ASE Document Collection
All documents found in the original ASE archive. Links include the PDS4 XML Label (xml), Portable Document File (pdf), or Plain Text (txt), Post Script (ps) or LaTeX (tex). Text files also include separated image files for figures and/or tables (jpg/tab), which are described in the xml label for the text document.

Root Document Directory

Collection Inventory (xml:, tab)

ARCHSIS ( xml: pdf, txt) - ASE EDR/RDR Archive System Interface Specification Document (SIS)

EDRSIS ( xml: pdf, txt) - EDR data product Software Interface Specification (SIS) Document

DATASET_EDR (xml: txt) Data Set Overview for ASE EDR Products

DATASET_RDR (xml: txt) - Data Set Overview for ASE RDR Products

REPORT (xml: pdf, txt, ps, tex) - LIDAR Characterization and Calibration Report
REPORTFIG01 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG02 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG03 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG04 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG05 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG06 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG07 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG08 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG09 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG10 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG11 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG12 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG13 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG14 (eps, jpg)
REPORTFIG15 (eps, jpg)