Currently available data extend through 2020-02-15 (Ls 151 MY 35) [ongoing]
(MAVEN Mars orbit insertion occurred Sep 21, 2014; Ls 199.8, MY 32)
(MAVEN Mars orbit insertion occurred Sep 21, 2014; Ls 199.8, MY 32)
Density derived from acceleration data and winds derived from NAV and ACS data
Measurement Objectives
Vertical profiles of atmospheric density and temperature: possible wind velocities
Useful Mission Documents
Mission Description and Spacecraft Description
Mission Timeline (csv) This table is constructed from parameters derived from the MAVEN SPK file and The MAVEN events file. It contains information concerning mission activity that might affect the quality of the data as well as geometry at periapse and apoapse.
Software Interface Specification (SIS) - Description of the instrument and data structures.
Mission Timeline (csv) This table is constructed from parameters derived from the MAVEN SPK file and The MAVEN events file. It contains information concerning mission activity that might affect the quality of the data as well as geometry at periapse and apoapse.
Software Interface Specification (SIS) - Description of the instrument and data structures.
Archive Bundle Contents
Documentation - Directory containing the document collection, which includes references to refereed journals using this instrument, and information about calibration and explanation of data structures.
Derived Data - Directory containing advanced products
Derived Data - Directory containing advanced products
Retrieving Data
The MAVEN/NGIMS data are in ACSII format with detached XML labels.
Selected data can be retrieved in 2 ways
1) Downloading an index, selecting components and uploading your selection.
Indices that tabulate information associated with each product are available. The associated geometry is given at the time of the midpoint of the observation. (Note – geometry at periapse is available from the NAIF SPK file.)
2) Selecting specific parameters and requesting limited data files
Indices that tabulate information associated with each product are available. The associated geometry is given at the time of the midpoint of the observation. (Note – geometry at periapse is available from the NAIF SPK file.)
a. Select your index
b. Sort and make your selection
c. Upload the URN values from your revised index (note the total uncompressed file size before requesting)
c. Upload the URN values from your revised index (note the total uncompressed file size before requesting)
2) Selecting specific parameters and requesting limited data files
Downloading annual collections of data
2014-2020 Derived Data (51.5 MB)
Citing Data Sets for Publications
Tolson, Robert; Lugo, Rafael, MAVEN Accelerometer Data, urn:nasa:pds:maven_accel, (2016).
Other Useful Products for Interpreting the Data
2014-2020 Derived Data (51.5 MB)
Citing Data Sets for Publications
Tolson, Robert; Lugo, Rafael, MAVEN Accelerometer Data, urn:nasa:pds:maven_accel, (2016).
Other Useful Products for Interpreting the Data
References - A listing of team members to facilitate literature searches
SPICE - Archived MAVEN SPICE ancillary data providing observational geometry (positions, orientations, instrument pointing, time conversions, etc.) are available from the PDS NAIF Node.
SPICE - Archived MAVEN SPICE ancillary data providing observational geometry (positions, orientations, instrument pointing, time conversions, etc.) are available from the PDS NAIF Node.