 2005-188T20:22:00
RPWS_010SA_OUTSURVEY008_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-185T20:37:00 000T22:13:50 2005-186T18:50:50
CAPS_010SA_SURVEY013_RIDER CAPS 10 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-185T22:10:00 000T20:44:19 2005-186T18:54:19
RPWS_010SA_HFRCAL005_PRIME RPWS 10 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-186T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-186T00:01:00
RPWS_010CO_HIRATE002_CAPS RPWS 10 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-186T00:00:00 000T05:08:56 2005-186T05:08:56
MIMI_011CO_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MIMI 11 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-186T18:54:00 001T06:36:00 2005-188T01:30:00
CAPS_011SA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-186T18:54:19 002T01:27:41 2005-188T20:22:00
INMS_011SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-186T18:54:19 003T04:57:41 2005-189T23:52:00
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-186T18:54:19 002T01:31:10 2005-188T20:25:29
MP_011SA_APOAPSE011_NA 11 Apoapse 2005-186T18:57:10
CAPS_011SA_BURST16K001_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-186T20:00:00 000T02:16:32 2005-186T22:16:32
MIMI_011CO_MAGBOUND003_MAPS MIMI 11 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-188T01:30:00 003T18:37:00 2005-191T20:07:00
CAPS_011SA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-188T02:30:00 000T02:16:32 2005-188T04:46:32
CAPS_011SA_SURVEY008_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-188T20:22:00 002T23:45:00 2005-191T20:07:00
MAG_011OT_SURVEY001_PRIME MAG 11 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-188T20:22:00 002T23:45:00 2005-191T20:07:00
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-188T20:22:00 002T23:45:00 2005-191T20:07:00
CAPS_011SA_BURST16K003_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-189T02:30:00 000T02:16:32 2005-189T04:46:32
INMS_011SA_PTOTM025001_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn RIDER 2005-189T23:52:00 001T00:00:00 2005-190T23:52:00
RPWS_011SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-190T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-190T00:01:00
CAPS_011SA_BURST16K004_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-190T02:30:00 000T02:16:32 2005-190T04:46:32
INMS_011SA_SURVEY006_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-190T23:52:00 002T00:11:29 2005-193T00:03:29
RPWS_011CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 11 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-191T00:00:00 000T08:00:00 2005-191T08:00:00
CAPS_011CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME CAPS 11 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-191T20:07:00 000T17:15:00 2005-192T13:22:00
MAG_011CO_MAGBOUND001_MAPS MAG 11 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-191T20:07:00 001T03:53:00 2005-193T00:00:00
MIMI_011CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MIMI 11 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-191T20:07:00 001T03:53:00 2005-193T00:00:00
RPWS_011CO_MAGBOUND001_CAPS RPWS 11 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-191T20:07:00 001T03:53:00 2005-193T00:00:00
MIMI_011SW_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME MIMI 11 Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-191T22:37:00 000T13:55:00 2005-192T12:32:00
CAPS_011OT_MAGBNDDNL001_PRIME CAPS 11 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-192T13:22:00 000T10:38:00 2005-193T00:00:00
CAPS_011CO_MAGBOUND002_PRIME CAPS 11 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-193T00:00:00 000T07:40:00 2005-193T07:40:00
MAG_011CO_MAGBOUND002_MAPS MAG 11 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) MAPS 2005-193T00:00:00 001T00:00:00 2005-194T00:00:00
MIMI_011CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 11 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-193T00:00:00 001T00:00:00 2005-194T00:00:00
