Requesting Specific Calibrated or Processed Occultation Data
Data Type
The data products are FITS files with PDS4 labels. The IUVS Occultation data consists of 4 components: Raw, Calibrated, Processed and Derived data and was acquired during limited number of campaigns. See the SIS for descriptions.
Indices, that can be used for planning data selection, tabulate information associated with orbit for which IUVS Limb data is available.
Calibrated Data (csv)
Processed Data (csv)
Calibrated data and Processed data can be retrieved by selecting among the following data types for specified time intervals
The data products are FITS files with PDS4 labels. The IUVS Occultation data consists of 4 components: Raw, Calibrated, Processed and Derived data and was acquired during limited number of campaigns. See the SIS for descriptions.
Indices, that can be used for planning data selection, tabulate information associated with orbit for which IUVS Limb data is available.
Calibrated Data (csv)
Processed Data (csv)
Calibrated data and Processed data can be retrieved by selecting among the following data types for specified time intervals