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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

Planetary Atmospheres

Cover Page/Proposal Summary

ROSS-00    NRA 00-OSS-01

Date Due: 4/28/2000


This proposal shall be used and disclosed for evaluation purposes only, and a copy of this Government notice shall be applied to any reproduction or abstract thereof. Any authorized restrictive notices that the submitter places on this proposal shall also be strictly complied with. Disclosure of this proposal for any reason outside the Government evaluation purposes shall be made only to the extent authorized by the Government.

Proposal Type: New Proposal

Proposal Category: Dynamics

Major Equipment Proposal? No

Do you intend to submit an Education/Public Outreach (E/PO) proposal? No

Proposal Title:
Dynamical Studies of Planetary and Satellite Atmospheres

Abbreviated Proposal Title:
Dynamical Studies of Planetary Atmospheres

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Gerald Schubert
Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences 156704
Univ. California, Los Angeles
2810 Geology Building
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567
Phone: 310-825-4577   Fax: 310-825-2779   E-mail: schubert@ucla.edu


Co-Investigators and Collaborators:
Type    Name    Affiliation    E-mail
Sci Collab   Dr. Keke Zhang   University of Exeter   KZhang@maths.ex.ac.uk
Sci Collab   Dr. Richard Walterscheid   Aerospace Corporation   Richard.Walterscheid@aero.org
Sci Collab   Dr. Michael Hickey   Clemson University   hickey@hubcap.clemson.edu

Proposal Summary:

1. Goals: Use theoretical models constrained by observations to understand the structure and dynamics of planetary and satellite atmospheres. 2. Progress and Accomplishments: Developed a numerical model of vigorous cloud level convection in Venus' atmosphere. Explored convective penetration into adjacent stable regions, the morphology of concentrated downflows and the generation of gravity waves. Applied the model to Jupiter to show that downflow in hotspots could be forced by strong convective entrainment above the clouds. Modelled generation and propagation of internal gravity waves in Jupiter's atmosphere from Comet SL-9 impacts. Showed that outwardly propagating dark rings could be stratospheric gravity waves made visible by densification of impact debris in wave convergence phases. Simulated propagation and dissipation of gravity waves in Jupiter's upper atmosphere; found that "Galileo" waves cool the upper thermosphere. Studied dynamical processes in giant extra-solar planets. 3. Anticipated Accomplishments: Develop a domain decomposition code to model thermal convection and dynamo magnetic field generation in rapidly rotating planetary interiors and atmospheres. The new code will approach more closely than existing codes the extreme conditions found in realistic planetary atmospheres and interiors. We will compute at Rayleigh numbers (Ekman numbers) two orders of magnitude larger (smaller) than heretofore possible. We may attain a Jovian-like regime in which equatorial prograde zonal winds are large. Numerically simulate the Jovian dynamo and study its characteristics. Model wave propagation in the atmospheres of Jupiter and other giant planets with a full wave code to understand heating of the thermospheres of these planets by dissipation of upward propagating gravity and acoustic waves. 4. Relevant publications: 16 papers published or in press and 12 talks at professional meetings.

Certification of Compliance with Applicable Executive Orders and U.S. Code

By submitting the proposal identified in this Cover Sheet/Proposal Summary in response to this NRA or AO, the Authorizing Official of the proposing institution (or the individual proposer if there is no proposing institution) as identified below:

  • certifies that the statements made in this proposal are true and complete to the best of his/her knowledge;
  • agrees to accept the obligations to comply with NASA award terms and conditions if an award is made as a result of this proposal; and
  • confirms compliance with all provisions, rules, and stipulations set forth in the three Certifications contained in this NRA [namely, (i) Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters Primary Cover Transactions, (ii) Certification Regarding Lobbying, and (iii) Certification of Compliance with the NASA Regulations Pursuant to Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs].
    Willful provision of false information in this proposal and/or its supporting documents, or in reports required under an ensuing award, is a criminal offense (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001).