PDS4 Tools

    PDS4 Tools are being designed to provide a way to easily access and understand the labels and data formats that are supported under the XML-based PDS4

    Currently we are designing a comprehensive tool set to best meet the needs of our users.

    PDS4-Wide Search will allow a product-level search through the Central Registry system that can be narrowed through various parameter choices.

    PDS4 Label to Text will provide a human-readable text (.txt) version of the contents of the PDS4 XML label file (.xml).

    PDS4 Label to PDS3 Label will provide a surrogate label in the PDS3 ODL style that will be useful for users that have software designed around the usage of the PDS3 labels.

    PDS3 Label to PDS4 Label will provide a translation tool to make a PDS4 Label surrogate from an older PDS3 ODL Label.

    Data Format Translations will provide on-the-fly translations of ASCII Table files to common formats including text, HTML, Excel, etc. that will be useful for usage with most web browsers and common software packages. Translations for other products are being considered.