PDS logoPlanetary Data System
PDS Information
Find a Node - Use these links to navigate to any of the 8 publicly accessible PDS Nodes.

This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

                         PDS3 - CERTIFIED

    Voyager pic
    Voyager pic
    Instrument Characteristics
    ISS consisted of a narrow angle slow scan video camera (1500 mm narrow-angle f/8.5 lens) with its field-of-view nested in the view of a lower resolution (200 mm wide-angle with a f/3 lens) wide-angle camera. Each camera had an 8 aperture filter wheel mounted in front of the camera that was stepped by sequences built into the command file sent up to the onboard computer. Limitations of computer memory and the fact that the videos were red-blind produced a data set with considerable dynamical content but limited vertical information (no strong CH4 filter images).

    ISS Science Objectives

    • Observe and characterize the circulation of the planetary atmosphere, provide limits on atmospheric composition, and determine the wind velocities in the regions observed.
    • Map the radial and azimuthal distribution of material in the ring plane; search for new rings.
    • Obtain global multi-spectral coverage of all satellites; establish rotation rates and spin axis orientations, study the surface morphology of Triton at spatial resolutions less than 2 km; search for undiscovered satellites.
    • Provide support images to assist other onboard investigations in their data reduction

    References Helpful in Scoping the Mission
    Mission Description
    Spacecraft Description

    The ISS Data
    Instrument Description
    Narrow Angle Camera
    Wide Angle Camera
    Also see Space Science Reviews 21 (1977-issue 2) 103-127.

    The data and supporting documentation are located in the imaging node

    Jupiter Data
    Raw data (ERDs) are available at the Cartography and Imaging Node
    Processed data are available at the Ring-Moon System Node

    Saturn Data
    Raw data (ERDs) and calibrated data (CDRs) are available at the Cartography and Imaging Node
    Processed data are available at the Ring-Moon System Node

    Titan Data
    Raw data (ERDs) are available at the Cartography and Imaging Node
    Processed data are available at the Ring-Moon System Node
    Voyager 1, the close encounter, is located in volumes VG_0026 to VG _0030 and spans 1980-08-27 to 1980-11-15
    Voyager 2 is located in volumes VG_0033 to VG_0037 and spans 1981-06-24 to 1981-08-25

    Uranus Data
    Raw data (ERDs) are available at the Cartography and Imaging Node
    Processed data are available at the Ring-Moon System Node

    Neptune Data
    Raw data (ERDs) are available at the Cartography and Imaging Node
    Processed data are available at the Ring-Moon System Node

    Publications - A listing of team members to facilitate literature searches.