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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

Planetary Missions Summary


Mariner 4 : 22 low resolution pictures
Mariner 6 : flyby
Mariner 7 : flyby
Mariner 9 : orbiter (resol. = .1-1 km)
Vikings : 55,000 images, resol. 150-300 meters
Viking 1 orbiter (4 yrs)
Viking 1 lander 22.27N 47.97W
       July 20, 1976 4:13 pm LMT
              T=250 K
Viking 2 orbiter
Viking 2 lander 47.57N 225.74W
       Sept. 3, 1976 9:49 am LMT
       T=150 K diurnal variation 35-50K
Martian Year :
N. polar cap H2O ice
S. polar cap CO2 ice
Olympus Mons 600 km diameter volcano, 26 km tall
       4 km high scarp (cliff) rings its base

``face'' on Mars is located in the Cydonia Mensae region at roughly 40.9 degrees North latitude and 9.45 degrees West longitude.

Outer Planet Missions Summary

JupiterPioneer 1012/ 3/732442019.51.4
Pioneer 1112/ 2/742442383.533.9
Voyager I3/ 5/792443937.5170.4
Voyager II7/ 9/792444063.5180.4
SaturnPioneer 119/ 1/792444117.5354.1
Voyager I11/12/802444555.58.9
Voyager II8/25/812444841.518.4
UranusVoyager II1/24/862446454.5271.3
NeptuneVoyager II8/25/892447753.5243.3