RPWS_011CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS RPWS 11 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-193T00:00:00 000T07:40:00 2005-193T07:40:00
INMS_011SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-193T00:03:29 001T00:00:00 2005-194T00:03:29
CAPS_011IC_CALIBRATE001_PRIME CAPS 11 Calibration Calibrate the CAPS Instrument PRIME 2005-193T04:00:00 000T09:10:00 2005-193T13:10:00
CAPS_011SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-193T07:40:00 002T11:45:22 2005-195T19:25:22
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY003_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-193T07:40:00 000T16:03:00 2005-193T23:43:00
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-193T23:43:00 000T00:17:00 2005-194T00:00:00
MAG_011OT_SURVEY005_PRIME MAG 11 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-194T00:00:00 001T17:55:22 2005-195T17:55:22
RPWS_011SA_HFRCAL002_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-194T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-194T00:01:00
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-194T00:00:00 000T18:10:00 2005-194T18:10:00
MIMI_011CO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI 11 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-194T00:00:01 000T02:49:00 2005-194T02:49:01
INMS_011SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-194T00:03:29 001T10:52:26 2005-195T10:55:55
MIMI_011SA_MAGDYN001_PRIME MIMI 11 Saturn PRIME 2005-194T02:49:00 001T05:12:00 2005-195T08:01:00
RPWS_011SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-194T18:10:00 001T21:50:00 2005-196T16:00:00
MIMI_011CO_SURVEY002_MAPS MIMI 11 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) MAPS 2005-195T08:01:00 000T11:07:01 2005-195T19:08:01
INMS_011SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn RIDER 2005-195T10:55:55 000T07:59:27 2005-195T18:55:22
MAG_011EN_ENTAR001_RIDER MAG 11 Enceladus Enceladus encounter (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) RIDER 2005-195T17:55:22 000T00:45:38 2005-195T18:41:00
MAG_011EN_ENTAR002_RIDER MAG 11 Enceladus Enceladus encounter (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) RIDER 2005-195T18:41:00 000T03:14:22 2005-195T21:55:22
MAG_011OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 11 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-195T18:41:00 000T07:34:00 2005-196T02:15:00
INMS_011EN_ENCLOSURV001_RIDER INMS 11 Enceladus Enceladus encounter RIDER 2005-195T18:55:22 000T02:00:00 2005-195T20:55:22
MIMI_011DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 11 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-195T19:05:59 000T00:19:23 2005-195T19:25:22
CAPS_011EN_ENCOUNTER001_RIDER CAPS 11 Enceladus Enceladus Encounter RIDER 2005-195T19:25:22 000T01:00:00 2005-195T20:25:22
MIMI_011EN_ENCOUNTER001_ISS MIMI 11 Enceladus Enceladus Encounter ISS 2005-195T19:25:22 000T01:00:00 2005-195T20:25:22
RPWS_011EN_ENCA001_PRIME RPWS 11 Enceladus High Resolution RPWS observations near Enceladus closest approach PRIME 2005-195T19:25:22 000T00:50:20 2005-195T20:15:42
MP_011PM_FLYBYNT001_NA 11 Prometheus Flyby 2005-195T19:31:22
MP_011DR_DUSTHAZRD001_NA 11 Dust Hazard 2005-195T19:49:00 000T00:12:00 2005-195T20:01:00
MP_011EN_FLYBYE002_NA 11 Enceladus Flyby 2005-195T19:55:21
MP_011SA_RPXASCEND011_NA 11 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-195T19:55:43
CAPS_011SA_SURVEY002_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-195T20:25:22 000T19:32:35 2005-196T15:57:57
MIMI_011DR_INCADUST002_PRIME MIMI 11 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-195T20:25:22 000T00:28:35 2005-195T20:53:57
MP_011ME_FLYBYNT001_NA 11 Methone Flyby 2005-195T20:47:30
MIMI_011CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 11 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-195T20:53:57 000T19:04:00 2005-196T15:57:57
INMS_011SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn RIDER 2005-195T20:55:22 000T13:00:34 2005-196T09:55:56
