Above are shown point-by-point Atmospheric Opacity measurements obtained from Phoenix Lander's Surface Stereoscopic Imager (SSI) images of the Sun at wavelengths of 451 nm, 671 nm, 887 nm, and 991 nm.

    The Opacity values plotted above are available within the PHX_TAU451_151_20090414A.TAB, PHX_TAU671_151_20090414A.TAB, PHX_TAU887_151_20090414A.TAB, and PHX_TAU991_151_20090414A.TAB ASCII files located within the Reduced Data collection. The contents of the PHX_TAU...TAB files and a description of their structures are available in the PHX_TAU...XML file, which is also located within the Reduced Data collection.

    Atmospheric Opacity (AO)
    Throughout the course of Phoenix surface operations, the Surface Stereoscopic Imager (SSI) took sunward facing images to be used in calculation of the daily atmospheric dust opacity. Those calculations were used in generating atmospheric opacity tables over the course of the mission.

    PDS4 Beta Testers
    Beta Test Representative Sample Labels
    PDS4/XML        PDS3/ODL        PDS4/TXT

    Useful Mission Documents (Also found in Document Collection)
    Software Interface Specification (SIS) - Description of the instrument and data structures

    Archive Bundle Contents
    AO Bundle Root - The root directory for the entire AO instrument bundle.
    Document - Directory containing the documentation collection, including references to refereed journals using this instrument.
    Derived Data - Directory containing the RDR data files for sols 1-150.
    Complete Bundle - Zip file containing the entire AO Bundle.

    Other Useful Products for Interpreting the Data
    References - Publications by team members (also found in Document Collection)
    Other Potential Relevant Data - Data that may be relevant from missions other than PHX
    SPICE - Archived PHX SPICE ancillary data providing observation geometry (positions, orientations, instrument pointing, time conversions, etc.) are available from the PDS NAIF Node.