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Find a Node - Use these links to navigate to any of the 8 publicly accessible PDS Nodes.

This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

Measured Sol-Averaged Surface Pressure
Above is shown annual cycles of the measured sol-averaged SURFACE PRESSURE values during the 2245 sol duration of the Viking Lander mission.
The pressure values plotted above are available within the vl_avep.dat ASCII file located within the data folder which itself is within the Viking Lander data archive vl_1001. The contents of the vl_avep.dat file and a description of the structure of that file are available in the vl_avep.lbl file which is also located within the data folder within the data archive vl_1001. The VL2 sol-averaged pressure values are also located within the same data file indicated above.

For information about the Viking Lander Sol-averaged Pressure Sensor data set, click here
For information about the Viking Lander mission, click here
For information about the Viking Lander Pressure Sensor instrument, click here