MP_011EP_FLYBYNT001_NA 11 Epimetheus Flyby 2005-195T20:55:25
MP_011SA_PERIAPSE011_NA 11 Periapse 2005-195T22:10:02
MP_011EA_OCCRING011_NA 11 Rings  Rings Occultation  2005-196T00:01:44 000T06:02:45 2005-196T06:04:29
MP_011SU_OCCRING011_NA 11 Rings Occultation  2005-196T00:06:48 000T06:04:30 2005-196T06:11:18
MP_011EA_OCCSATURN011_NA 11 Saturn Saturn Occultation 2005-196T01:47:34 000T02:35:30 2005-196T04:23:04
MP_011SU_OCCSATURN011_NA 11 Saturn Occultation 2005-196T01:52:16 000T02:36:45 2005-196T04:29:01
MAG_011OT_SURVEY006_PRIME MAG 11 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-196T02:15:00 000T13:45:00 2005-196T16:00:00
INMS_011SA_SURVEY007_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-196T09:55:56 000T06:07:33 2005-196T16:03:29
CAPS_011SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-196T16:00:00 002T08:00:00 2005-199T00:00:00
MAG_011OT_SURVEY002_PRIME MAG 11 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-196T16:00:00 002T08:00:00 2005-199T00:00:00
RPWS_011SA_INSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-196T16:00:00 002T07:30:00 2005-198T23:30:00
MIMI_011CO_SURVEY006_RIDER MIMI 11 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-196T16:00:01 002T08:00:00 2005-199T00:00:01
INMS_011SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-196T16:03:29 002T08:00:00 2005-199T00:03:29
MP_011SA_RPXDESCEN011_NA 11 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-197T19:43:20
RPWS_011SA_HFRCAL003_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-198T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-198T00:01:00
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-198T23:30:00 000T00:30:00 2005-199T00:00:00
CAPS_011SA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-199T00:00:00 001T23:22:00 2005-200T23:22:00
MAG_011IC_SCAS001_RIDER MAG 11 Calibration Calibrate the MAG Instrument using SCAS (all ranges of FGM and VHM) RIDER 2005-199T00:00:00 000T05:00:00 2005-199T05:00:00
MIMI_011CO_SURVEY004_RIDER MIMI 11 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-199T00:00:00 006T01:51:55 2005-205T01:51:55
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY008_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-199T00:00:00 001T23:22:00 2005-200T23:22:00
INMS_011SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-199T00:03:29 006T01:37:59 2005-205T01:41:28
MAG_011OT_SURVEY003_PRIME MAG 11 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-199T05:00:00 001T18:22:00 2005-200T23:22:00
CAPS_011SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 11 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-200T23:22:00 004T02:29:00 2005-205T01:51:00
MAG_011OT_SURVEY004_PRIME MAG 11 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) PRIME 2005-200T23:22:00 007T23:28:00 2005-208T22:50:00
RPWS_011SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-200T23:22:00 004T02:28:51 2005-205T01:50:51
CAPS_011SU_MAGBNDPTG001_PRIME CAPS 11 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-201T01:52:00 000T02:08:00 2005-201T04:00:00
RPWS_011SA_HFRCAL004_PRIME RPWS 11 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-202T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-202T00:01:00
INMS_012SA_SURVEY001_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-205T01:41:28 005T20:09:09 2005-210T21:50:37
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-205T01:41:28 003T21:01:09 2005-208T22:42:37
CAPS_012SA_SURVEY001_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-205T01:51:00 003T21:01:00 2005-208T22:52:00
MIMI_012CO_SURVEY001_RIDER MIMI 12 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-205T01:51:55 005T20:08:05 2005-210T22:00:00
MP_011SA_APOAPSE012_NA 11 Apoapse 2005-205T01:57:14
MP_012SA_APOAPSE012_NA 12 Apoapse 2005-205T01:58:24
RPWS_012SA_HFRCAL001_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-206T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-206T00:01:00
