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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

                                  In PDS3

    Searching For Publications Based on Pioneer Venus Data

    The following Lists the instrumentation applicable to specific areas of study and the corresponding PI’s. Using Astrophysics Data System you can locate and retrieve additional publications. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/classic-form

    Pioneer Venus Probes
    Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
    Large Probe Mass Spectrometer (LNMS)J. Hoffman
    Large Probe Gas Chromatograph (LGC)V. Oyama
    Bus Neutral Mass Spectrometer (BNMS)U. Von Zahn
    Large/Small Probe Atmosphere Structure (LASISAS)A. Seiff
    Atmospheric Propagation Experiments (OGPE)T. Croft
    LargelSmall Probe Nephelometer (LNISN)B. Ragent
    Large Probe Cloud Particle Size Spectrometer (LCPS)R. Knollenberg
    Thermal Balance
    Large Probe Solar Flux Radiometer (LSFR)M. Tomasko
    Large Probe Infrared Radiometer (LIR)R. Boese
    Small Probe Net Flux Radiometer (SNFR)V. Suomi
    Differential Long Baseline Interferometry (DLBI)C. Counselman
    Doppler Tracking of Probes (MWIN)A. Kliore
    Atmospheric Turbulence Experiments (MTURIOTUR)R. Woo
    Solar Wind and Ionosphere
    Bus Ion Mass Spectrometer (BIMS)H. Taylor
    Pioneer Venus Orbiter
    Spacecraft Position
    Retarding Potential Analyzer
    Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
    Orbiter Neutral Mass Spectrometer (ONMS) H. Niemann
    Orbiter Ultraviolet Spectrometer (OUVS)I. Stewart
    Orbiter Atmospheric Drag Experiment (OAD)G. Keating
    Orbiter Dual-Frequency Occultation Experiments (ORO),A. Kliore
    Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter (OCPP)J. Hansen (later L. Travis)   
    Thermal Balance
    Orbiter Infrared Radiometer (OIR)F. Taylor
    Solar Wind and Ionosphere
    Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer (OIMS)H. Taylor
    Orbiter Electron Temperature Probe (OETP)L. Brace
    Orbiter Retarding Potential Analyzer (ORPA)W. Knudsen
    Orbiter Magnetometer (OMAG)C. Russell
    Orbiter Plasma Analyzer (OPA)J. Wolfe (later A. Barnes)
    Orbiter Electric Field Detector (OEFD)F. Scarf
    Surface and Interior
    Orbiter Radar Mapper (ORAD)G. Pettengill
    Orbiter Internal Density Distribution Experiments (OIDD)R. Phillips
    Orbiter Celestial Mechanics Experiments (OCM)I. Shapiro