Mars Phoenix Lander - Derived Near-Surface Temperatures and Pressures

Mars Phoenix Mast on which the thermocouples were mounted, beneath the mast-top Telltale wind sensor

Above are shown DERIVED NEAR-SURFACE ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURES and CORRECTED SURFACE PRESSURE values obtained during ~1 sol of the mission. This session which began on Sol 91 of the mission was 90110 seconds in duration, starting at 11:25:27 LTST and continuing through to Sol 92, and obtaining measurements at 2 second intervals (0.5 Hz). Most Mars Phoenix Data collection sessions employed this same sequence, spanning slightly more than one sol. The MET Instrument Package included three thermocouples attached near the Top, the Middle, and the Bottom of the MET Mast (the Telltale wind speed and direction mechanical device was located atop this Mast). The MET Package also included a Pressure Sensor. All Phoenix-measured temperature and pressure values for mission sols 1-30 are available within the DATA folder at phmt_0001, the measurements for sols 31-90 are available at phmt_0002, and for sols 91-150 at phmt_0003.
For information about the Mars Phoenix Lander Point-by-Point Meteorology data set, click here
For information about the Mars Phoenix Lander mission, click here
For information about the Mars Phoenix Lander Meteorology Temperature instrument click here, for pressure click here