CAPS_012CO_MAGBNDPTG001_PRIME CAPS 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-208T10:25:00 000T00:42:00 2005-208T11:07:00
MAG_012OT_SURVEY001_RIDER MAG 12 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-208T22:50:00 001T22:40:00 2005-210T21:30:00
CAPS_012SA_SURVEY005_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-208T22:52:00 001T22:38:00 2005-210T21:30:00
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY006_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-208T22:52:00 001T19:20:00 2005-210T18:12:00
CAPS_012SA_BURST16K001_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-209T00:00:00 000T04:33:04 2005-209T04:33:04
CAPS_012SA_BURST16K002_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn CAPS Higher Rate Data Period RIDER 2005-210T00:00:00 000T04:33:04 2005-210T04:33:04
RPWS_012SA_HFRCAL002_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-210T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-210T00:01:00
RPWS_012CO_HIRATE001_CAPS RPWS 12 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-210T00:00:00 000T10:35:11 2005-210T10:35:11
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY007_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-210T18:12:00 000T03:48:00 2005-210T22:00:00
CAPS_012SA_SURVEY007_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-210T21:30:00 000T00:30:00 2005-210T22:00:00
MAG_012OT_SURVEY008_RIDER MAG 12 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-210T21:30:00 000T00:30:00 2005-210T22:00:00
INMS_012SA_SURVEY002_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-210T21:50:37 002T00:09:23 2005-212T22:00:00
CAPS_012SA_SURVEY004_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-210T22:00:00 002T00:00:00 2005-212T22:00:00
MAG_012OT_SURVEY002_RIDER MAG 12 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-210T22:00:00 002T00:00:00 2005-212T22:00:00
MIMI_012CO_SURVEY002_RIDER MIMI 12 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-210T22:00:00 001T12:07:00 2005-212T10:07:00
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY008_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-210T22:00:00 002T00:00:00 2005-212T22:00:00
MIMI_012SA_MAGDYN001_PRIME MIMI 12 Saturn PRIME 2005-212T10:07:00 000T11:53:00 2005-212T22:00:00
CAPS_012SA_SURVEY006_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-212T22:00:00 002T16:00:00 2005-215T14:00:00
INMS_012SA_STARTUP001_INMS INMS 12 Saturn INMS 2005-212T22:00:00 000T01:22:00 2005-212T23:22:00
MAG_012OT_SURVEY003_RIDER MAG 12 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-212T22:00:00 001T04:21:00 2005-214T02:21:00
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY009_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-212T22:00:00 000T03:30:00 2005-213T01:30:00
MIMI_012SA_MAGDYN002_PRIME MIMI 12 Saturn PRIME 2005-212T22:00:01 001T04:24:00 2005-214T02:24:01
INMS_012SA_SURVEY003_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-212T23:22:00 000T18:37:56 2005-213T17:59:56
RPWS_012SA_INSURVEY001_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data in the inner magnetosphere PRIME 2005-213T01:30:00 002T08:05:00 2005-215T09:35:00
INMS_012SA_INMAGSURV001_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn RIDER 2005-213T17:59:56 000T11:15:20 2005-214T05:15:16
RPWS_012SA_HFRCAL003_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Apply HFR calibration signal PRIME 2005-214T00:00:00 000T00:01:00 2005-214T00:01:00
RPWS_012RI_RPXING001_PRIME RPWS 12 Rings RPWS high resolution observations during ring plane crossing -- primarily to collect dust impact observations PRIME 2005-214T02:18:00 000T02:00:00 2005-214T04:18:00
MAG_012OT_INTFLD001_PRIME MAG 12 Other Saturn Internal Field observations (high data rate 16 to 32 vps) PRIME 2005-214T02:21:00 000T07:35:00 2005-214T09:56:00
MIMI_012DR_INCADUST001_PRIME MIMI 12 Dust Inca Dust Observations  PRIME 2005-214T02:24:00 000T01:48:01 2005-214T04:12:01
