
Planetary Atmospheres

Cover Page/Proposal Summary

ROSS-00    NRA 00-OSS-01

Date Due: 4/28/2000


This proposal shall be used and disclosed for evaluation purposes only, and a copy of this Government notice shall be applied to any reproduction or abstract thereof. Any authorized restrictive notices that the submitter places on this proposal shall also be strictly complied with. Disclosure of this proposal for any reason outside the Government evaluation purposes shall be made only to the extent authorized by the Government.

Proposal Type: New Proposal

Proposal Category: Laboratory

Major Equipment Proposal? Yes

Do you intend to submit an Education/Public Outreach (E/PO) proposal? No

Proposal Title:
Infrared Laboratory Spectroscopy of Planetary Molecules

Abbreviated Proposal Title:
IR Lab Spectroscopy of Planetary Molecules

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Linda R. Brown
Element 3232, Earth and Space Sciences MS 183-601
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
Phone: 818-354-2940   Fax: 818-354-5148   E-mail: linda@regina.jpl.nasa.gov


Co-Investigators and Collaborators:
Type    Name    Affiliation    E-mail
Sci Collab   Dr. Isabelle Kleiner   PPM Un. Paris Sud, Orsay, France   isabelle.kleiner@ppm.u-psud.fr
Sci Collab   Dr. Laurence Giver   NASA Ames   lgiver@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Sci Collab   Dr. Li-Hong XU   Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada   xuli@unb.ca
Sci Collab   Dr. Herb M. Pickett   JPL    hmp@spec.jpl.nasa.gov
Sci Collab   Dr. Jean Paul Champion   Bourgogne Un., Dijon, France    champion@jupiter.u-bourgogne.fr
Sci Co-I   Dr. Vassilii Nemtchinov   JPL    vnemtchi@mail1.jpl.nasa.gov

Proposal Summary:

This laboratory spectroscopy task supports interpretation of spectral data recorded by CASSINI spectroscopic instruments (CIRS and VIMS) and other instruments(NIMS, ISO, SOFIA, IRFT) which perform remote sensing of the planetary atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn and Titan. New studies and measurements to be performed will characterize the infrared signatures of CH3OH observed in comets and PH3, CH4 and C2H6 at the specific wavelengths being observed in the outer planets and Titan. For these objectives, laboratory absorption spectra at 0.0026 to 0.012 cm-1 resolution will be recorded with Fourier transform spectrometers located at Kitt Peak and JPL so that line-by-line intensities can be measured and analyzed. For Jupiter and Saturn, a complete and accurate PH3 catalog of molecular line parameters (positions, intensities, widths and lower state energies) will be compiled between 0 and 3600 cm-1; the latter will require new laboratory intensity measurements at 10 um and the application of a different approach for the quantum mechanical modeling of six PH3 bands near 2.9 um. Existing line width measurements of H2- and He-broadened phosphine will also be modeled to new empirical expressions obtained from ammonia widths. For Titan, high resolution line-by-line absorption intensities for CH4 transitions between 75 and 190 cm-1 and for C2H6 features between 750 and 1100 cm-1 will be made to correct existing errors (missing transitions and inaccurate intensities) in current electronic databases of molecular line parameters. Theoretical predictions will be merged with the new empirical results. Ongoing studies of CO2 near 2.2 um for Venus and CH3OH near 3.5 um for comets will also be completed. These new spectroscopic results will be combined with line width values and incorporated into an electronic database in HITRAN format and distributed to HITRAN, GEISA and planetary astronomers to be used as input in the radiative transfer calculations for planetary atmospheres.

Certification of Compliance with Applicable Executive Orders and U.S. Code

By submitting the proposal identified in this Cover Sheet/Proposal Summary in response to this NRA or AO, the Authorizing Official of the proposing institution (or the individual proposer if there is no proposing institution) as identified below:

  • certifies that the statements made in this proposal are true and complete to the best of his/her knowledge;
  • agrees to accept the obligations to comply with NASA award terms and conditions if an award is made as a result of this proposal; and
  • confirms compliance with all provisions, rules, and stipulations set forth in the three Certifications contained in this NRA [namely, (i) Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters Primary Cover Transactions, (ii) Certification Regarding Lobbying, and (iii) Certification of Compliance with the NASA Regulations Pursuant to Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs].
    Willful provision of false information in this proposal and/or its supporting documents, or in reports required under an ensuing award, is a criminal offense (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001).