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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

Saturation Vapor Pressure

Given T in Kelvin these equations will give es in milliBar.

from Fleagle and Businger, Vol.5, pg. 62 (QC880.F59)

The first law can be written as

L = T · (S2-S1) = U2 - U1 + Ps · (alpha2 - alpha1)

where alpha1 ident 1/rho1 and index 1 refers to the liquid phase and index 2 refers to the gas phase.

For an isothermal change of phase, the Clausius-Clapeyron equation has the form

d Ps/d T = L/[T · (alpha2-alpha1)]

Water vapor behaves like an ideal gas and alpha2 gg alpha1 for a change in state.

L approx 2.5 · 103 Joules/gm

L approx 2.824 · 103 Joules/gm over ice

Rw = R*/<mw>w = 8.3143/18.016 = 0.4615 Joules/gm/K

Ps = rho2 · Rw T

d Ps/d T = L/[T · (alpha2-alpha1)] appeq (L · rho2)/T = (L · Ps) /(Rw · T2)

d log(es) = d Ps/Ps = (L/Rw) · (dT/T2)

loge(es) = integ (L/Rw) · (dT/T2) = -(L/Rw)|T->T0 + C = -L/(Rw · T0) + L/(Rw· T) + C

at triple point all 3 phases can exist in equilibrium, 0.0098° C and Ps = 6.11 mB

es(T=T0) = 6.11

L/Rw = 5417.12

L/(Rw T0) = 19.8313

6.11 · exp[ L/(Rw T0) ] = 2.504 · 109

es(T) = 6.11 · exp[ 5417( 1/T0 - 1/T) ] = 2.504 · 109 · exp[ 5417/T ]

Undocumented fit is used in the program watsat.F (over liquid)

es = 2.229 · 109 · exp[ -5385/T ]

Note this is the same equation as above, except that it assumes L = 2485.2 Joules/gm and T0 = 273.15 ° K

Another undocumented fit is given (but not used) in the program watsat.F

es = 0.001 · exp[ a/T + b + c log(T) + d · T + e · T2 ]

coefover iceover water
d-3.861449 · 10-2-1.3844344 · 10-1
e2.77494 · 10-57.4465367 · 10-5

From Rogers and Yau, pg. 16

es = 6.112 · exp[ a · (T-273.16)/(T-b) ]

coefRogers & Yau
over water

Murray, F.W. 1966. ``On the computation of Saturation Vapor Pressure'' J. Appl. Meteor. 6 p.204

es = 6.1078 · exp[ a · (T-273.16)/ (T-b) ]

over ice
over water

Saucier, W.J. 1883. ``Principles of Meteorological Analysis'' Dover pg. 9 who uses values of Tetens (1930). Note, he used 10[(a'T)/(T-b')] with T in Centigrade so to convert into the form above a = log 10 · a' and b = 273.16-b'.

coefover iceover water