The Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition (STATIC) instrument utilizes a toroidal electrostatic analyzer with time of flight section mass range 1-70 AMU, ΔM/M > 4 and an energy range ~1 eV to 30 keΔ, ΔE/E~15% with a field of view 360° X 90°.

    Measurement Objectives

    STATIC measures the velocity distributions and mass composition of suprathermal and thermal ions. It obtains density profiles of H+, He++, He+, O+, O2+ and CO2+. Measurements include the composition of thermal to energetic ions, energy distributions and pitch angle variations, including Ionospheric Ions (0.1 - 10 eV), Tail superthermal ions (5-100eV), Pick-up Ions (100-20,000 eV) and Key ions (H+, O+, O2+ and CO2+).

    Useful Mission Documents
    Mission Description
    Spacecraft Description
    Software Interface Specification (SIS) - Description of the instrument and data structures
    Calibration Document - Description of calibration methods

    Archive Bundle Contents
    Documentation - Directory containing the document collection, which includes references to refereed journals using this instrument, and information about calibration and explanation of data structures.

    Raw Data - Directory containing the raw data files

    Calibrated Data - Directory containing the calibrated data files

    Derived Data - Directory containing advanced products

    Selecting and Requesting Data - The following index can be downloaded and edited to contain data that conform to your needs. This allows you to understand the scope of the data set and to tailor your request for specific products.

    As-flown Index - List of actual observations in order of acquisition

    Requesting Data You will need to upload your edited file

    Citing Data Sets for Publications (to be developed)

    Other Useful Products for Interpreting the Data

    References - Publications by team members

    Other Potential Relevant Data - Data that may be relevant from missions other than MAVEN

    SPICE - Archived MAVEN SPICE ancillary data providing observational geometry (positions, orientations, instrument pointing, time conversions, etc.) are available from the PDS NAIF Node.