MP_012DR_DUSTHAZRD001_NA 12 Dust Hazard 2005-214T03:28:59 000T00:11:54 2005-214T03:40:53
MP_012SA_RPXASCEND012_NA 12 Rings Ring plane crossing - ascending  2005-214T03:32:35
MP_012DA_FLYBYNT001_NA 12 Daphinis Flyby 2005-214T03:57:41
RPWS_012CO_HIRATE002_CAPS RPWS 12 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-214T04:00:00 000T00:43:35 2005-214T04:43:35
MIMI_012CO_SURVEY003_RIDER MIMI 12 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-214T04:12:01 001T10:37:59 2005-215T14:50:00
MP_012MI_FLYBYNT001_NA 12 Mimas Flyby 2005-214T04:21:23
INMS_012SA_INMAGSURV002_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn RIDER 2005-214T05:15:16 000T11:15:00 2005-214T16:30:16
RPWS_012SA_WHISTLER001_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn RPWS mode to collect high resolution data to search for lightning whistlers PRIME 2005-214T05:15:28 000T00:15:00 2005-214T05:30:28
MP_012PM_FLYBYNT001_NA 12 Prometheus Flyby 2005-214T05:17:29
MP_012SA_PERIAPSE012_NA 12 Periapse 2005-214T05:48:00
MP_012CA_FLYBYNT001_NA 12 Calypso Flyby 2005-214T07:46:59
MP_012SU_OCCRING012_NA 12 Rings Occultation  2005-214T07:48:01 000T06:04:45 2005-214T13:52:46
MP_012EA_OCCRING012_NA 12 Rings  Rings Occultation  2005-214T07:54:04 000T06:06:45 2005-214T14:00:49
MP_012SU_OCCSATURN012_NA 12 Saturn Occultation 2005-214T09:32:41 000T02:37:15 2005-214T12:09:56
MP_012EA_OCCSATURN012_NA 12 Saturn Saturn Occultation 2005-214T09:38:04 000T02:38:30 2005-214T12:16:34
MAG_012OT_SURVEY007_RIDER MAG 12 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-214T09:56:00 001T04:54:00 2005-215T14:50:00
RPWS_012CO_HIRATE003_CAPS RPWS 12 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-214T16:06:00 000T02:56:00 2005-214T19:02:00
INMS_012SA_SURVEY008_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-214T16:30:16 000T21:20:21 2005-215T13:50:37
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY002_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-215T09:35:00 000T05:15:00 2005-215T14:50:00
INMS_012SA_SURVEY004_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-215T13:50:37 000T00:59:23 2005-215T14:50:00
CAPS_012SA_SURVEY003_RIDER CAPS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-215T14:00:00 002T08:22:00 2005-217T22:22:00
INMS_012SA_PTOTM026001_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn RIDER 2005-215T14:50:00 001T07:30:00 2005-216T22:20:00
MAG_012OT_SURVEY006_RIDER MAG 12 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-215T14:50:00 001T07:10:00 2005-216T22:00:00
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY004_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-215T14:50:00 001T07:10:00 2005-216T22:00:00
MIMI_012CO_SURVEY005_RIDER MIMI 12 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-215T14:50:01 001T07:09:59 2005-216T22:00:00
RPWS_012CO_HIRATE006_CAPS RPWS 12 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-215T16:00:00 000T05:37:00 2005-215T21:37:00
MP_012SA_RPXDESCEN012_NA 12 Rings Ring plane crossing - descending  2005-216T02:39:20
MAG_012OT_SURVEY004_RIDER MAG 12 Other Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-216T22:00:00 001T00:22:00 2005-217T22:22:00
RPWS_012SA_OUTSURVEY005_PRIME RPWS 12 Saturn Collect RPWS survey data beyond 15 RS PRIME 2005-216T22:00:00 001T00:22:00 2005-217T22:22:00
MIMI_012CO_SURVEY006_RIDER MIMI 12 Corotation Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-216T22:00:01 001T00:22:00 2005-217T22:22:01
INMS_012SA_SURVEY005_RIDER INMS 12 Saturn Survey Data (lower data rates) RIDER 2005-216T22:20:00 001T00:02:00 2005-217T22:22:00
CAPS_012CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME CAPS 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-217T22:22:00 000T13:30:00 2005-218T11:52:00
INMS_012CO_MAGBNDCOR002_CAPS INMS 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-217T22:22:00 000T13:30:00 2005-218T11:52:00
MAG_012CO_MAGBNDCOR002_MAPS MAG 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-217T22:22:00 000T13:30:00 2005-218T11:52:00
