ROSS-98   NRA 98-OSS-05 Confirmation #: 99-005
Date Received:  May 28, 1998

Proposal Summary

This investigation will conduct a refined analysis of Galileo radio-occultation open-loop data of Jupiter to retrieve electron density profiles. Emphasis will be on multi-layer structure found at altitudes (above the 1-bar level) below 1000 km, particularly those associated with forcing by gravity waves propagating upward from lower in the atmosphere. Peak electron layer densities will be related to the amplitude of the displacement of the neutral gas, and the vertical wavelength will be used to probe the vertical variation of the horizontal winds in the thermosphere. Enhanced steering techniques, permitting the use of larger time windows in the detection of the doppler-shifted carrier frequency, will also be used in an attempt to extend the Galileo occultation data and retrieve density, temperature, and pressure profiles of Jupiter's stratosphere.