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PDS Information
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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

                                                   PDS3 CERTIFIED

Instrument Description
PEPSSI is a hockey-puck-size (7.6cm diameter by 2.5 cm thick), time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer that measures ions and electrons over a broad range of energies and pitch angles. Particle composition and energy spectra are measured for H to Fe from ~15 keV/nucleon to 1 MeV/nucleon and for electrons from 15 keV to 700 keV. The PEPSSI instrument traces its heritage back to the MESSENGER Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) instrument. The instrument weighs 1.5 kg and uses a maximum of 1.4 W of power.

Scientific Objectives
Determine the escape rate of Pluto's atmosphere.

Measure the interaction of the solar wind with Pluto's ionosphere.

Determine the source and nature of energetic particles found near Pluto.

Note: Acquisition of Jupiter data was an add-on.

The PEPSSI data are housed at the PDS/PPI node

Useful Mission Documents

Also See Space Sci Rev (2008) 140: 315–38, DOI 10.1007/s11214-008-9436-y, Ralph McNutt, The Pluto Energetic Particle Spectrometer Science Investigation (PEPSSI) on the New Horizons Mission.

Jupiter Flyby

Trajectory Information for the Jupiter Flyby (Label and Table)

Jupiter Archive Collection - The data span the period 2007-01-01 to 2007-06-27
Raw Data
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "McNutt, R. Jr., NEW HORIZONS PEPSSI JUPITER ENCOUNTER V1.1, NH-J-PEPSSI-2-JUPITER-V1.1, NASA Planetary Data System, 2007.”

Calibrated Data
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "McNutt, R. Jr., NEW HORIZONS PEPSSI JUPITER ENCOUNTER V1.1, NH-J-PEPSSI-3-JUPITER-V1.1, NASA Planetary Data System, 2007.”

Pluto Encounter

Raw Data
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "McNutt, R. Jr., NEW HORIZONS Raw PEPSSI PLUTO ENCOUNTER V3.0, NH-P-PEPSSI-2-PLUTO-V3.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2018."

Calibrated Data
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "McNutt, R. Jr., NEW HORIZONS Raw PEPSSI PLUTO ENCOUNTER V3.0, NH-P-PEPSSI-2-PLUTO-V3.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2018."

PEPSSI Resampled Plasma Fluxes
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "McNutt, R. Jr., NEW HORIZONS PEPSSI PLUTO ENCOUNTER PLASMA FLUXES V1.0, NH-P-PEPSSI-4-PLASMA-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2018."

Flyby of Arrokoth (Asteroid 486958)

Raw Data
Calibrated Data


Publications - A listing of team members to facilitate literature searches.