MIMI_012CO_MAGBOUND001_RIDER MIMI 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-217T22:22:00 001T00:45:00 2005-218T23:07:00
RPWS_012CO_MAGBOUND002_CAPS RPWS 12 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-217T22:22:00 001T00:45:00 2005-218T23:07:00
MAPS_012CO_MAGBOUND001_PRIME MAPS 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) PRIME 2005-218T00:40:00 011T20:30:00 2005-229T21:10:00
MIMI_012CO_MAGBNDCOR001_PRIME MIMI 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-218T08:22:00 000T04:03:00 2005-218T12:25:00
CAPS_012OT_MAGBNDDNL003_PRIME CAPS 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-218T11:52:00 000T11:15:00 2005-218T23:07:00
INMS_012OT_MAGBNDDNL003_CAPS INMS 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-218T11:52:00 000T11:15:00 2005-218T23:07:00
MAG_012OT_MAGBNDDNL003_MAPS MAG 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-218T11:52:00 000T11:15:00 2005-218T23:07:00
MP_012TI_FLYBYNT002_NA 12 Titan Flyby 2005-218T12:32:09
MP_012TI_FLYBYNT001_NA 12 Titan Flyby 2005-218T12:33:29
CAPS_012SU_MAGBNDSW001_PRIME CAPS 12 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-218T23:07:00 000T09:15:00 2005-219T08:22:00
INMS_012SU_MAGBNDSW001_CAPS INMS 12 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-218T23:07:00 000T09:15:00 2005-219T08:22:00
MAG_012SU_MAGBNDSW001_MAPS MAG 12 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-218T23:07:00 000T09:15:00 2005-219T08:22:00
MIMI_012CO_MAGBOUND002_RIDER MIMI 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (local time near noon on highly inclined orbits) RIDER 2005-218T23:07:00 002T23:00:00 2005-221T22:07:00
RPWS_012CO_MAGBOUND003_CAPS RPWS 12 Support CAPS campaign to study the magnetospheric boundaries CAPS 2005-218T23:07:00 002T23:00:00 2005-221T22:07:00
CAPS_012OT_MAGBNDDNL004_PRIME CAPS 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-219T08:22:00 000T11:15:00 2005-219T19:37:00
INMS_012OT_MAGBNDDNL004_CAPS INMS 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-219T08:22:00 000T11:15:00 2005-219T19:37:00
MAG_012OT_MAGBNDDNL004_MAPS MAG 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-219T08:22:00 000T11:15:00 2005-219T19:37:00
RPWS_012CO_HIRATE007_CAPS RPWS 12 Collect RPWS high resolution data at high bit rates CAPS 2005-219T18:00:00 000T04:10:00 2005-219T22:10:00
MIMI_012CO_MAGBNDCOR002_PRIME MIMI 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-219T19:06:00 000T06:11:00 2005-220T01:17:00
CAPS_012CO_MAGBNDCOR003_PRIME CAPS 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-219T19:37:00 000T17:15:00 2005-220T12:52:00
INMS_012CO_MAGBNDCOR003_CAPS INMS 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-219T19:37:00 000T17:15:00 2005-220T12:52:00
MAG_012CO_MAGBNDCOR003_MAPS MAG 12 Corotation Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-219T19:37:00 000T17:15:00 2005-220T12:52:00
CAPS_012OT_MAGBNDDNL005_PRIME CAPS 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma PRIME 2005-220T12:52:00 000T09:15:00 2005-220T22:07:00
INMS_012OT_MAGBNDDNL005_CAPS INMS 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma CAPS 2005-220T12:52:00 000T09:15:00 2005-220T22:07:00
MAG_012OT_MAGBNDDNL005_MAPS MAG 12 Other Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (r>25Rs, local times between 0300 and 2100), Spacecraft Oriented to allow observationsof corotating plasma MAPS 2005-220T12:52:00 000T09:15:00 2005-220T22:07:00
CAPS_012SU_MAGBNDSW002_PRIME CAPS 12 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) PRIME 2005-220T22:07:00 000T14:45:00 2005-221T12:52:00
INMS_012SU_MAGBNDSW002_CAPS INMS 12 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) CAPS 2005-220T22:07:00 000T14:45:00 2005-221T12:52:00
MAG_012SU_MAGBNDSW002_MAPS MAG 12 Sun Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side) MAPS 2005-220T22:07:00 000T14:45:00 2005-221T12:52:00
MIMI_012SW_MAGBNDSWD002_PRIME MIMI 12 Magnetospheric Boundary Campaign (dawn side)